For The Nayan Horde!

Commander / EDH thewyzman


Great deck! I love Mayael, and there will always be a soft spot in my heart for big stompy Naya decks. +1

My two cents for those "Top Five Cards To Get Now Before I Play Another Game":

Sylvan Library , Seedborn Muse , Crystal Ball , Courser of Kruphix , and Krosan Verge . I'd encourage you to read the description for my Mayael deck, which outlines what I think are the most important cards to run and why.

Gods, Angels, & Eldritch Horrors: Mayael's Legion Playtest

Commander / EDH MaelstromHobo


Some notes in general:

If you've got the funds to do so, I'd diversify your mana base. You've got a good start, but adding in check lands like Rootbound Crag , shock lands like Temple Garden , and pain lands like Battlefield Forge will really help with the consistency of your mana base.

I'd also consider looking into some different fatties. It's fun to see that Hamletback Goliath accrue 100 +1/+1 counters, but at the end of the day all he is is just a big body. If you can have a removal or utility effect stapled onto that big body though, now we're talking! For that reason, I would personally run something like Inferno Titan or Scourge of Kher Ridges over the Goliath every single time. You've got to go with what's fun for you though, and who am I to say what that is :)

June 26, 2014 5:44 p.m.

thewyzman says... #2

MaelstromHobo, thanks for the compliments :) I'm not 100% sure on the Sylvan Library since I'm probably going to activate Mayael's ability and find out what those cards are anyhow. Now if I could scry them... that would be a diff story! Seedborn Muse is on the shortlist of acquireboard items, it's a Prophet of Kruphix without the Flash effects. Crystal Ball would be SUPER useful in helping reduce those depressing Mayael wiffs, which is why I added in Illusionist's Bracers to use her twice! Courser of Kruphix is amazing and would be a miracle for this deck, but I've only got four and I'm currently using them in my block decks, and not getting another unless the price comes back to earth.

My land base needs a lot of work, the most, for sure... but it's also the easiest place to dump LOADS of cash, which I'm lacking atm, especially while trying to build my Feed The Hand That Bites deck.

Hamletback Goliath is a big body, but without trample he can be rather stagnant... which is why I'm considering tossing Messenger's Speed back in if I can't get a Rancor soon. I've got Chariot of Victory , Mage Slayer , and Behemoth Sledge for just such creatures. Inferno Titan is another guy I'd love to run into some time.

June 26, 2014 7:30 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #3

Recycle is also amazing. It is one of my favorite draw engines. Would not hurt to have both.

June 26, 2014 11:59 p.m.

Tooth and Nail into Realm Razer and Tyrant of Discord to make everyone sad.

September 6, 2014 2:11 p.m.

Also Terra Stomper bro.

September 6, 2014 2:32 p.m.

thewyzman says... #6

canterlotguardian: Yeah, Tooth and Nail is on my acquire-list, but it's tough to find beyond ordering online.

I've seen Realm Razer on other lists, but I'm not sure about it since it takes all my lands and prevents me from using Mayael the Anima 's ability. It will be easier when I acquire my staple cheat cards like Quicksilver Amulet and Elvish Piper .

I love Terra Stomper , but I don't yet have one, and haven't had the opportunity to update with any M15 stuff.

Thanks for stopping in and commenting :)

September 7, 2014 7:51 a.m.

TheMonoBrow says... #7

I found dropping fatties that draw hat or provide lots of utility has worked for me. Fatty Love Train check this out and see if any of the cards could work in your deck. One of my favourite card interactions is Cream of the Crop with Lurking Predators. Scroll Rack is super useful for making sure you hit a fatty in hand from mayael. And an early Sylvan Library lets you filter out the fatties and keep them in your deck.

March 7, 2015 4:17 a.m.

thewyzman says... #8

Into the Wilds and Courser of Kruphix help me shave lands off the top so creatures have more space. Cream of the Crop does look pretty sweet, and Lurking Predators has been on my wishlist for almost as long as I've had this deck. Unfortunately, my LGS doesn't carry them (and I can't order online).

March 7, 2015 3:08 p.m.

thewyzman says... #9

TheDevicer, Excellent comment in doing exactly what I asked back on the forum :

I take it you don't like Rust Scarab? It's a 4/5 body with Naturalize if it's blocked.

