InnerFlame says... #2
chocolate101 lol thank you for letting this play out.
FangedRamen on top of what I said above chocolate101's comment, I will leave this here. . maybe that will help make sense of what I said.
April 17, 2014 12:24 a.m.
FangedRamen says... #3
The deck could be better in legacy if you mean if you added legacy legal cards, but legacy is just such an evil format with stax and 12post and sneak and show and everything powerful and annoying, and Mpod would just be run down
I guess you have a point, but then why would EVERY competitive Melira Pod deck run Seer and Melira as 1-3 ofs?
There's Ranger of Eos , and Chord of Calling is usually a 4 of.
And unlife can get removed. So can Melira (And there are cards to bring her back, but not unlife)
Come to think about it, Unlife's really just a gimmick in the deck, a casual way to make it fun. It can be sided against, can't be brought back, denies the finks combo, and takes slots in a deck that are necessary.
Not super competitive, but we all do our experimenting. I would actually want to see some in the side for vulnerable decks.
chocolate101 would have to warp the deck around it more.
And this may be a bit confusing; it was at first to me, but the tutors it does have that do not take it out of the modern environment replace adding more copies of a card by consistently providing advantage by also being able to search for other cards if you've got your combo in hand, which brings back to the whole part about its ability to double to a midrange deck.
I guess we can let chocolate101 decide who's right though.
We got into such a heated debate on someone else's deck, and really, he can play it however he wants. We'll see what he does.
April 17, 2014 12:31 a.m.
FangedRamen says... #5
I Understand fully about consistency.
However, a deck fully warped around its combo is susceptible, and again, that's why Melira Pod is a great combo deck. So many weird midrange one-ifs that are put to waste when it comes first.
April 17, 2014 12:34 a.m.
chocolate101 says... #6
just tell me what i need to do from both your views, just show me exactly what i should do, be very specific please
April 17, 2014 12:34 a.m.
FangedRamen says... #7
Fang's view
Turn Unlife to a one-of side card for unprepared decks unless you're gimmicky and it's all for fun
Make Melira and seer 3 ofs because with added tutors you can just get them that way
Add to your midrange shell and tutors (like chord of calling).
Make the deck more similar to a traditional Mpod build.
April 17, 2014 12:39 a.m.
chocolate101 says... #8
please guys i just want to see what you guys have to say, i mean FangedRamen is using pro decks, so you could give me accurate reasoning, but Invisible Stalker i feel that you could prove him wrong let me see what you guys think
April 17, 2014 12:41 a.m.
InnerFlame says... #11
FangedRamen I do think the deck would be better, and better fitted, for legacy if you put in legacy cards. The deck will come to it's full potential by having a whole new range of cards, lowering the mana curve, and allowing the deck to do some new things like relying on tutors that cost one mana.
I can't tell you why most Melira Pod decks run 3 without seeing them and see what they are running instead of the fourth Melira. But keep in mind, if everyone does what everyone else is doing, there will be no pioneers to bring the game to another level. And there are reasons only one "Pro" deck wins at a tournament. I really think that 4 belong here. With the plus side of consistency, and how removal is so big in modern and legacy, it is best.
Unlife can be brought back! Bringing enchantments back from the graveyard has actually been a huge part of this new block for white. In fact, I believe there is card out there right now that brings back three enchantments from the graveyard when played. I will admit that in the past it has been a problem, but with the latest block Wizards have been fixing that within white.
As far as it being gimmicky...coming from a combo player...all combos are gimmicky lol. It what makes me strive to make them good. I want gimmicky to be good. You do have a very good point in saying it blocks the finks. BUT, you can't lose the game at that point so now you are just trying to deal damage until you win. It's just giving the deck another method of winning in case the finks don't work out. And then whichever one happens first, you should run with. That is a VERY good point though that you brought up and should be considered. I don;t see it as a problem, though. I do know some people that will say life gain is pointless...I disagree...especially when it is infinite.
As far as siding goes, I hate to be pick an argument about sideboards lol, but I don't think you want to side it. Sideboard spots are too valuable. I'd rather just not play it. Not because it;s a bad card. But is how I was taught. Mainboards are designed to be good against every deck. Sideboards are designed to adjust to certain situations. Not necessarily mow your opponent down. Like playing mono blue? side some anti blue stuff. Abilities getting you down? side some anti ability stuff. So that's my take on that.
The problems I have with the tutors that he has in there right now are there aren't enough in my opinion, and they cost too much. In combo decks you HAVE to work fast so that you can beat the removal such as counters or destroy. That's why I stressed so much that the deck has to come online by turn 2 or three at the latest.
But like you said, at the end of the day chocolate101 needs to make the deck how he wants haha. Magic is only fun if you play it how you like to haha. And we have been getting a little crazy lol.
April 17, 2014 12:59 a.m.
InnerFlame says... #13
chocolate101: This is how I would run it.
First: Move it to legacy, combo decks really find their stride in legacy. They are really good in modern too, but some just get better in legacy. I think that is the case here.
