I also agree with Galvanic Bombardment, they can be amazing vs aggro and vehicles. I would recommend cutting the Nissas renewal for Appetite for the Unnatural in the sideboard. Also maybe Radiant Flames too
October 29, 2016 8:44 a.m.
BFG and Guardians , I placed out Ruin in Their Wake and placed in Primal Druid . I also, placed in Rolling Thunder , for some wipes :)
I will playtest it and I will see how this goes :P
October 29, 2016 2:53 p.m.
Domonator777 says... #4
Last night I played the deck at FNM and went 2-2. To sum it up I had a fair amount of keeping opponent's lands low, but lost games due to early pressure even after siding in Kozilek's Returns. I ran into issues with Bedlam Reveler staying stuck in my hand because I had a big titan in hand along with it. Crumble to dust sometimes was a dead card in hand due to some opponents only having basics. I like the most recent update, and may switch out Crumble for Kozilek's Return. I may also look into making room for Sylvan Advocate.
PS the Oblivion Sower+Tireless Tracker synergy should be pretty sweet.
October 29, 2016 5:03 p.m.
Yeah, Sylvan Advocate can be great to block big things. Aggro is a bit hard to beat it seems here, and those could help.
October 29, 2016 10:35 p.m.
Linking a bit different but still liking the direction this is going. Where is Radiant Flames though? I like the -2 with tendrils for token+Selfless Spirit but now that you have 3 colors up, 3 damage can also be pretty relevant. Congrats on making top though!
October 30, 2016 10:26 a.m.
Frodomouth says... #7
I love the passion and enthusiasm that you displayed in your description, and I really like the deck too. +1 from me. And, since you only have 9 cards in your side, what about putting in 4x Creeping Mold just for extra bm (And I know that it was printed in Kaladesh, which you're obviously against, but you can get it from a whole bunch of older sets if that makes it alright)
October 30, 2016 3:02 p.m.
Domonator777 says... #8
With black added now, I feel that Grip of Desolation might be an interesting choice, being able to still control their lands while also controlling any threats they may have been able to get out before.
October 30, 2016 3:07 p.m.
The irony of posting the deck online so others can copy it lol +1 anyway. Nice job making an original deack
October 31, 2016 7:49 p.m.
Guardians , It would help greatly the deck. I still consider placing him in. I will start playtesting and should he prove himself a tough son of a bitch, I will side him in!
Thank you for your suggestion!
BFG It is done! placed in the flames and kept the tendrils . I playtest it and believe it or not, Deathcap Cultivator has proven to be one of the most helpful cards!
Thanks for all your suggestions dude. The deck, is practically yours too! xD
Frodomouth I recently (yup, after the incident, I didn't want to hear about kaladesh xD ) saw all the cards of this set... It is a kinda sick set... Especially the energy based decks! I may be tempted to eventually put in some cards! :P
Till then, I will keep the deck as it is and will go and play at my LGS :P
Thanks for the suggestions bro !
Domonator777 THANK YOU!... just thank you brotha! grip is sick!!!
Dtowns hahahah I know, right? but this community is different. I mean, every single person in here is respectful, creative and has a passion for mtg. If we share those values, we can share some silly decks XD
Thanks for stopping by and thank you for making this deck reach 2nd! place :D:D
October 31, 2016 8:30 p.m.
kortioznikas says... #11
Sad that desire for quick and brainless win leads to netdecking, no originality left (tweaking netdeck with 1-2 cards is still not original). I totally agree with you, keep this spirit up (but seriously, don't play with that current UW spirit meta)
November 1, 2016 8 a.m.
kortioznikas I know, right? :/ I have been rewing MANY anti meta deck... my next one is a simic :P
sledge1048 I tried to keep the deck budget and also I need to get everything untapped, in case an opponent has a thalia on the field! xD
November 1, 2016 1:12 p.m.
sledge1048 says... #14
Makes sense, I like it. I too think its annoying that everyone just does what the pro's do, but whatever, to each their own. +1 from me though.
November 1, 2016 6:06 p.m.
BioProfDude says... #15
Biting Rain might also be good. I like Flaying Tendrils a lot, but Biting Rain provides an additional option against creature-heavy speed aggro decks so that you have even more blanket removal. Just a suggestion for your consideration! Cool deck! +1 from me!
November 2, 2016 6:54 p.m.
malacathis says... #16
Holy shit, this deck is so fun. Just tested it out and my opponents found it pretty frustrating when Oblivion Sower + Tireless Tracker hits the field after the life and death struggle just to keep the land he had out a live, He called gg and packed up. This baby packs a big punch. My only question is why no dual land cards. Although so far playing just fine with out them.
November 6, 2016 3:12 a.m.
sledge1048 says... #17
I know you're totally against kaladesh, but aether hub, attune, voltaic brawler and long tusk cub, have been great against control, they have to choose between the mana rampers or getting beat in the face... plus the land is crumbling around them, I love it. needs some work to be competitive at my LGS, but overall been pretty ok. thinking about 1 or two more world breakers and sowers, as they've been a bit elusive. Also thinking about siding ulamog against control, seems like I always have 18 lands when I play a control deck XD.
November 6, 2016 2:10 p.m.
joemunholland1986 says... #18
look at my take on land destruction deck currently (http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/land-for-me-not-you/) and i think it solves the problem with aggro by having useful chumps
November 11, 2016 9:36 a.m.
BioProfDude Thanks for the suggestion ! I am currently playtesting a version that has biting rain xD
malacathis AMEN! hahahah as soon as oblivion sower is on the field, the game is pretty much over
sledge1048 Imma play kaladesh, eventually ... I cannot avoid this freaking set. MANY powerful cards to play with and many strong creatures that can help A LOT !
joemunholland1986 You are trying to play a totally different deck bro . I spotted many landfall cards. I am not saying that this is a bad thing, but you will have to decide, because this is the mistake I did with this deck . In the same time I tried to play landfall AND land destruction and it didn't end so well for me. Plus, there are not good mana ramp cards in std right now. So , I decided, to play with mana creatures, to produce the desired amount of mana and corner asap the opponent :PIt is a good deck, I upvote it and I am looking forward to see some changes for the better :)
As always, thanks for stopping by ! :)
November 16, 2016 1:40 p.m.
joemunholland1986 says... #20
I was not running landfall as much as creatures etb to get a land to the battlefield for ramps and chumps Wild Wanderer Primal Druid Ulvenwald Hydra Eldritch Evolution are super ramp with bodies
November 17, 2016 1:40 p.m.
I would try maybe to add in a Drownyard Temple or two for World Breaker.
November 30, 2016 7:40 a.m.
Or I just seen you now updated this, the Aether Hub will be much better.
November 30, 2016 7:41 a.m.
jfigueroa26 says... #25
Gruul werewolves. No rares or mythics. I went 6-0 in an FNM tournament.
Guardians says... #1
Splash black instead maybe and play Dead Weight and Flaying Tendrils maybe?
October 29, 2016 8:40 a.m.