Standard* Carson12rocks


I like the idea and has the potential to be a top list in the new standard meta. But I do see some cards that could hinder your aggressiveness in Game 1:

Icy Blast is a cool mana sink, but Crater's Claws already fits the bill. So a t6 Crater > t6 Blast, so you just replace them with more creatures/ways to end the opponent.

Temur Charm is a much more sideboard card, as I don't think you want to use t3 as a charm than Savage Knuckleblade, and could hinder your aggressive plays and slow down you.

Rattleclaw Mystic is a must have in Temur aggressive listsand helps provide a efficient mana dork. Also he can trade with Rabblemasters which helps against RDW/Atarka Red.

Also, you need a big close out, something like Abzan's Siege Rhino, that can obliterate your opponent and provides lots of aggression. Stormbreath Dragon can fit the bill here and is quite strong, but you would be heading into the Dragons-esque build.

CoCo is also a way to provide aggression and beat other lists to flash your creatures like Knuckles and perhaps Rabblemaster (I do suggest Goblin Rabblemaster, he changes games quickly and is the AGGRESSIVE creature in standard) or even Boon Satyr.

Overall nice list and may it win tourneys in the future!

July 8, 2015 9:02 a.m.

Oh and +1 from me!

July 8, 2015 9:03 a.m.

Carson12rocks says... #3

If I can get Goblin Rabblemaster he will be auto included. I may switch out icy blast, but I have play tested this deck with it and it just wins me games because I drop Heir of the Wilds into Savage Knuckleblade into Surrak, the Hunt Caller and then I icy blast up to 5 creatures turn five and if I got Any extra points through early game, it's game over. I also may drop Temur Charm to maybe Wild Slash because there are going to be so many tribal decks in this up coming standard season. I also think that rattle claw mystic is a bit to much ramp for this deck, because my highest costed card in this deck is 4 mana, which means it's fastest just to have one ramp spell, that being the elvish mystic. I'm trying to think of another close out creature, but I think Surrak, the Hunt Caller fits the bill. Also, collected company would be in, but I have 6 creatures over the mana. Cost and the most effective number of creatures is sitting at 22. Boon satyr may come in, but he's about to rotate. Do you think any of the cards from the new set should come in?

July 8, 2015 11:43 a.m.

Carson12rocks says... #4

I just dropped 2 Icy Blast for 2 Sagu Mauler. I think I'll try this and see how it does

July 8, 2015 11:48 a.m.

Carson12rocks says... #5

I think that Icy Blast and Sagu Mauler need to be in, but I need the right combination to have them both in.

July 8, 2015 12:01 p.m.

Carson12rocks says... #6

I just Decided to not play the mauler and go back down to 24 creatures, because that seems to be the most effective

July 8, 2015 3:13 p.m.

A explosive burn card can be good for removal/4 to the dome, Exquisite Firecraft I believe it's called. Scab-Clan Berserker beats on control and is a technical 3/3. Harbinger of the Tides has a interesting mana cost, but when flashed he can do something. He would require some of the pain lands and Mana Confluence due to it's mana cost.

I would sideboard Encase in Ice in mirror matches!

I get Rattleclaw Mystic and Icy Blast but I would remove Talent of the Telepath and sideboard it than mainboard due to a possibility to be against a Control list.

July 8, 2015 6:07 p.m.

For a close-out creature, as I said before, Stormbreath Dragon could work and you have the option of using Draconic Roar for removal and burn.

July 8, 2015 6:10 p.m.

Carson12rocks says... #9

Thanks for coming back and commenting! I will sideboard Scab-Clan Berserker and I may main board Exquisite Firecraft but, craters claws has the ability to do the same thing only it can go for more damage. Talent of the telepath will probably come out, the reason I put it in is because it's a spicy one of that can get you a removal spell, a dig or sometimes a burn spell. It'll probably still come out. If I ran more dragons, I would run Draconic Roar but I only run 3, so it's not really worth it. I would run storm breath, but there's a hefty price tag and it brings my curve up considerably. If I did run something in that slot, it would probably be Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker. He's just less expensive and more versatile. I also may put in Rattleclaw Mystic, but what should I take out? Thanks again for coming back and helping out, this feed back is the most important thing for building a successful deck.

July 9, 2015 8:28 a.m.

Hey, no problem! I am always ready to comment and assist you!