  • (Safewright Quest) You don't like the idea of searching out a shock land on your first turn to fix your mana base on T2?

  • All of the A/E removal you mentioned hits my stuff also except for Vandalblast and Nature's Claim (and my Consign to Dust).

  • Nacatl Hunt-Pride has some use in manipulating blocking assignments (even when watching/making opponents kill eachother, lol)

  • Red, green, and white aren't typically card-draw colors as I'm familiar, not especially compared to blue and black? I've got Soul of the Harvest in there, which is when Garruk's Packleader came out originally.

  • Rakeclaw Gargantuan is like a field marshall, saving fat creatures in combat scenarios; you don't like him?

I'm just trying to understand what's good and bad through conversation, don't take my questions the wrong way.

May 1, 2015 3:29 p.m.

thewyzman says... #10

devastated-heart, I know you posted here today and somehow I think it got deleted when the computer I'm on (public) started wacking out on me. I know I pulled Destructive Revelry, Naturalize, Shamanic Revelation, and Garruk's Packleader out of my library and put it into my little sideboard for this deck, and now I'm trying to place Naturalize and the Packleader in, on top of a few other cards I listed here.

May 1, 2015 3:45 p.m.

Arvail says... #11

Rust Scarab? fuck no. Efficiency is everything in commander. Why would I pay 5 mana for an inefficient body with a potential upside when I can just stick a Naturalize in my deck?

Safewright Quest doesn't actually ramp. Nature's Lore allows you to pull that land directly on the field. Difference here is 4 mana on turn 3 vs just 3.

The AoE removal is fine. If you kill 8 things on the board and 2 of them were yours, you're coming out ahead. Not only that, you actually get to plan around the wrath effects. If you put them in, just remove Oblivion Ring and you're set. You have such a low artifact/enchantment count anyways. That's why I'm suggesting them to you.

You want draw in Naya colors? Drumhunter, Regal Force, Garruk, Primal Hunter, Harmonize, Greater Good, Soul's Majesty, Harmonize, Sylvan Library, Momentous Fall, Life's Legacy, Seer's Sundial, Mind's Eye, Staff of Nin, Tower of Fortunes off the top of my head.

As for Rakeclaw Gargantuan, big things are big. They rarely need to be made better to attack in CMDR. Even then, he's outclassed hard by Odric, Master Tactician. You chose how combat plays out...

May 1, 2015 4:07 p.m.

thewyzman says... #12

True, a 4/5 for 4 (Reaper of the Wilds) would be better, but this guy can Naturalize repeatedly. Naturalize by itself, is just a 1-for-1.

Good point on Nature's Lore, thanks for clarifying. Sadly my LGS doesn't have NL, so I'll keep the Quest out anyways, unless you think Voyaging Satyr is almost as good (despite the fact that he's a small creature)?

Also good on AoE removal bits. I have 8 A/E myself, all of which I consider good in their own rights, but Back to Nature only gets chants while Creeping Corrosion only gets arts, whereas Consign to Dust has the versatility of both (at a much higher cost). Another wildcard to consider is that one of the head CMDR players in my group plays "Group Hug" type decks and I don't want to kill his A/E's, lol.

Wow, I guess there is more draw than I assumed. Drumhunter is the only card I own in that list (aside from Staff of Nin which I'm using in my Thraximundar deck (Sacs to the Thrax).

Again, I don't have an Odric, nor is he attainable through Mayael's ability. That said, big things with first strike can be Ermagherd! plowing through deathtouch and running through weenie blocks. I'm not a big fan of the 5/3 body for 5, but the ability has its place. Agreed/Disagreed?

May 1, 2015 4:27 p.m.

brokendwarf says... #13

Instead of Rakeclaw Gargantuan or Odric, Master Tactician, try Siege Behemoth. You can just bypass all the chump blockers.

May 1, 2015 4:52 p.m.

thewyzman says... #14


Siege Behemoth sounds interesting. Unfortunately my LGS doesn't have it (although I'll have to check the commander sets there since I also need a Terastodon and perhaps a few other things).


I don't really have any bounce effects, but a couple of my ETB guys like Dragonlord Atarka, Armada Wurm, and Tyrant of Discord could benefit immensely from something like a Cloudshift. What else is there for bounce in the colors?

