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From Human to God (Azorius Polymorph Control)

Modern Control Counterspell Creatureless Theme/Gimmick Tokens Toxic WU (Azorius)



The concept is very simple with this deck and it holds in one sentence : creatureless blue white control with a twist.

To elaborate, there are in fact two creatures in this deck, two copies of Emrakul, the Aeons Torn which serve as the payoff for Polymorph, what I found was that in this type of deck, the big haymakers are often dead cards if you draw them and drawing them can, in fact, downright kill your whole strategy, but Emrakul is one of the best payoffs for its added ability to shuffle itself and your entire graveyard into your library if it ends up in there from wherever else, be it your hand, by discarding it, the field, through a boardwipe, or the deck, through milling. This actually means that more often than not, having one in your hand isn't necessarily a bad thing and can often transform into a 'reload' option in late game states, allowing you to refill your deck with removal and draw spells in case of a control matchup, as well as having the added benefit of making you virtually impervious to mill strategies.

The entire 'morphing' aspect of the deck being actually able to fit into a really small package of 5 cards, I managed to fit it into a regular creatureless Azorius Control deck, since this deck already has some very viable ways of generating tokens that can be turned into our finisher, it also means that you can very well win the game without ever seeing emrakul on the field at all, Mirrex and The Wandering Emperor being both wincons on their own, the Restless Anchorages are also here for added board presence as well as a potential sac for the morphing effect.

Additionally, I am running Teferi, Time Raveler simply for the possibility of casting Polymorph as an instant and giving as little of a time window as possible for the opponent to actually do something about the Emrakul before it can hit the field or proc its Anihilator 6 by removing the possibility for them to act at instant speed. It's also there for the off-chance I need to be able to cast a Sunfall at instant speed.

In regards to strategy, it's a pretty straightforward control deck, the objective of this deck isn't to win as early as possible and it actually oftentimes prefers to stall out games and make sure you have either stabilized, found a clean opening, like the opponent tapping out on their turn, or once you know you've already made the opponent run out of removal before actually attempting to end the game by casting the Polymorph. It is a bit silly to have to mention that but the deck doesn't actually reward you for taking risks, you can slowly grind your opponents out the game without casting a single Polymorph and for as long as it remains your safest option, you should run each game with that game plan in mind.


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90% Competitive

Date added 8 months
Last updated 2 months
Exclude colors BRG

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

43 - 11 Rares

4 - 4 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.76
Tokens Copy Clone, Dog Illusion */* U, Emblem Mordenkainen, Incubator, Map, Phyrexian 0/0 C, Phyrexian Mite 1/1 C, Samurai 2/2 W
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