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Friends in High Places




This deck was inspired by an EDH game in which two of my friends wrecked shop while I sat idly by, horribly mana screwed and hardly a threat. Once one of the two had been eliminated, the victor turned his attention to me; I was initially going to scoop, presuming he had too much of a head start for me to do much. However, a handful of planeswalkers and a Doubling Season on the field led me to play it out, just to see how things would go. After finally getting enough mana, I managed to almost win the game, largely due to planeswalkers' ultimate abilities being readily available. The idea behind this deck is pretty simple: get all the crucial bits on the field, call on your planeswalker buddies, drop 'em and pop 'em! Oh sure, you could use the first two abilities if you absolutely NEED to, but otherwise the ultimate abilities are the way to go...

The deck can take a bit to set up; it's built with multi-player in mind, and generally played in free-for-all with 3+ other players. Once it gets running, though, it plays very nicely. (I dream of the day in which I can post up as an Emperor with control decks as either General, giving me all the time I need to set up for the annihilation of the other team...) With the ability to use the abilities of a single walker multiple times in a single turn, the deck can be devastating. The key cards? The Chain Veil, of course; Veil is a wonderful use for Rings of Brighthearth. Teferi, Temporal Archmage untaps lands and the Veil to keep the process going; once Doubling Season is in play Sorin, Lord of Innistrad's ultimate refreshes any walkers that are getting low on counters (Teferi, typically; instant extra turn(s) with Ral Zarek), which also allows "extra" activations of a given planeswalker's abilities (though it technically counts as a new card).

For protection, I have the Privileged Position + Sterling Grove bubble (extra Groves can search up other helpful enchantments), Elspeth, Knight-Errant's emblem to protect the enchantments, Ajani Steadfast's emblem, and Orbs of Warding (which can be stacked with Ajani's emblem in such a way as to prevent all damage to you).

Garruk, Apex Predator and Kiora, the Crashing Wave are the newest planeswalker additions to the deck, and I don't think I've gotten a chance to play the deck since adding them. I have high hopes for them, however.


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