Forcy Fun Time

Standard TheFlyingEbit


noisepollution says... #1

Is your mana base so tight that you can't squeeze in a Vault of the Archangel ?

January 20, 2013 3:21 a.m.

TheFlyingEbit says... #2

Probably a smart idea. I'll whack that in. I suppose I can let go of a Drowned Catacomb and an Isolated Chapel to put in some Vaults.

January 21, 2013 10:13 p.m.

grizzell says... #3

if aggro decks become a problem try Dutiful Thrull the annoying little bugger

February 3, 2013 7:10 a.m.

TheFlyingEbit says... #4

You have no idea how happy that makes me. God DAMN I hate aggro decks, especially with all this control. Highly appreciated. Any other sideboard advice would be nice as well.

February 3, 2013 8:41 a.m.

DaRealChrono says... #5

Blood Artist is an awesome card. I built an Esper around the board wipe + Blood Artist but I found that most people understand how big of a problem he is and deals with him quickly.He's still great and he works good here, though, so hopefully you see more success with him then I did. Ultimate Price in my opinion doesn't hit enough targets in the current standard, so perhaps you may want to consider it as a sideboard with Orzhov Charm or perhaps Victim of Night or maybe even Tribute to Hunger being in the main instead. Orzhov Charm is paticuarly good here because with extort your not too worried about usually at the worst 4 life gain, and if push comes to shove you can pull Thrull Parasite out of the grave with it. Blind Obedience is SUCH an amazing card in these tempo/control decks, however, in a control matchup it does you no good. I like it in my side, as it gives more flex in the main board and the sideboard.

February 3, 2013 6:01 p.m.

TheFlyingEbit says... #6

I really appreciate the input. I think I'll keep the Blind Obedience in the mainboard, but be prepared to sideboard it when against control decks. Can you recommend something that can perhaps be sideboarded to deal with control decks?

The Ultimate Price thing I find tricky. Although you are right, in the current standard format the targets are more limited. However its a super cheap removal card that can be used against most targets. I might throw a Tragic Slip or Orzhov Charm in the sideboard if I am going to be facing too much multicoloured.

February 3, 2013 8:37 p.m.

DaRealChrono says... #7

The control matchup I still find difficult. I still haven't found a definite answer for Grixis control or really any answer for Tamiyo, the Moon Sage that I currently own. She seems to be my biggest problem, as she should be against mid-range/tempo decks. The easiest thing I've found to handle control is to control them right back with Detention Sphere and Oblivion Ring . This is also probably the best thing about Geist of Saint Traft is that he can wipe out almost any Planeswalker in one swing. Obzedat, Ghost Council will also help against those control decks, just be sure you keep some kind of spell counter in the side such as Dissipate , Negate or Syncopate . Unfortunately, unless you already own those cards it really up the amount of money you have to spend.

February 4, 2013 2:04 a.m.

TheFlyingEbit says... #8

Well, I was lucky enough to score an Obzedat, Ghost Council at the GTC pre-release, and I'm still on the prowl for two more. Geist of Saint Traft ...well, the only person I know who has some is reluctant to part with them. I think I might side an extra Detention Sphere and a couple of Oblivion Ring s, as they are super effective and cost saving.

February 4, 2013 3:58 a.m.

TrueLight22 says... #9

nice dude Vampire Nocturnus would be cool. this alsomay sould silly but Dimir Charm works really well with the Duskmantle Seer u can use it to make sure ur opponent draws a high cmc card or set urself up to draw a lol cmc card ;)

February 4, 2013 6:59 a.m.

TheFlyingEbit says... #10

I used to be running Vampire Nocturnus but I took him out. He was nice, but I'm getting enough buff from Lord of Lineage  Flip and Sorin, Lord of Innistrad 's emblem, and he's just plain better in tribal vampires.

The Dimir Charm thing is cool, but that combo is a little too specific. It's best ability is easily it's last one, and it does really go nicely with Duskmantle Seer . I might consider it. Thanks for the input!

February 4, 2013 9:54 p.m.

TrueLight22 says... #11

That's racist. Hay mateeeee. I know u used to play the vampire that's why I suggested it. Also my Duskmantle Seer deck is going to have the charm and it will be glorious

February 5, 2013 3:12 a.m.

TheFlyingEbit says... #12


I want that Duskmantle Seer boy...

February 5, 2013 3:26 a.m.

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