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Vampires done right

Sideboarding, Strange Cards, and Why

Dimir Charm Removal (almost all meta creatures power <=2, Search for lands or answers or keep your opponent off lands if their are struggling, counter Terminus, Pillar of Flame , Planar Cleansing, or Mizzium Mortars. One of the best charms in the game IMO.
Blind ObedienceSideboarded in against decks with haste creatures, such as Hellrider or control decks with Restoration Angel.
Boros CharmEvery function of this card is good in this deck, but its main use it to make your permanents indestructible until EOT to 'counter' Supreme Verdict. However, the four burn damage and giving Stromkirk Noble double strike when he swings on turn two is also very effective.
Cyclonic RiftRid you of those enchantments such as Sphere of Safety to let you kill them in one swing. Also massacres tokens or ends mid to late game creature stalls. Can also keep planes walkers from ulting.
Elixir of ImmortalityAn answer for mill decks. Might be switched out depending on what the current meta is.
NegateBrought in against control decks to answer Terminus, Planar Cleansing, burn, ect.
Rest in PeaceAnswer to graveyard based decks and Snapcaster Mage.
Sever the BloodlineSlaughters tokens without mercy or cloning decks. Might be switched for a third Slaughter Games depending on your preference.
Slaughter GamesCan't be countered and cuts out key cards for their deck or hate cards against you. What more do you want?

Why not Vampire Nocturnus

When I first started building this deck, it was a whole lot more red, and focused on building counters, such as with Rakish Heir, Markov Blademaster , and Necropolis Regent . So Vampire Nocturnus wasn't a valid option. Now since the only maindeck card that isn't black is Stromkirk Noble, Vampire Nocturnus has become a possibility. The only thing is that the three black is annoying to drop on turn four with four colours in the deck. Also, there is nothing I can drop for Vampire Nocturnus , the only possible option is Blood Artist, and I cannot count the number of games I have won because of Blood Artist triggers, especially with Falkenrath Aristocrat on the field and tokens from Bloodline Keeper  . Also, as soon as you sideboard, Vampire Nocturnus would loose a lot of its potential, so it would be the first thing to be side boarded out, and creatures need to stay in a creature power deck.

About Blood Baron of Vizkopa

  • Lifelink
  • Is a vampire, so receives buffs, making him even better
  • Immune to almost all removal except Mizzium Mortars, which with one buff, he is even outside of that.
  • I hesitate to add in a card with a cmc of five.
  • I don't have one :(
All in all, I really like the card, and would love to try him in the deck, but I don't have one, I just feel he might be a little slow to run. Maybe a one of instead of an Falkenrath Aristocrat or a removal spell.

Arch-nemesis - Esper [Super Friends]

Esper Super Friends is the hardest match up to win with this deck. Game one is rough, and will be very difficult to pull our a win unless your hand is really aggressive. However, after sideboarding (leaving in Dimir Charm ), you bring in Negates, Boros Charms, Elixir of Immortality, and perhaps Blind Obedience and Rest in Peace (both of which depend on the specific match up and your opponent's play style whether or not you bring them in), game two will be much different. If you keep them from clearing the board, and save your answers wisely, you can keep your board presence...well, present. If it isn't super friends, just esper control (so they run Planar Cleansing instead of Supreme Verdict, then Boros Charm, Dimir Charm , and Negate all answer it.

Also, against Esper [Super Friends], be careful not to over extend. Taunt out their answers and then respond by refilling your field. Boros Charm's burn function is also a really nice finisher against control decks if you can't manage to get in those last few points of damage. Against control decks, play their game, slow and steady. Get where you are beating down on them so they have to provide an answer, but don't be greedy. If you are getting in constant damage, keep cards in your hand.


This was the first deck I built when I started playing just after Return to Ravnica came out. I am still missing a few lands for it and a Liliana, but I play at the Tower (Lawrenceville GA) and have won the last two FNM's I attended there with this deck (I don't attend very much). It's aggro enough to match aggro decks and to give control decks a run for their money and is extremely effective against Naya Blitz because first strike, nighthawks, and nobles crush Naya Blitz. After sideboarding, control decks loose most of their bite because you bring in counters and boros charms as 'counters' for supreme verdict. If you can get a board presence with this deck, it is nearly impossible for another deck to match it, and if you can't, the creatures are good enough (except Stromkirk Captin) to pose a threat by themselves.

It isn't the best deck, but it is competitive and a blast to play and nobody sees it coming.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 2 Mythic Rares

29 - 5 Rares

16 - 6 Uncommons

2 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.70
Tokens Emblem Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, Vampire 1/1 B w/ Lifelink, Vampire 2/2 B
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