I've taken my monoblack devotion splashing green and some of my fav cards from jund monsters into a full on G/B build. I would love to be running Nissa / Garruk / Liliana but I have not yet acquired those guys yet. Would love to get some feedback on this, thanks for looking!
Sylvan Caryatid - Ramp / Blocker for aggro. Was trying out Deathrite Shaman but it was just a little too cute sometimes.
Courser of Kruphix - Great for filtering out our draws and small life gain along the way really helps out. Plus, dat butt tho.
Scavenging Ooze - Eats up the graveyards and helps with some lifegain. Can get pretty out of hand if left unchecked.
Reaper of the Wilds - I love this guy. Hard to remove, dangerous if if I have mana open to protect / give him deathtouch. Getting to scry with all the killing we're gonna be doing is awesome.
Desecration Demon - You love em, you hate em.
Polukranos, World Eater
- just a staple in anything with green.
Other spells :
Underworld Connections : Connections + Courser is a deeeelight.
Hero's Downfall - Solid removal.
Abrupt Decay - Takes out a variety of low cost annoying creatures / enchantments / whatever.
Golgari Charm - playing around with this or bile blight as a two of main board. I've found this being useful more often than bile blight, especially against control which makes up a pretty big chunk of my meta.
Thoughtseize - Solid hand disruption, I realllly hate playing against this card. Sooo if you can't beat em, join em?
Vraska the Unseen - Vindicate on a stick or a nice win condition. Rarely get to ultimate, more often than not she's just a turn 5 kill something on the board spell. She does however seem kind of a "win-more" card so I'm debating switching her for something else.
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - Not a spell, but a 1 of for more consistent mana. Plus the art is sweet.
Sideboard :
Lifebane Zombie
- Great hand disruption / info and a solid attacker. G/W nightmare. Moved to the side board for now.
Devour Flesh - For hexproof / bloodbaron.
Putrefy - Extra removal for creatures / weapons
Duress - More hand disruption for control and a way to side out our thoughtseizes vs burn.
Golgari Charm - For control / heavy enchantment decks.
Pithing Needle - Just to shut down anything that's annoying, mostly aetherling. I hate that card so much.
Mistcutter Hydra - For control and blue matchups. It won't get super huge, but that's okay.