TEMUR CoCo ASCENDANCY (Frontier) w/Amonkhet update

Frontier* Comfordor


StankP.I. says... #1

flintshadowrider - true dat. Once Amonkhet drops I'll bet Combat Celebrant would be do quite well instead

April 9, 2017 3:19 a.m.

StankP.I. says... #2

Also, I feel like those Dragonmaster Outcasts might be better as elvish mystics, so you can CoCo a turn earlier

April 9, 2017 3:23 a.m.

Comfordor says... #3

@flintshadowrider - TBH.. Currently my options for creatures with cmc 3 or less and power 4 or greater are slim pickings xD (creatures that meet conditions for BOTH Temur Ascendancy && Collected Company)

Although in saying that, Lathnu Hellion is still an excellent and powerful card. a 4/4 body with haste is tough to deal with. That hasty body will just beat down my opponent until its dead.

Plus it synergies with with all my key cards, (drawing a card when it enters the bf through Temur Ascendancy, additionally Flameshadow Conjuring will give it an extra turn to live (from the token entering the bf)

You will probably notice all of my creatures have both pros and cons to them, Lathnu's con is its short life span..

@ StankP.I. new amonkhet spoilers are insane!! they showing some decent cards that'll slip right in to my deck =D

Things to Note, this is a midrange beast deck, My strategy is to overwhelm my opponents with stampede of creatures. but also protect them from removal.. lil elvish mystic doesnt stampede, lil dragonmaster does =D

Elvish Mystic - I had this card in my deck back when I had this deck in standard format.. The cons vastly outway pros of early CoCo..

  • It is only useful in my opening hand, it was a terrible card to draw after turn 2, Plus a terrible card to hit with CoCo. During these phases I need bigger threats.

  • More importantly, it doesn't trigger Temur Ascendancy

Dragonmaster Outcast - As mentioned above, my card choices are slim pickings, this card is more late game strategy rather than a turn 1 drop, Those 5/5 flying dragons end games. Also it is a good cheap distraction from my other creatures. I rate this card highly and will most likely not remove it unless a better 1 drop comes out.

April 9, 2017 4:19 a.m.

Comfordor says... #5

Heyoo! I've listed some new Amonkhet cards in my update. Would you 'yay' or 'nay' these cards, I'd love to hear others thoughts and opinions .

Combat Celebrant & Prowling Serpopard are definitely in. Not 100% what is to be taken out yet. I'll have to have a long hard think about it, and no doubt experiment to see what works best.

April 14, 2017 8:49 p.m.

Comfordor says... #6

4x Prowling Serpopard in, 4x Lathnu Hellion out

2x Combat Celebrant in, 2x Shaman of the Great Hunt out

1x Rhonas the Indomitable & 1x Kefnet the Mindful in, 2x Illusory Angel out.

Kefnet is still a maybe card. Exemplar of Strength was not aggressive enough in play testing. Still need to test bloodrage brawler, which will swap out for Frost Walker

April 17, 2017 7:45 p.m.

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