I've been trying out a few different Chord/CoCo decks lately and so far I'm finding Abzan Company to be the most consistent. Keen to hear what other people's experiences are, but I think this is the version I'm likely to settle on.
A bit of info on the deck:
Kitchen Finks + Melira, Sylvok Outcast + Viscera Seer
or Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
Kitchen Finks
Viscera Seer
can combo together to give us infinite life. With Murderous Redcap in place of Finks, the combo can deal infinite damage to our opponent. Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit + Melira, Sylvok Outcast + Murderous Redcap
can also combo to provide infinite bolster triggers but both Melira and Anafenza need to be in play before the Redcap is played for this to work.
Voice of Resurgence is our beater. If we're not comboing we're going to be using this guy (and elemental token bro) to bear-punch our opponent in the face. He is also a deterrent against control decks - calling in his bro anytime someone tries casting spells on our turn.
Scavenging Ooze is another beater with the potential to get big. Running a second copy in the side to give us extra power against graveyard decks.
I also want to list
Gavony Township
as part of the back-up beatdown plan. Makes our creatures bigger, and a couple activations can even convince our mana birds it would be a good idea to join the fight too. The Township can also be activated to remove -1/-1 counters from Finks and Redcap.
Eternal Witness helps us recycle CoCo and Chord. It can get back any Pridemages and Fulminator Mages we've sacrificed to do work so we can play them and sacrifice them all over again. It can get back any of our combo pieces too and let's us play the value game and grind out our opponents.
Fiend Hunter gives us a way to remove a threat (albeit temporarily). I think the one limitation of the deck (at least in game 1) is our ability to interact with what our opponent is doing. I like the two copies of the Hunter to be able to mess with our opponent's board. Ideally we can follow up with a
Gavony Township
activation or an Anafenza bolster trigger to get him out of Lightning Bolt range.
doesn't need too many introductions. With Birds of Paradise or a Noble Hierarch on the board we can often play the and avoid taking damage.
Qasali Pridemage - Our Enchantment/Artifact hate.
Fulminator Mage - Land destruction. Currently running three in the side - primarily for the Tron and Bloom match-ups. Against Tron I currently think the right play is to side out all four copies of Kitchen Finks (since our life total normally matters less in this match-up, plus Tron doesn't care whether we give ourselves infinite life) for the Fulminator Mages and our one copy of Aven Mindcensor. Not sure this is right, so interested to hear what other people recommend.
Like the Fulminator Mages, Aven Mindcensor is useful against Tron and Bloom to limit their ability to tutor for lands.
Kataki, War's Wage
- Because we don't like robots.
Wilt-Leaf Liege
gives us more power when we want to play the beat down game. It gives double the anthem to Finks and the Voice and +1/+1 to just about everything else we're running. It's also good against discard decks.
Linvala, Keeper of Silence
is often needed to protect our combo. Cards like Scavenging Ooze ruin us, so Linvala is key to shut them down. If we're going all in on the combo we definitely want to side this in.
I think Reveillark can be useful against decks with a lot of removal or discard. Can fill a similar role to Eternal Witness in that we can get cards back from our graveyard, and with a Viscera Seer in play we can sacrifice it instead of waiting for our opponent to kill it.
Eidolon of Rhetoric stops a lot of combo decks which need to cast their spells in order to go off.
Three copies of Abrupt Decay because sometimes we just need to be able to interact directly with what out opponent is doing.