

Dragons ForEver and After.

Standard Ever After reanimator.

Basically SaffronOlives budget standard reanimator with a few tweaks. If you don't follow MTG Goldfish, go check it out here MTG Goldfish. It's a really great resource for anyone playing magic.

Sitting at about ~$115 this is probably one of the spiciest decks you can make on a modest budget.

Reanimator is in a bit of an odd spot for a few reasons.
  • cast triggers.

Most of the big eldrazi have triggers on cast rather than enter the battlefield triggers and are for the most part useless.

  • expensive reanimation.

Ever After is not a cheep spell so don't go expecting any turn 4 dragonlords! That being said, it is well costed for what it does. This pushes us into being halfway between a ramp and a reanimator deck. I find that I am hard casting threats nearly as often as reanimating them. So keep in mind that is might be better to keep that Dragonlord Atarka in hand than putting it in your graveyard.

  • A very exile heavy standard.

currently Declaration in Stone is one of the best removal spells in standard followed by Anguished Unmaking. Void Shatter and Spell Shrivel are probably the most used counter spells and Transgress the Mind should be expected in nearly every deck that plays black. Lastly there is Hallowed Moonlight... not that it ever sees play.

these cards can all pose serious problems to our game plan and need to be played around.

There is a fairly good amount of fuel for this deck right now, in self-mill, discard and stall.

In self-mill we have:

  • Gather the Pack a decent self-mill that can hit 5 cards. It only lets us grab creatures though so is slightly counter productive. It can be hard to judge weather you better of keeping any creatures or dumping them.

  • Vessel of Nascency is a very good card option. With the ability to grab any land, enchantment, artifact, creature or planeswalker it is a super versatile card.

  • Mindwrack Demon is the last and probably best self-mill card we use. It gets past most of the sweepers that see play, Languish, Engulf the Shore and Radiant Flames . It is an amazing blocker and can lay down the beets in the late game. (remind your opponent that vegetables are good for you)

The Removal Package

  • Foul-Tongue Invocation is probably the best removal for this deck to play mainboard. It is great at slowing down our opponent, is an all star agains slow rampy decks and can help keep us out of burn range in the late game.

  • Ultimate Price is just a decent removal spell that deals with lots of relevant threats.

  • Radiant Flames is an amazing board wipe that leaves all of our creatures up.

The other Picks:

  • Goblin Dark-Dwellers is a huge value swing and will almost always be a two for one. with the ability to re-use Gather the Pack to find our fatties or re-use your removal. I can tell you that playing Foul-Tongue Invocation to remove a creature and gaining 4 life, than playing the dark-dewllers next turn to remove a second creature, gain another 4 life and leave up a 4/4 blocker feels pretty good. Having his ability on ETB as opposed to cast makes him a very valid reanimation target too.

  • Tormenting Voice is our way of getting any threats we may have drawn into the graveyard while maintaining card advantage. It can also help us cycle through land pockets or find lands when we are in a drought.

edit: Autumnal Gloom   got removed. I felt adding in 3X Goblin Dark-Dwellers and a removal spell was just better. The gloom is one of those cards that can catch an opponent off guard though and I am constantly wondering if I have space to put it back in.

  • Autumnal Gloom   is a pretty crazy card in this deck. It is basically a 3 manna 4/4 with trample and hexproof. It is not uncommon to play this on turn 3 with delireum active, and will nearly always flip on turn 4. The hexproof makes it incredibly hard to deal with and can usually force 2 for 1s or simply stall out an aggro deck completely for a turn of two.

  • Corrupted Grafstone is very good manna fixing and acceleration and adds an additional card type for delerium.

The main win condition is casting Ever After to get both Dragonlord Kolaghan and Dragonlord Atarka on the battle field. This will let you get rid of most of their threats, swing for 14 in the air right away and Kolaghan will, hopefully, turn most of their cards into dead draws. If you can do this you are basically guaranteed the win.

other powerful options:

As always, feedback and suggestions are welcome. If you like the deck +1!



Updates Add

Lost nearly every single game one.

Decided to add in more removal to the main board and did some shifting and changing of removal/creatures.

Nearly every round I sided out 3+ Gather the Pack to make room for removal/Duress so I decided to take out 2 and just add more main board removal.


Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 1 Mythic Rares

21 - 4 Rares

7 - 4 Uncommons

12 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.66
Folders A Standard Archive
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