Hello world, and welcome to another build by the Kaos Kitty! I love tribal, so here is another one of my builds. Like I have said before, anything I post on here I either own, or plan on buying(plan on buying this one). I have always loved nature, and how powerful it really can be, and so you can imagine my amusement and excitement when I researched into treefolks and discovered that there are, in fact, A LOT of them. So I then decided to go to work. Once finished, it turned out a lot better than I had imagined, letting even a computer(forge) run the deck, it had the capability of pummeling several decks with its sheer force. Now I could only imagine how it would be to face it while being operated by another player. Onward to the deck description.
Treefolk Harbinger: One drop 0/3 that allows me to either one, pick out any creature I want from my deck, or two, if I am low on mana get some land.
Bosk Banneret: Treefolks are expensive, good thing I can make them cheaper, all the while getting a good defender for only two mana.
Lignify: That huge beatdown beast you have there, yeah, he's a tree now.
Dungrove Elder: Three drop 3/3 hexproof that keeps getting bigger, just fantastic!
Gravity Well: Green mana's FLY SWATTA!!
Leaf-Crowned Elder: Cheats in treefolk for free.
Dauntless Dourbark: In this deck, brutal... just... brutal.
Abundance: If I am running low on mana, choose land, if not, choose creature. Win win.
Timber Protector: One of these guys is a problem, two of them is a disaster.
Reach of Branches: Recurring token generator that also benefits from Bosk Banneret.
Rootgrapple: Land destruction, artifact destruction, enchantment destruction, really whatever destruction so long it's not a creature that ALSO benefits from Bosk Banneret.
Overwhelming Stampede: Combined with Dauntless Dourbark or Dungrove Elder, enough said.
Argentum Armor: Armor fit for a king!
Akroma's Memorial: At this point, why not?
Boundless Realms: Ramps my lands whilst also pumping my creatures, worth the seven mana.