**Hello and welcome to Four Color Death! Where you can sacrifice your way to victory!
This deck is something that was suppose to be an updated version of Four Color Rites for Kaladesh Standard and in a way it is, but it sort of takes a different turn from the original decklist when Shadows over Innistrad was released. This is my first standard deck on this site so any feedback is welcome! There is a lot so let's get into it. The deck has an almost unspoken synergy with sacrificing your creatures for multiple triggers. So let's see what we have!
1: Permeating Mass: the underrated one drop blocker, which switched out with Loam Dryad from the original decklist, that allows us to block the most important creatures they have out on the field. Can hang back waiting for the big creatures to swing, survives Liliana, survives early turn aggro, and allows fast board state.
2: Beastcaller Savant: he is the one you want for fast board status with Permeating Mass as well as fixes mana for other creatures when you don't have that certain land out just quite yet, which is very helpful. He was switched out with Elvish Visionary. Not the same value as drawing a card with an ETB, but is still helpful.
3: Zulaport Cutthroat: is one of the key important creatures with our sac triggers with keeping us alive when we are bleeding in the mid to late game. Allows for heavy life gain when activating Westvale as well as hitting them for some damage. You want this guy to help as much as possible.
4: Duskwatch Recruiter: this card can work wonders when a match hits the late game and you need to sink some mana in to get some creatures. Also, when this guy flips, it just makes our creatures that much more cheaper to play and also becomes a decent hitter! Sweet card and helps out alot when we don't have the creature we need.
5: Selfless Spirit: this creature is the lifesaver of the group when we need to attack and or block with creatures and/or scions to keep them alive for Westvale the following turns. It gets you a scry and life gain with Catacomb Sifter and Zulaport Cutthroat as well as protecting your creatures, especially from sweeps that control or burn decks use. The evasion helps a good bit sometimes too!
6: Eldrazi Displacer: allows us to use Reflector Mage's ETB trigger multiple times as well as Brood Monitor's too. Which in turn helps us get an infinite damage combo with Zulaport Cutthroat! Sac the scions to blink Brood Monitor back in and repeat until you win. It can also blink those on the opposite side if you need a creature from blocking.
7: Spell Queller: This takes away alot of the four cmc planeswalkers as well as Yahenni's Expertise to prevent a board wipe to your creatures. Built-in controller!
8: Catacomb Sifter: the heart and soul of this deck! Helps out so much with getting scions on the field along with the scry with you wanting to set your next draw up. So much value comes from multiple triggers when you sac your creatures and he is in there.
9: Brood Monitor: The final piece for the infinite damage combo and a great curve topper when you want to flood the board late game with creatures to either use for mana when Cryptolith Rite is out or when you need to sac them for Westvale and get the triggers from Sifter and Zulaport. Very nice piece.
10: Defiant Salvager: a new creature brought to us in Aether Revolt allowing us to sac creatures to pump him up Nantuko Husk style. Not as powerful, but can get us a big creature if the opponent is not careful.
1: Cryptolith Rite: the main engine of the deck! You can not go wrong with this card, but I went with a three of because you don't want to see this too much when you have one on the field. Straight forward, simple.
Other spells
1: Wildest Dreams: with this card, I wanted something that could help you replace some key cards back from the grave after either having them destoryed by a board sweep or sacking them to Westvale Abbey. Now that Collected Company has rotated out, it will never be the same to get them on the field. So let's get them back from the grave with this, especially when Cryptolith Rite is out. Let me know if there is a card that can replace this by being better for this deck.
1: Dual Lands: since pain lands are rotated out and any other matching color duel lands out there come in tapped no matter what, the next best thing is to replace them with fast lands introduce in kaladesh. Having Bontanical Sanctum and Conceal Courtyard out on the field by turn two untapped fixes all the mana you need to play any low drop creatures you want.
2: Westvale Abbey: the big boy himself giving your deck the surprise advantage you might need to throw your opponent off his/her guard while he/she is worrying about all the triggers going on with the creatures you have in play. Once you sac all five creatures to the prince, you will get at least 14 life gain and they will lose 14 life,if you have a Zulaport Cutthroat while sacking, as well as attacking with Ormandahl asap. Definitely needed.
1: Matter Reshaper: this guy almost makes the cut for the mainboard as a three of to bring your sack outlet as a two for one. If fed to Westvale, you can get lucky and top deck a creature on the battlefield to help Ormendahl. Very wise to use him for the sack outlet.
2: Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim: sometimes waiting for certain sack triggers to happen sucks, which is why Ayli will help you so much with that as well as you getting some life out of it or getting rid of that pesky Ulamog. Not to mention, she is the perfect 2/3 blocker early game with deathtouch. Always a plus.
3: Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet: this guy helps out with a midrange feel and sometimes you need that if you know you are going against an aggro deck, bleeding into the midgame. He also helps you produce tokens to either use for mana, sack to himself to make him more powerful, or sack to ayli if you need even MORE life. The exile part on their creatures is neat as well.
4: Reality Smasher: the eldrazi that gives you some firepower and very quick. It also allows control decks and burn decks to think twice before releasing a spot removal or a board sweep. Its not a bad thing for them to discard a card, but at least they won't be casting the discarded card unless it has madness. Good beater for the team and survives Grasp of Darkness.
5: Negate: Allows you counter some nasty spells your opponent will throw at you. Spell queller needs help sometimes.
6: World Breaker: another big boy that gives you the flexability to exile certain permanents, namely artifacts, which became big with Kaladesh. Allow helps with flyers as that is what the deck is weak against and doesn't need Wildest Dreams to come back to your hand.
7: Eldritch Evolution: this last card for the sideboard gives you some flexability with what creatures you want to sacrifice for something you really need. Allows you to get triggers off of Sifter and Cutthroat to hurt even more, gives you a larger creature for bigger board presence, and if you sac Matter Reshaper with this, it allows you to potentially top draw another creature on the battlefield when it goes on the stack then you can then find your other creature for a two for one! Great deal and I can not express the importance of synergy of this card with the deck. Easily switches out with Dramatic Reversal.
1: Elder Deep-Fiend: Just want to touch on some eldrazi and since Emerge is still in standard, let's use it and this guy can help so much. Allows you to sack Reflector Mage on turn four or even Matter Reshaper on turn 5 for a two for one if you are lucky and if that happens and you get a Beastcaller Savant from the trigger, it can tap for a Permating Mass for 3 creatures for 5 mana that you paid for Deep-Fiend! Allows you to tap down creatures and/or lands to clear way for Westvale Abbey when you sack them same turn and survives Kozilek's Return, not to mention can help cast that same card if you change it out in the deck. Great card!
2: DOTP: This emerge can help finish the game all together boosting all creatures for a massive attack!
3: Eyeless Watcher: can be subbed in for Brood Monitor to get a quicker board state with scions, but doesn't give you an infinite damage combo.
4: Mockery of Nature: not your normal standard card, but helps alot with clearing an artifact that you need destroyed, which could be a Gearhulk on the other team. Has potential.
5: Woodland Wanderer: A creature that can get the biggest for his ability with the colors we run in the deck. A 6/6 for 4 with trample and vig? Yes please.
6: Emrakul's Evangel: A card very worth considering putting in the mainboard as you can use any non-important creatures to block against your opponent's attack, sac before damage, replace them with 3/2 tokens, and swing next turn with an open field provided they don't have vigilance. Which also provides you some very good sac triggers within the deck. High potential as a two of.
Let me know anything that can help! Thanks!