Standard Land destruction

Standard* ROUROU

SCORE: 138 | 90 COMMENTS | 20610 VIEWS | IN 56 FOLDERS

BS-T says... #1

Seems like a proportionate response.... But seriously, definitely relatable - I would react the same way XD

Like the overt brutality of the deck!

October 13, 2016 7:17 p.m.

ROUROU says... #2

BS-T you know why i am more mad? because, the brat proved me wrong... hahah he was "picking" the right package and he got it right xD

So, i am building this deck, in order to counter control them. If you think carefully, providing that i have the right hand -which usually happens- and i play first, not one 3-color deck can beat this. The only decks, that can overcome the destruction, are aggro dwarves, but i am brewing the side-deck for this reason :P

Thanks for stopping by and for your upvote :P Have fun playing mtg :)

October 15, 2016 3:42 a.m.

You are an evil person... but at least you're killing netdeckers XD

October 19, 2016 11:29 p.m.

ROUROU says... #4

officialduckling AMEN my brother!! those gearhulks, LOVE this deck... I mean, they are pretty ok, but what the hell can a gearhulk achieve agains an eldrazi??

Anyways, thanks for stopping by and upvoting this shizznit xD. As always, keep having fun and keep shredding net-deckers.

October 21, 2016 9:33 a.m.

imsocool1234 says... #5

I love this deck but am just wondering how do you close out a game with it?

October 21, 2016 8:35 p.m.

ROUROU says... #6

imsocool1234 well, there's always ulamog, tireless and burn from within :P

Thanks for stopping by and upvoting :)

October 22, 2016 3:20 p.m.

Guardians says... #7

Love the deck. Might just make your opponent mad if you play Mina and Denn, Wildborn- i get extra lands-you don't!Also maybe Traverse the Ulvenwald

October 24, 2016 7:41 p.m.

ROUROU says... #8

Guardians Thanks for the suggestion bro!! ... Well, as i said above, FUCK kaladesh, sooo Attune with Aether is out for Traverse the Ulvenwald ! This deck , is COMPLETE kaladesh-proof...

I went at my L.G.S., last Friday and came second again! I only lost to an aggro red-white token deck... And this is because i did not draw a destruction till round 5! :s

The other games, were funny as fuck! The first matchup, was a guy that net-decked the deck of a brazilian dude, that got 2nd place at the pro tour...Imagine his face, when World Breaker was casted and he was left with 1 ?!!? mana... ahhaahhah he was mad.

All in all, i am trying to make a deck, that is kinda budget and is anti-meta.

I really hope you enjoy playing this, or a similar deck! .

As always, thanks for stopping by and thanks for your suggestions and upvotes! :):):)

October 24, 2016 8 p.m.

Guardians says... #9

sure, i might try it! Its definitely cheap enough. thanks!

October 24, 2016 8:03 p.m.

Guardians says... #10

also if you could get a copy or two of Kozilek's Return? it would be great here

October 24, 2016 8:07 p.m.

Guardians says... #11

i hate suggesting it but Creeping Mold. maybe get a non-kaladesh version

October 25, 2016 7:31 p.m.

Homura_Akemi says... #12

I feel for you. I was playing Mono Red Aggro at Game Day this weekend and was abused by a Grixis control deck where after killing all of my creatures my opponent flashed Elder Deep-Fiends on two of my upkeep steps in a row. It sucked. I feel like just quitting standard now, but this deck looks fun to mess with others. Good work +1

October 25, 2016 7:56 p.m.

ROUROU says... #13

Homura_Akemi See what i am talking about? Everyone goes and spends 300$ for pre-made decks and doesn't give a shit about all the other printed cards...

As long as they "win" , they good... Imagine though, playing against a grixis **_


_**deck and not giving him the opportunity to play his lands... PLEASE, for the love of god, build this deck and go wreck them really bad! He will have all those Elder Deep-Fiends and you will force him to flash them either in teh toilet, or up his anus.

One thing is for sure, he won't be playing a spell with 3cmc or greater xD . Thanks for stopping by and for upvoting :P

Guardians You are making me fight with my inner demons ... :s :s I will try to find one of the older versions and i will try to put it in here. xD

Thanks for the suggestions and for stopping by.

