From the grave my knights will arise. HAIL HAAKON!
Pheardemons says... #3
RedJokr - Well we have different play styles, and based on the other decks...budget. I think this is somewhat consistent though, not sure when/if I'll get to playtest it. I love the combo of Haakon, Stromgald Scourge and the changeling cards Nameless Inversion and Crib Swap. Any suggestions for the deck?
February 5, 2016 5:20 p.m.
Actually,I don't have any suggestions.My play style has always been.....Johnny.I really love this though.~
February 5, 2016 5:36 p.m.
Pheardemons says... #5
RedJokr - Actually same here. I don't care to win, but to have fun playing a deck that people need to read the cards. Still want to win, but ah well had fun. Thanks for looking at the deck man. Hopefully I'll be able to at least proxy it soon and playtest with some people.
Let me know if you need help with any of your decks in the future.
February 5, 2016 6:12 p.m.
TheLivingCME says... #7
Wow, this is really juicy. Love the combo between Haakon and Changeling!
Speaking of that, have you tried Mirror Entity? Boosting all your creatures, and giving them indestructible with a Knight Exemplar on the battlefield, is a game ender. It's recurring, too!
Other Knights you may like are Knight of Meadowgrain / Fiendslayer Paladin (yay, lifegain), Paladin en-Vec / Mirran Crusader (safe against a lot of removal and creatures), Stillmoon Cavalier (mana sink, vulnerable only to red removal, could be a recurring beast in here).
February 6, 2016 5:59 a.m.
Pheardemons says... #8
TheLivingCME - I did look into Mirror Entity but it seemed that I would've wanted to hold my mana for removal if needed. Or main phase two bring back any creatures that were lost. However, if I can make it a point to get the indestructible first it wouldn't be a problem.
The other knights you mentioned I did not know about for the most part (knights are relatively knew to me in general), but which ones would you believe would be best to put in? Which cards would you want to take out?
Also glad you like the list. I am somewhat proud of this one. Weird, combo, stable, jank, and aggressive. Everything I love in a deck.
February 6, 2016 8:59 a.m.
TheLivingCME says... #9
As you said, what's not to love in this deck? It's a really nice list. :D
As for the Knights, I think Stillmoon Cavalier would be a powerhouse in here, especially since it's Path-proof. The next best ones are, in my opinion, Mirran Crusader and Fiendslayer Paladin, but these two are meta calls/personal preference.
For the Mirror Entity, I understand your point, but I'd still try to sneak one in.
Cards you could take off, let's see ... I don't really like Student of Warfare (too mana intensive), Silverblade Paladin (too frail) and Knight of the Holy Nimbus (personal preference here). Also, I feel like Apostle's Blessing doesn't really belong here, but maybe it's just me!
February 6, 2016 9:34 a.m.
Pheardemons says... #10
TheLivingCME I'll definitely take your considerations to heart and look them over. I don't have a way of testing this at the moment, but I'll proxy it at some point and put cards in and out.
Just to let you know the reasons I had for the cards I picked, Student of Warfare was there for extra mana to have a use. And double strike is useful for a 4/4, but I understand your logic as well.
Silverblade Paladin may be frail, but with a powerhouse already on the battlefield it can give double strike to end the game. Also, being cast from the graveyard multiple times, it may be a Path to Exile target which can save my more meaningful knights. That was my thought process anyway.
Knight of the Holy Nimbus was there as a constant regeneration. An annoying creature that can be used as fodder for blocking. My opponent would have to sacrifice their own mana (and in response losing one of their own spells) to be able to destroy it. Again the recursion is there to make it more annoying.
Apostle's Blessing is there just for protection. I can keep one mana open and maybe they won't expect it to stave off Path to Exile or other stuff.
These are some of my thought processes for the cards you suggested. Although I'll definitely take your considerations for the deck. Thanks again man.
February 7, 2016 2:43 a.m.
Pheardemons says... #11
Also TheLivingCME with Mirror Entity his effect is risky at best. With the general dredge of the deck, plus fetchlands to thin the deck, also Knight of the Reliquary, I probably wouldn't have enough mana to make it effective. However it does need to be playtested.
February 7, 2016 3:57 a.m.
TheLivingCME says... #12
I understand all of your points. In the end, the ultimate decision is yours, and surely you are more experienced with the deck!