Right now Craterhoof is over $10 (~$13+) and not at my LGS, so unfortunately he won't be a real consideration for quite some time, as go the fetchlands (except maybe Windswept Heath if I can afford to pull it out of my Abzanimator - I'll be back! deck.

Harmonize seems good, but my LGS, again, doesn't have it. I was able to get a Life's Legacy and Momentous Fall, though I'm not sure which is better (LL is cheaper, but can easily be ruined by a kill spell in response), whereas MF is higher cost, but more effective as a response.

Maybe I should post my LGS in the description, lol. My LGS

May 2, 2015 8:42 a.m.

thewyzman says... #15

Please don't tell me my last message went through blank... it was a huge writeup.

May 2, 2015 9:50 p.m.

thewyzman says... #16

TheDevicer, brokendwarf, AngryBearTony

I raided an old white deck and dug up Angel of Serenity, Heliod, God of the Sun, Avacyn, Guardian Angel, Requiem Angel... True Conviction, Banishing Stroke, Faith's Shield and a Cloudshift. What do you think about any of these in the deck?

May 3, 2015 10:28 a.m.

thewyzman says... #17

devastated-heart, TheDevicer, brokendwarf, and AngryBearTony, I'm hoping the quirky issue of my-long-response-posts-vanishing-and-appearing-blank-after-I-hit-submit has subsided, and thus invite you all back for any other comments/suggestions. I made a few tweaks based on your suggestions and cards I actually have. I'm planning on also getting a Terastodon, and maybe a Spitebellows (mostly for collection purposes). As I look through the list now, I still wonder what things I could possibly take out if I find more cards I want in.

Any words to help me think through the strengths and weaknesses of what's in the list now?

May 5, 2015 7:47 a.m.

Arvail says... #18

Well, it says you tagged me, but I see nothing.

May 5, 2015 7:59 a.m.

thewyzman says... #19

I know, right? And I had write-ups posted, believe me, I didn't just feel like writing blank comments! I posted my discontent in the forum here. I encourage you to write something, but please back it up in Notepad/Word before hitting Submit in case the bug applies to the decklist as a whole.

May 5, 2015 8:30 a.m.

thewyzman says... #20

I'm hoping the quirky issue of my-long-response-posts-vanishing-and-appearing-blank-after-I-hit-submit has subsided, and thus invite you all back for any other comments/suggestions. I made a few tweaks based on your suggestions and cards I actually have; I'm planning on also getting a Terastodon. As I look through the list now, I still wonder what things I could possibly take out if I find more cards I want in. Any words to help me think through the strengths and weaknesses of what's in the list now?

May 5, 2015 10:42 a.m.

brokendwarf says... #21

Creatures you should definitely consider (based on what I play, these are really good):

May 5, 2015 1:32 p.m.

AngryBearTony says... #22

I really think you should run Harmonize and possibly Staff of Nin. Both are dirt cheap and great additions for draw. I agree about Dragonlord Dromoka. Also, instead of Lay of the Land, maybe Explosive Vegetation or Kodama's Reach for land ramp. To that end, maybe either of or both Courser of Kruphix and Oracle of Mul Daya? That's all I have for now.

May 5, 2015 2:01 p.m.

thewyzman says... #23

@AngryBearTony, @brokendwarf, I don't have Harmonize, Dragonlord Dromoka, Admonition Angel, Avacyn, Angel of Hope,Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, Nylea, God of the Hunt, Oracle of Mul Daya, or Woodfall Primus; nor does my LGS, so unless I run into someone who has these for trade, I can't run them :( Not to mention budget concerns when it comes to spending more than $5 on a card. -=- ...Does using up a turn just to cast Staff of Nin make it worthwhile? Also, how much draw do I want in a Mayael deck? I'm playing creatures from my deck, do I want to be filling my hand with expensive creatures? -=- ...Lay of the Land is there for early mana fixing, do you prefer the more costly mana-ramp spells like Explosive Vegetation and Kodama's Reach? I'm never sure how many ramp spells to use. ...I'm trying to see if I can spare a Courser of Kruphix from my Standard deck.

May 5, 2015 2:19 p.m.

thewyzman says... #24

This deck hates me commenting.


May 5, 2015 2:20 p.m.

AngryBearTony says... #25

Suggestion, perhaps. Maybe try logging out completely and then logging back in? Or limiting the length of your comment? Those could be possible solutions.

May 5, 2015 2:21 p.m.

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