As always, have fun, beating net-deckers

October 25, 2016 8:06 p.m.

BFG says... #14

What's funny is that if this takes hold in their FNMs, won't they themselves become net-deckers? XD Don't get me wrong, I love me some good land hate in a meta that revolves around multiple colors and no fetches but it will be pretty amusing when this works.

October 26, 2016 10:14 a.m.

ROUROU says... #15

BFG i ALWAYS encourage people to build their own decks! i just tho , cannot stand to see those grixis-control and jeskai-control, wrecking everyone! This is why, there are cards that cost 50ish $ and some others, that cost .20 $ and are equally sick (remember Deflecting Palm ) Anyways, my point, is to make some of the guys in the mtg community, to think out of the box and be creative!

Now, if someone decided to net-deck this, i don't care, cause it will cost them WAY less money than the top-8 decks xDxD

Thanks for stopping by and for taking time to comment .Cheers bro ! :)

October 26, 2016 11:05 a.m.

BFG says... #16

For sure, we can never forget Deflecting Palm + Dictate of the Twin Gods. Don't mind me I just love going around and lightly trolling. I will in fact be repping this some online as it is going to be funny when their setup takes forever with decision making and then i just blow up lands...

October 26, 2016 11:31 a.m.

ROUROU says... #17

BFG seriously? dictate was my first card... heh... it's been nearly 4 years :s

October 26, 2016 6:42 p.m.

Homura_Akemi says... #18

Just imagine if Blood Moon was reprinted in standard right now XD

October 26, 2016 6:55 p.m.

Domonator777 says... #19

I stopped playing RG eldrazi a few weeks ago because I had difficulty finding the right consistency to ramp, but this......this is gorgeous. I have so many of these pieces I will probably build it. +1

October 27, 2016 8:29 a.m.

I've seen a lot of Green Black Delirium in my area. Has anyone seen how this deck holds up to that deck type.

October 27, 2016 11:24 a.m.

ROUROU says... #22

Domonator777 Thank you for your kind words :) you should try to build this, but you can also make your personal changes, in order to win at your local gaming store.For the time being, this deck performs excellent at my L.G.S. :P

Guardians Yo ! took me some time, but you ... You got it right dude... Saw all of the decks you built and they kick ass! Word of advice. If you can build such nice decks and if you can be so creative, go and play some draft tournaments. I am sure, you will come 1st! I tip my hat to you sir :)

Migraine_Maddox There aren't many guys that play g/b delirium in my area, so i don't have a complete image of this deck vs delirium xD. I don't expect though to beat every deck around . I just want to see nice concepts :):)You can playtest it against some delirium decks and tell me how this deck performs. You can also adjust some of the side-deck cards, for G/B . I don't worry about you tho, cause i saw the beast vampires deck u built :):) +1

As always , thank you guys for stopping by and thank you for making this deck reach the top page!!
I wish you all the best

October 27, 2016 1:26 p.m.

BFG says... #23

How do we feel about oso (Oblivion Sower) in here over maybe say the Bedlam Reveler? I know the potential to cast it for RR is there but think of the possibilities of an oso after you bomb them with a Crumble to Dust? Terrific right? Also, thanks to crumble alongside, you'd be less likely to whiff with it unlike other decks running him. to not whiff with the sower. He also fits the non-kaladesh theme

October 28, 2016 12:49 p.m.

ROUROU says... #24

BFG DONE!! you were right, sower, is such a better choice... My problem, is the white color though... I HAVE to deal with those agro decks somehow and I don't rely much on the kozi's return :/ I think, by splashing white, I may have made the deck harder to focus on land destruction.

I rely on this community though, to give me advice :)

Thanks for your suggestion bro!

October 28, 2016 1:22 p.m.

BFG says... #25

Easy day and ya I totally get the aggro issue -_- best case is keeping the offshoots like you're doing and maybe focus more on controlling their creature with small burn, i.e. Galvanic Bombardments. I would say Harnessed Lightning would be cool but sadly it is Kaladesh. I'm playtesting a bit so I'll let you know if I figure something else out

October 28, 2016 2:15 p.m.

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