Deck i built to bash the rally/bant matchups that performed amazingly at a RPTQ, getting me 9th (missing out on top 8 by 2% tiebreakers) in a field of 60 or so other players. Out of 6 matches, i lost 1 to mardu green. Every other match was vs rally or bant coco, and i won them all. Heartbreaking to miss a protour shot by 2%, but thems the break(ers).
update The deck has since won a pptq, and been going on the amazing finishes when it's played. Sometimes brewing is it's own reward. #Fearthefro
Sideboard notes:
Vs rally: +3 radiant flames, +1 dispel, +2 chandra
-3 murderous cut, -1 k. Command -2 fiery impulse
Vs Bant coco: +3 rad flames +1 dispel +2 chandra
-2 M cut, -1 k command -2 firey impulse -1 thopt engineer
Vs mardu green/jeskai black (any super removal heavy deck no depending on a creature finisher)
+3 transgress, +2 gideon +2 chandra, +1 utter end +1 painful truths +1 crackling doom (+1 dispel if first match reveals lots of instants)
-1 k command, -2 Firey impulse, -2 sorin, -2 reflector mage, -3 draconic roar (if no 3 damage targets are revealed)
Aggro (U/R prowess/Atarka red, etc)
-2 kolghan storms fury -2 murderous cut, (-2 dispel if not combo based) If it is combo based -1 sorin, -1 more kolghan
+3 rad flames, +1 crackling doom +2 gideon
Ramp (mono green or red)
-3 reflector mage -2 firey impulse (if not using mana dorks) -2 dispel, -2 sorin -1 kcommand if no Archive)
+3 trangress the mind, +1 crackling doom +1 utter end +2 gideon (+ k command if running hedron archive) + chandra
Abzan (blue, red, whatevers.)
For blue and red keep in the dispels, for classic zan, board em out.
-2 firey impulse, -1 k command, -2 dispel,( or 2 sorins)
+1 crackling doom +1 utter end +2 gideon, +1 painful truths.
Weird jank: yer on yer own. Largely the plan is the kill em first, use your evasion to clock them.