Frog and Toad Are Friends (Gitrog cEDH)
Commander / EDH
Belzedrums22 says... #2
Really nice man! Check out my list:
what do you think about Doomsday in gitrog?
April 24, 2019 12:12 p.m.
Belzedrums22 says... #3
Thx man! I've already seen all the decklist you talk about, they are amazing (Leptys one is really strong) but i think I'll never have all the bucks for Bazaar of Bagdad... sad story. also for Led, bayou or the other moxes. So, I think Doomsady is a fast solotion for this "problem of money".
About yout list, i think Vorinclex is a good idea. Dethrine Shaman turn 1 is very huge. But if dredge isn't your main strategy, you can bulid a "Grind" decklist with exponential adantage. Cards like Zulaport Cutthroat + Wormy + sac outlet (lots of dmg to everyone) or smokestak, tainted aeter, oppression and bottomless pit (exponential advantage).
April 25, 2019 4:36 a.m.
bobfreak1234 says... #4
I definitely think that vorinclex, while fun, is way to slow for a fast paced gitrog deck. However, even for casual games, once any praetor is played, the enemy is immediately shifted to the controller. While vorinclex is quite a good card, it is just not worth playing. The same goes to rampaging baloths. While the card does not insight hatred, it is just not that great of a creature. I recommend running many more Mana dorks. Other than that, love the deck!!
April 25, 2019 11:05 a.m.
cyrusthelin says... #5
bobfreak1234 Good insights! I've been thinking of cutting baloths. Also yeah the deck is def not optimized for anything, which is awkward. Because like there are all these competitive packages but I don't play anything close to cEDH at all (not that this could compete in cEDH lol). You're totally right about vorinclex, but I still sorta want to try it out because it's just so sweet and I'm already usually getting targeted at the table. Maybe it doesn't make sense though since it's a very unfun card....
In other cyrusthelin's stream of consciousness news, I want to shift the deck to be more controll-y and add more removal and stuff. While I love theory crafting with the cEDH players and talking about all the loops maths and determinacy and stuff, I think my deck should, at least for the moment, be not trying to get to that point of just trying to combo off as fast as I can. Dorks would definitely be great for that quick acceleration plan, but at the moment that's not what I think would be best for my playgroups.
Thanks v much for the feedback, happy Magic playing!
April 25, 2019 4:59 p.m.
bobfreak1234 says... #6
There's a card from the new set named Deathsprout . You should run it if you're going casual and control.
April 25, 2019 6:21 p.m.
So i see you have sheoldred and Jarad, but some cards that really make those nuts are Phyrexian Devourer (jarad can wipe a table with this) and Triskelion + Mikaeus, the Unhallowed . Fauna Shaman can put the right cards in your hand and the grave. Necrotic Ooze is insane in grave decks, and another card that can cause gravyard decks to win on the spot is Buried Alive . All that should take a little pressure of the genesis win con and provide more win con outlets, but i also play a competetive meren so i understand im a little biased towards the reanimation side of things. Life from the loam is one of my favorite golgari cards (i know its mono green, but we all know where it goes lol) so congrats on this badass looking page btw well done! Im a little jelous lol. Good luck!
May 26, 2019 3:33 p.m.
Hello cyrusthelin;
Very good deck and the page is ... WOW !!!
I think you have everything to play a Constant Mists , World Shaper on this deck. Like one of Gitrog Squandered Resources best friends ...
Genesis Wave do not think it is very advantageous because what you have permanents are more lans and for lands you already has an optimum ramp ...
In the lands you can trade Golgari Rot Farm by Hickory Woodlot or Peat Bog as they are very good for the Gitrog! And dont forget the new... Nurturing Peatland !
I hope you can take the time to see my Gitrog deck on my profile!
Continuation of good work!
May 31, 2019 11:29 a.m.
cyrusthelin says... #9
Thanks Vash13 and tiagompm for the suggestions and praise. I don't think that I'm trying to go the reanimation route, but your suggestions about that are on point. Same sort of thing with the other combos mentioned, I think that it's just not the direction that I want to take the deck, but really good suggestions still.
I've been considering Squandered Resources for a really long time now, and I think that I should just play it. Yesterday I sacrificed all my lands in a casual two-player game to Sylvan Safekeeper to make a bunch of 5/3s off Titania. Not sure if it was technically the right play but it's just so fun to sacrifice all your lands for value, especially when Gitrog is around. I of course will be trying to get a Nurturing Peatland when I can, and I think that the Woodlot/Bog lands are probably worth it too. I've considered them as well, and I think that it's time to try at least one of them. For Genesis Wave , I've mostly just been running it because it's so fun, and it's a payoff for Urborg/Coffers, but yeah it's not the best in this deck. The deck is pretty cool partly because it doesn't really need a huge board presence, which is sort of the opposite of Wave decks in general I think. It's strange tension. But overall the deck suffers from lots of that tension of not really being sure if it wants to be casual or competitive. I tend to try to play at my casual tables in a fun way, keeping the competitive aspects of it for situations where I have no other way to win.
Thanks for a great feedback.
June 2, 2019 3:35 a.m.
TheSlowestBro says... #10
Awesome looking deck and very nice editing on this page as well! I don't have a Gitrog deck, but I do play Titania and I'd like to suggest a couple of cards for your list:
Hour of Promise - excellent for tutoring up Dark Depths + Thespian's Stage
Drownyard Temple seems like a natural fit for Gitrog's drawback.
Pir's Whim , I don't know if targeted land tutoring is quite as important for you as it is in my list, but seems good here to me.
June 3, 2019 10:09 a.m.
This is absolutely beautiful, i've never seen something so amazing on tappedout. Again cut crucible <3 u
November 23, 2019 4:10 p.m.
cyrusthelin says... #12
Haha thanks bc_17100! Yeah I know, Crucible will soon be gone. Got some Puca stuff in the mail!
November 23, 2019 5:02 p.m.
Suns_Champion says... #14
I think I’ve already upvoted this. I wanted to let you know the deck title made me smile :)
April 11, 2020 11:34 p.m.
cyrusthelin says... #15
Suns_Champion Aww thanks! I loved those books when I was little haha. Good stuff.
April 12, 2020 12:29 a.m.
casual_competitive says... #16
the alt gitrog art looks like my sleep paralysis demon.
August 14, 2020 3:44 a.m.
cyrusthelin says... #17
casual_competitive Oh no I'm sorry that's so scary! I've had one experience with sleep paralysis, and it was a dementor-like creature for me, hovering over my body. It was sort of cool though because I was lucid and in my terror realized that it would be ok if I closed my eyes and breathed to let me body learn to move again.
bobfreak1234 says... #1
The deck looks awesome, and so does the page!
April 20, 2019 4:56 p.m.