Crater's Claws may be able to hit for more, but early in the game, 3cmc for 4 ain't that bad and can easily remove a Courser/Stormbreath. And Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker lost tons of value when Stormbreath can easily outclass him in his protection in white and his monstrosity ability to easily close out games when it gets longer. Against Abzan, they have to use Hero's Downfall to kill a Stormbreath because Stormbreath can chump a Rhino and walk it off, while Sarkhan has trouble beating a creature that has 4+ toughness.

Even if you don't want to go a more ramp route and instead want a low cmc cost list, I would suggest these for a CoCo list (Collected Company lists are getting lots of fame due to their ability to drop aggressive creatures at instant speed):

Goblin Rabblemaster- I get what you are saying about how you don't have them, but they are about to spike with Goblin Tribal coming.

Boon Satyr- Like I said before, great flasher. Won a Esper dragon list since I flashed him at their end step to close the game.

Deathmist Raptor- If you have any of these, USE THEM!

Bounding Krasis- A great 3cmc card that can disrupt strategies.

Mizzium Meddler- A sideboard card, but he can disrupt removal plans like Spellskite, but with CoCo, instant speed.

These 3cmc cards are suggestions to start a Temur CoCo list.

July 9, 2015 3:51 p.m.

Carson12rocks says... #11

Hmmmm, I may find something to take out for Bounding Krasis but probably not Mizzium Meddler. I've also been considering playing Boon Satyr for a while but what to take out? As for Goblin Rabblemaster and Deathmist Raptor there's just to large of a price tag. I've also been considering adding Rattleclaw Mystic, but almost all my other cards out class it. What about wild slash? Oh, and I may Put boon satyr in if I can find him, until I find thunderbreak, that is. I just don't know what to take out. Thanks again for helping, if you want any help w/ your deck, just ask. Thanks

July 9, 2015 7 p.m.

heartmonger says... #12

Is there a budget option version for wooded foothills?

September 30, 2015 6:10 p.m.

Hi, first of all I'm a huge Temur fan myself since the clan was revealed for KOT, but I see some issues with this list:

  1. Boon Satyr is not Standard Legal.
  2. Hangarback Walker consumes too many resources to be a feasable Ferocity source, forcing you to use up precious mana that could be used in more productive ways.
  3. Your only 1 drop cards are noncreature counters and damage, which might sound like a good early game advantage but once the mid range game sets in those 1 drop creatures left out of the early startegy might be decisive.

I offer these suggestions:

  1. Replace Hangarback Walker with Managorger Hydra. It's a beautiful 3 drop creature that boosts itself like crazy with very little instervention on your part, it will eat up all the removal spells your opponents might try to send it it's way and with a healthy arsenal of counters you have your finisher primed and ready by t6.

  2. To ensure you have a big, bad finisher try Atarka, World Render. It is a heavy 5RG, but it more than compensates for the mana cost if you can tandem it with a t4-t5 Surrak, the Hunt Caller already on the table wreaking havock. Keep in mind this is not your prime killer move, it's your failsafe plan C if for some reason Surrak, the Hunt Caller and Savage Knuckleblade couldn't get the job done.

  3. One of the main weak spots of Temur, in my own experience, is weenie aggro decks, specially token based. Try sideboarding Icy Blast for some late game field control if you are getting overwhlemed by sheer numbers. Eventhough you could use Temur Charm for similar purposes, that's a purely offensive tool and doesn't account for the kind of groupal boosts things like Abzan decks are fielding right now.

Please drop by my prof to check out my own Temur list and compare notes.

October 25, 2015 1:49 a.m.

Carson12rocks says... #14

Thanks man! I am currently running Managorger Hydra. I put in Hangarback Walker online because I was always overdrawing 3 drops. I also don't run 1 drops because I run too many tap lands, I kind of have too to get the right mana. And I don't need them in a tempo deck, because I'm not after an aggro approach, even though my deck can take the offensive quickly. If I would have a one drop, it would be one of immense value early and late game. It would probably be Dragonmaster Outcast. And also I am running my 3 Managorger Hydra in a different deck. I just needed to find a balance. And I'm not trying to win by a peticular turn, I just want to have the ability to pull the trigger when I need to and kill when they are most vunerable

October 25, 2015 10:29 a.m.

JakeHarlow says... #15

First, I'd recommend posting an update to clear the comments, since many are pertaining to pre-rotation.

I like this build. I'll bet quite a few opponents won't see the white splash coming! Nice idea.

