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Forbidden Jutsu - Dragon Reanimation has a special place in my heart. It started out as the 2017 Draconic Domination pre-con. Since then, it has become a nearly undefeated force!

To be effective, this deck wants to play heavily through Scion of the Ur-Dragon. In the early game, the deck wants to fix mana and form a solid base. In the mid-game, the deck wants to use Scion to answer threats to force the late game. In the late game, the deck wants to leverage a dragon-fueled graveyard for huge-value.

Please, do not confuse this deck as a traditional reanimation deck. The deck isn't looking to use frequent recursion for utility and value each turn. Instead, this Scion deck looks to only fuel or use the graveyard to answer immediate threats until it can win the game. When playing the deck, utilize Scion of the Ur-Dragon to focus on three elements: (1) Answer Threats; (2) Cultivate late-game value; and (3) Attack to Win.

Like most toolkits, Forbidden Jutsu - Dragon Reanimation includes a comprehensive package to interact with any board state. That's why the most important aspect of this deck is effectively responding to your opponents' actions.

With Scion, 2 mana becomes gaming winning value with every activation. It cultivates late game value through the graveyard and should provide an answer to an action or problem. At this stage of the game, combat tricks should be reserved for utility. It's crucial that aggression be rewarded with a kill or win. If it won't net a kill/win, save the combat tricks for later in the game. Until then, focus on answering threats. Use the various dragons in the deck to make Scion more evasive to removal. If Scion is going to be removed, use the Kamigawa Dragons (Keiga, the Tide Star, Ryusei, the Falling Star, or Kokusho, the Evening Star) to net value. If an opponent is amassing huge card advantage or tutoring for win conditions, use Nicol Bolas + Scion of the Ur-Dragon to disrupt his/her hand. There are a great many tools at your disposal. Focus on these tools until you are ready to win.

So we've answered threats and secured the board. Now, we want to close out the game. The best two ways for Forbidden Jutsu - Dragon Reanimation to net the win is combat tricks and good old fashion "turn sideways!"

Combat Tricks:

Tainted Strike: This is one of the most underrated cards in the deck. It offers a wide range of utility and combat tricks. Scion of the Ur-Dragon + Tainted Strike is lethal with any of the high power dragons in the deck.

Dragon Tyrant: With double-strike, Dragon Tyrant + Scion of the Ur-Dragon = 12 commander damage on an opponent in a single swing. With the ability to pump it, this combo has almost always netted 21+ commander damage for a kill.

Scourge of the Throne: Scion of the Ur-Dragon + Scourge of the Throne is another great way to enable the kill. Often, it results in lethal commander damage or just enables very explosive combat phases.

Turn Sideways

Here is where our late game pays off. We want to use Living Deathfoil, Patriarch's Bidding, and Twilight's Call to transform a seemingly modest board state into a devastating victory. Use Dragonlord Dromoka + Scion of the Ur-Dragon or Boseiju, Who Shelters All to ensure you can cast a mass recursion spell successfully. If you don't need Dromoka to protect your win con, and you don't have a haste enabler in play, Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund + Scion of the Ur-Dragon can give our dragons haste, so we can get around summoning sickness and attack same turn.

As an added bonus, Terror of the Peaks and Dragon Tempest rewards us with huge ETB effects to help clear the field of blockers and secure the victory.

"Go to combat, Turn sideways, Win."

Resource Retrieval

Feldon of the Third Path: Be mindful of your very powerful ETB effects. Use Feldon to exploit these effects from the graveyard.

Volrath's Stronghold: Similarly, Volrath's Stronghold allows you to exploit the utility your dragons offer.

As always, thank you for checking out the deck! I'll be renovating all my decks posted here and adding similar descriptions. Please feel free to check those out as well! All questions and suggestions are welcome. All upvotes are appreciated.


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Dockside Extortionist: TBD. In this deck, it's tough finding a replacement for Dockside. Other treasure producers don't have the impact this deck wants from Dockside to make their inclusion worthwhile. We may end up using this slot at a utility slot or basic ramp slot.

Mana Crypt: TBD. The above statement applies here as well. Mana Crypt was nice because it essentially came down for a free activation of Scion of the Ur-Dragon's ability. It's a little easier to replace, because this is a mid/late game deck, so we don't really need the Fast Mana here for an UBER commander.

Instead of replacing Dockside Extortionist and Mana Crypt for similar value, I'm probably just going to use the two extra slots to build around the theme of the deck.

Potential inclusions:

Twinflame Tyrant: Great combat trick via Scion of the Ur-Dragon's ability.

Sneak Attack: Great for quick value and fueling the graveyard for late game value.

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91% Competitive

Revision 25 See all

(3 months ago)

-1 Dockside Extortionist main
-1 Mana Crypt main
+1 Sneak Attack main
+1 Twinflame Tyrant main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #2 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 6 years
Last updated 3 months
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

27 - 0 Mythic Rares

57 - 0 Rares

6 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.47
Tokens Copy Clone, Dragon 6/6 R, Faerie Dragon 1/1 U, Pest 1/1 BG, Spirit 1/1 C, Treasure
Folders Good decks, liked decks, Interesting Commander Decks, EDH, Dragons!!, Potential Commander Deck Builds, EDH, Liked Decks, Draconic Domination, Decks I like
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