Second: The card rundown. 4x Birds of Paradise , 4x Utopia Sprawl if you add in more forest (it can really be wirth it in tri colored decks for a one drop), 4x Llanowar Elves or Arbor Elf depending on if you added in forest for utopia Sprawl (arbor elf can produce 4 mana from one forest with Utopia Sprawl on it), 4x Melira, Sylvok Outcast , 4x Kitchen Finks , 4x Murderous Redcap , 4x Birthing Pod , 4x Sylvan Tutor , 4x Worldly Tutor . And then you can afford to only run 20 lands because your average card cost is so low now and you have ramps to get you out of tough spots. I believe it will be around 2.3. I like the shocklands here just becasuse you can attach Utopia Sprawl to them since they have a subtype of forest. And then a good deal of forest.
If you find a spot, maybe throw in something like Disentomb to get Melira back if she gets removed. Sideboarding it wouldn't be a terrible idea to since you won't always be playing against black or red.
Right now I think you have a lot of singles of cards that all do something different. And that can cause problems cause your cards aren't working together or building off of each other. Decks that have cards that all do the same thing, and build off one another are the best decks. Synergy. A general rule that I follow is 1 mechanic for every color +1. So if you're running one color, have two mechanics in the deck.
April 17, 2014 1:15 a.m.
FangedRamen says... #14
I know.
In the end, I guess that puts us at Modern Midrangey Tutory Generic Mpod vs Legacy Gimmicky Combo-centered Mpod.
I think we can stop the debate though.
I would say so much more, and so would you, but really we're not getting anywhere. Maybe I'm right, maybe you're right, maybe whatever chocolate101 picks is right, and maybe we're all wrong. Most likely we're both right in parts.
Through our debate, we've been trying to disprove each other so much that in attempting to do so we've been contradicting our own points. We've been ignoring each others' points. We've been throwing a ball back and forth, harder each time, but we keep just catching it and returning it. Really, this is chocolate101s business, and I encourage chocolate101 to read over our 36 comment debate and choose who is right to him.
April 17, 2014 1:31 a.m.
FangedRamen says... #15
If you want a legacy pod deck powerful enough to be competitive in the format, unlike Invisible_Stalkers idea, it would need intense splashing, involving shocks and duals. Take a look at this:
April 17, 2014 1:37 a.m.
InnerFlame says... #16
FangedRamen: couldn't have said it better myself. It''s at the point where he needs to decide which style he wants to play.
Has it really been 36 comments?! Sheesh haha. Well, hey, it was good debating with you. I love debating magic. If I ever came off rude or unaccepting, I'm sorry. I really do respect every opinion. I just tend to have strong opinions.
April 17, 2014 1:37 a.m.
FangedRamen says... #18
Also lets see which one of us 3 will make 50th comment!
April 17, 2014 1:38 a.m.
FangedRamen says... #21
Haha nice addition to the shell.
I would replace a Viscera Seer with Chord of Calling .
April 17, 2014 1:47 p.m.
FangedRamen says... #22
Also, in the description, for Viscera Seer , say "a cheap sac outlet without additional costs" instead of "a decent sac outlet." If it was only decent, you wouldn't be using it.
April 17, 2014 2:44 p.m.
FangedRamen says... #23
I would cut down to 2 on Viscera Seer (it has many ways to tutor and only 2 combos, unlike Melira's 3) and add Noble Hierarch s. Also replace Putrefy in the side with 2 Path to Exile and 2 Thoughtseize or Abrupt Decay . Add a few lands if you can't buy the heirarchs.
Add Phyrexian Unlife to the description. Also say how pod works as a midrange deck if combo fails, and how it has many "on a body" effects so they can be tutored with pod.
April 17, 2014 2:59 p.m.
chrishuffman95 says... #24
If I were building this deck, I would build it around the infinite persist combos and Spike Feeder + Archangel of Thune. Why, do you ask?
Persist creatures come back after removed. Phyrexian Unlife doesn't. I've played Unlife Melira Pod, and I know from experience that if you play the Unlife, it is the #1 target for enchantment removal. Even if I brought it back, the opponent would just remove it again. My advice would to be remove the Unlifes, because they paint a huge target on your head. The point of Birthing Pod is to have a consistent amount of creatures to Pod off into your combo. 1-4 is your most important CMC in this deck, so adding 2 more Murderous Redcap in place of Phyrexian Unlife wouldn't hurt. In addition, I'd mainboard in the Entomber Exarch.
Also, on a sidenote, I find the interaction of Mikaeus and persist creatures hilarious. Though his 3 black in his CMC may be rough. But if you can Pod into him, God help your opponents.
April 17, 2014 3:03 p.m.
FangedRamen says... #25
Scavenging Ooze because it benefits from all your sacrifices.
chocolate101 says... #1
ok i will listen to both of you, keep bickering though, i want to see how this plays out between you 2
April 17, 2014 12:15 a.m.