Mainboard Nissa and Dragonmaster Outcast is sick. I also think Hangarback Walker with Heir of the Wilds mainboard gives you some very solid things to do on Turn 2!

Overall a very sweet and aggressive build. You make Temur proud. Do you have any event reports for when you played this? How did it do?

October 28, 2015 1:49 p.m.

Carson12rocks says... #16

Any suggestions? I'm actually currently trying to build this deck. As you can see, it's pretty expensive, but good. All I need is, well, a lot. I need both Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flips, both Dragonmaster Outcast, both Woodland Wanderer, 3 Hangarback Walker and basically the entire land base..... Yah, it's somewhat of from completion, but I have a Marsh Flats expedition right now that I could trade for most of it....

October 28, 2015 11:15 p.m.

JakeHarlow says... #17

Yeah, that expedition will get you pretty far on a lot of that. Honestly I might be convinced to hook you up, but we could talk about that elsewhere.

I know that this is kind of a queue from my own deck, BUT...I will suggest, since you are aggro, to look once more at Shaman of the Great Hunt. He has haste, and adds value to every swing that connects. Plus, for those grindy games, he's quite able to give you the reach you need by drawing cards for you. Having something relevant to spend mana on is never a bad thing.

October 29, 2015 1:41 a.m.

Carson12rocks says... #18

I may consider playing him as a one or two of. I actually ended up switching out of being aggro, because it's just a harder deck to build and at some points it just can't be, thus I went tempo, which is mana efficient creatures with lots of value that withstand an extremely long game, but can also win relatively quickly.

October 29, 2015 8:40 p.m.

Carson12rocks says... #19

I may play him, but what do you suggest I take out?

October 29, 2015 8:52 p.m.

JakeHarlow says... #20

If you're going tempo without mana dorks, the Shaman probably isn't a very good idea. My bad. Though it's a good card, I doubt it would perform here.

October 30, 2015 2:40 a.m.

I'm running a tempo midrange list, and tempo doesn't like to spend time casting creatures. They like to use more non creature spells to prevent opposing board presence or to refill hand or to put pressure on the opponent, usually a burn spell or a counter spell.

My list is very similar to Jeskai-Black, and I like the tempo-midrange style, but it uses a lot less creatures for removal and counters and draw.

October 31, 2015 1:32 a.m.

Carson12rocks says... #22

Tempo comes in all ways shapes and forms. Yours relies on powerful spells, mine relies on powerful creatures. The entire idea is to play powerful cards that have relevancy the entire game. That's just my thought though

October 31, 2015 2:28 p.m.

JakeHarlow says... #23

Overall it seems to me that this is a aggressive tempo deck that wants valuable plays at every stage of the game. Dragonmaster Outcast and Hangarback Walker are great early plays that get better and better as the game goes longer. They can soak up early removal to make way for some of your bigger threats -- Savage Knuckleblade and its ilk.

In addition to efficient creatures you've got a varied and capable set of utility spells that can answer a wide variety of situations (I'm not sure about the inclusion of Brutal Expulsion though -- how has it been performing at events?).

That's my overall impression, at least.

November 3, 2015 12:07 a.m.

Carson12rocks says... #24

Thanks man! I am playing Brutal Expulsion for 2 reasons, maybe 3 and it has performed quite well in these ways. First and second way, it exiles Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip and Hangarback Walker. It also counters uncounterables and will return big nasty threats to your opponents hand. In multiple cases, I have exiled a small threat and returned a big one to the grip to clear the way for attackers. However, I am open to ideas for replacement spells. Oh and once I exiled a Sarkhan Unbroken and returned one of his dragons the my opponents grip, otherwise just killed it.

November 3, 2015 7:10 a.m.

This is a great list by no means, but the thing I had wrong in a pretty similar list, played Mantis Rider and Undergrowth Champion. I would always dump my hand on the field and Control lists would make fun of me. So my Big Monster Aggro list wasn't capable of finishing control, so that's when I cut some unnecessary critters and applied more draw spells or removal. Atarka Red is also REAL, and it does crazy work. I think Dispel is the most working counter spell in the format. Hear me out: it takes out BattleStrike/Immense, Titans Strength, any opposing counterspell, and almost all burn (not 3 for 4 damage, it's sorcery). So in my eyes, I think it's better than Stubborn Denial.

Overall, impressive list and should test with it to see its flaws and then improve!!!

November 3, 2015 7:11 a.m.

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