I just hope my suggestion were useful to you! I see you are testing the Stillmoon Cavalier: good luck with that boy! :)
February 7, 2016 7:31 a.m.
Pheardemons says... #13
Oh yea I changed the list a little bit because he did seem like a powerhouse so I became interested.
And definitely. One could be playing an absolutely trash deck with no synergy, but if you have fun who is anyone to judge? I like giving my reasoning for cards because I know I can get tunnel vision. If a different set of eyes is able to find flaws in my thought process or another card that does the same thing, but better with more effects, I'm always all ears.
Again man thanks for the suggestions! I'm hoping to have it proxied by Monday for that tournament, but if not then definitely Thursday so after the initial match I can playtest against similar competitive decks. If that is possible I might do an update or a comment and tag everyone in it. Definitely let me know if you would like any help with anything. I feel like I've called on you 100 times without giving back haha.
February 7, 2016 7:52 a.m.
TheLivingCME says... #14
Yeah, of course, beauty is always in the eye of the beholder! The only thing one can improve can be the efficiency of the single card, but the whole deck is something a lot more personal.
Good luck with the tournament! Oh, and don't mention it bro, it's always nice to exchange opinions! :)
February 7, 2016 8:18 a.m.
ComboCrazy says... #15
Excellent synergy! Very well made. Midnight Guard + Presence of Gond would be helpful as a win con.
February 7, 2016 3:17 p.m.
Pheardemons says... #16
ComboCrazy - That combo is actually pretty sweet as well as cheap and most likely surprising game one. However Midnight Guard is not a knight, as well as the dredge quality of the deck I'm not sure I'd get the combo out enough to make it efficient. Also the cards taken out might make the deck slower. Definitely appreciate the thought though man.
February 7, 2016 8:34 p.m.
Pheardemons says... #20
If you mean the top 8 had 6 eldrazi decks then yes. I just don't know where Midnight Guard comes into play there haha. Been drinking tonight at a super bowl party so sorry if I'm a little slow tonight. There are literately only 16 colored cards in the top 8 pro tour. 8 Galvanic Blasts and 8 Vault Skirge which are all in the two affinity decks haa.
February 7, 2016 9:08 p.m.
Sorry, but how does the Haakon + Nameless Inversion combo work exactly?
(If you could put a paragraph in about that I think it would be good for some viewers). Thanks!
February 16, 2016 2:59 a.m.
Pheardemons says... #22
Bovine073 First off thanks for the view and comment! I'm actually editing some things of the deck now so I will also put that in the description. Sorry for not making that clear.
Nameless Inversion, Crib Swap, and Mirror Entity all have the ability called changeling. Changeling allows that card to have all creature types AT ALL TIMES. Hand, battlefield, and mainly for this deck the graveyard, they are all considered knights, (every creature type, but the purpose of this deck is knight). So if Haakon, Stromgald Scourge is on the battlefield he allows for knight cards to be played from the graveyard, which includes the 3 cards I mentioned because of the changeling ability. This allows me to continually recast any of those cards from the graveyard to destroy any number of creatures that may be problematic for me, and bringing Mirror Entity back if needed.
Hope that helps!
February 16, 2016 3:08 a.m.
Pheardemons says... #23
If that helps you understand the deck a little better I hope you +1 if you like it. Also I am absolutely willing to listen to any suggestions if you have any cards in mind that would make this deck more consistent or resilient.
February 16, 2016 3:18 a.m.
Pheardemons says... #25
Entomb isn't modern legal, otherwise yes it would be an incredible addition to the deck ComboCrazy. What do you mean by 8/8 addition?
Pheardemons says... #1
RedJokr - Here you go man. This is may take on the deck =].
Sk0oMa - Here was my take on the combo that was mentioned for your deck. Seems somewhat stable actually especially against aggro decks.
ComboCrazy - This deck has combos that I believe you'll love. Let me know what you think!
TheLivingCME - You've seriously helped me with a lot of my decks, so you're also kind of a go to when help is wanted/needed. Let me know what you think of this deck, and definitely if you would like any suggestions for your decks.
Anyone/Everyone else that is looking thanks for the look! Please leave any suggestions, as I am open to any and all criticism. I will put up details of the deck soon, right now I am seriously tired of looking at a computer and thinking about magic in general (but only for the moment).
February 5, 2016 1:11 p.m.