For The Nayan Horde!

Commander / EDH thewyzman


thewyzman says... #1

E-Wit gets you anything back from the yard, and it's tutorable with Woodland Bellower, along with rec sage. I may have to also reconsider a Rogue's passage too now that you mention it, especially with big daddy blightsteel

April 29, 2016 7:46 p.m.

libraryjoy says... #2

Hadn't noticed the Woodland Bellower - that is a good thought. It probably also picks up some of your ramp creatures...

April 30, 2016 1:24 p.m.

thewyzman says... #3

He's pretty cheap too, I mostly use him for Rec sage and E-wit, but he could also grab Somberwald Sage or my bird if I needed ramp, then Sun Titan can bring them back for recursion. This deck is loaded with synergies if nothing else. So much fun!

April 30, 2016 2:12 p.m.

Artezanz says... #4

I play Mayael against a meta with a lot of blue counter and control, and some clones. There's also a lot of black forced sacrifices, most often with Fleshbag Marauder. This makes indestructibility and hexproof vary in mileage. My fatties often can't survive on the board long enough to deal damage.

To tackle the sacrifices, I opt for haste abilities like Fires of Yavimaya, Xenagos, God of Revels, or Flameshadow Conjuring, or else enter-the-battlefield effects like Gruul Ragebeast or Inferno Titan.

Counterspells are inefficient against Mayael's ability anyway, and as you said Spellbreaker Behemoth is useful for getting your creatures from your hand into play when Mayael isn't available.To get around control spells, I find Homeward Path is absolutely essential, along with Tempt with Discovery to tutor it from your deck, as well as any other useful lands if your opponents take the offer.

I don't know how much cloning you face, but I feel that targeted removals like Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares are far more useful than trying to engage their clones in combat with buffed up creatures.

Whispersilk Cloak and Rogue's Passage are always useful for making your creatures unblockable, and Blade of Selves can make your 20/20 attack every opponent, or multiply their ETB effects. In contrast, if you can bring Hamletback Goliath or another creature up to an insane force, then you can use Chandra's Ignition to clear the battlefield as well as destroy your opponents.

For creatures in your graveyard, I find Moldgraf Monstrosity and Dawnbreak Reclaimer much more efficient, as they summon the creatures directly onto the battlefield instead of into your hand. And Sun Titan is always a godsend. And if you're stuck with big creatures in your hand, you can cast Myojin of Life's Web to bring them all directly onto the battlefield.

On the other hand, they often play an army of tokens or weenies. So I've chosen to specialize in abilities and sorceries that deal widespread damage across the board, like Harbinger of the Hunt, Magma Giant and Savage Twister. The damage is enough to clear weenies, but not enough to knock out my fatties. Also, Steel Hellkite's ability for X=0 is an excellent token removal.

I would say Crystal Ball and Cream of the Crop are much better than Sensei's Divining Top or Mirri's Guile for clearing out unwanted cards from the top of the deck.

I welcome you to check out my deck Mayael's BBW Bitches for suggestions :)

November 1, 2016 7:31 p.m.

thewyzman says... #5

WTF, I just had this long response written up and the website just wiped it out as I was finishing up, and now it's running like crap. UGH!! Love what this site stands for, but hate how heavy and virulent (dangerous) it is at times.

November 15, 2016 5:49 a.m.

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