
Hello and welcome to Osgir's College of Full Metal Alchemy, where you will learn all about the laws of equivalent (and in some cases, not so equivalent) exchange.

"A lesson without pain is meaningless. That's because no one can gain without sacrificing something. But by enduring that pain and overcoming it, he shall obtain a powerful, unmatched heart... a fullmetal heart."

~~~Including artifact creatures and artifact lands there are currently a total of 45 artifacts in this deck.~~~

Why Osgir, the Reconstructor? Because having one Sol Ring in commander is never, ever, enough... why only have one when you can have 2/4/6/8 or even 10 copies in play? This, among many other reasons, is exactly why we want to build around Osgir, the Reconstructor.

I personally have always really enjoyed the color pairing, but due to the lack of card draw and ramp spells, I never really thought it would be a viable color pairing in commander. That is until the recent reveal of Osgir, the Reconstructor. With Osgir, the Reconstructor we can easily abuse cheap draw spells like Urza's Bauble / Mishra's Bauble / Ichor Wellspring, along with some cheap ramp spells like Lotus Bloom / Lotus Petal / Mana Crypt / Mana Vault / Mox Tantalite / Sol Ring / Sol Talisman to keep up with the players. Throw in some cheap interaction spells, some ways to protect our board, some tradtional Boros beatdown cards, and at the end of the day we have a formidable threat to bring to the table.

To get a better feel for why each individual card was selected for this deck, just simply select the "Custom" option from the dropdown menu at the top of the deck list. You'll notice quite a bit of overlap, which sheds some light on how synergistic this deck actually is. Almost every card fits into multiple categories, because it has multiple purposes.

Something else worth noting here is that there are actually 6 total cards in the "Sac" category and 5 total cards in the "Double" category because Osgir, the Reconstructor is both of these things. And if we factor in Osgir, the Reconstructor's second ability, we could consider the 5 artifact lands to be "ramp" cards, giving us a total of 19 "ramp" cards in the ramp category.


The main goal of this deck is to abuse Osgir, the Reconstructor's second ability as much as possible to outvalue our opponents until we can transition into one of the many different win-cons. This deck is intended to be somewhat of a high power optimized build, but not at a cEDH level.


Any opening hand that will allow us to play Osgir, the Reconstructor on curve or sooner should be kept. Having Osgir in play is essential to our deck functioning properly, and getting him out a turn or two early will help us keep up with the players at the table. That being said, we also want him to stay on board once he's there, so having one of the many protection spells in hand would also be very beneficial. All in all the ideal opening hand would have the following: Two lands and a piece of ramp/ three lands, something to protect Osgir with, and a few low CMC spells we can immediately abuse with his second ability (ideally some draw spells).


The early game should be spent trying to get Osgir, the Reconstructor out as soon as possible and then abusing his second ability to ramp and draw as much as possible. We'll want to get into a position where we can start dropping some of our "Beaters", but also have enough cards in hand to answer any threats that may hit the table.


At this point we should have a pretty solid board state consisting of numerous pieces of ramp along with some "Beaters". Depending on opponents board states we'll either want to play defensively, and properly manage our resources long enough to transition into one of the many win-cons or slowly but surly start whittling down their life totals by smashing face with our "Beaters".


This deck can win one of three ways:

  1. Using one of the many infinite combo lines.

  2. Upkeep trigger with Hellkite Tyrant as long as we have twenty or more artifacts.

  3. Slowly but surly beating our opponents to death with any of the cards from the "Beaters" category.

Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth = Infinite mana

Basalt Monolith + Zirda, the Dawnwaker = Infinite mana

Basalt Monolith + Eldrazi Displacer + Dockside Extortionist = Infinite mana

Metalworker + Umbral Mantle = Infinite mana

Metalworker + Staff of Domination = Infinite mana

Metalworker + Rings of Brighthearth + 2x Manifold Key = Infinite mana (no longer running)

Eldrazi Displacer + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Myr Battlesphere = Infinite mana

Eldrazi Displacer + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Dockside Extortionist + (Opponents having two or more artifacts / enchantments) = Infinite mana

Goblin Welder + Umbral Mantle + Zirda, the Dawnwaker + Sol Ring / Sol Talisman / Mana Crypt = infinite mana

With infinite mana we can abuse the following cards...

  1. Walking Ballista = Infinite damage to our opponents

  2. Steel Hellkite = Flying creature with infinite power

  3. Staff of Domination = Infinite Life / Infinite taps or untaps / Draw our entire deck

  4. Umbral Mantle = Infinite untaps / reconstructions with Osgir, the Reconstructor

  5. Rings of Brighthearth + 2x Manifold Key = All of our creatures become unblockable

  6. Treasure Vault = Make infinite treasures / colored mana. If we add Quicksmith Genius we can draw / discard the whole deck and if we add Reckless Fireweaver we can ping our opponents to death

  7. Eldrazi Displacer = Flicker a creature with an ETB an infinite amount of times for absurd value

  8. Aurelia's Fury = Infinite damage to all of our opponents creatures as well as our opponents

Eldrazi Displacer + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Dockside Extortionist + Osgir, the Reconstructor + (Opponents having three or more artifacts / enchantments) = Infinite mana / Infinite power to all of our creatures

Eldrazi Displacer + Basalt Monolith + Dockside Extortionist + Quicksmith Genius / Reckless Fireweaver = Infinite mana / discard and draw the entire deck / infinite damage to our opponents.

Eldrazi Displacer + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Myr Battlesphere = Infinite mana / Infinite myrs / Infinite damage to one opponent on attack trigger (pairs nicely with Alibou, Ancient Witness)

The above combo can be paired with a few different cards in the deck to accomplish the same thing, but we'll also get an additional effect depending on which card we chose to add to the combo:

  1. Eldrazi Displacer + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Myr Battlesphere + Skullclamp = Draw our entire deck

  2. Eldrazi Displacer + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Myr Battlesphere + Quicksmith Genius = Draw / Discard our entire deck

  3. Eldrazi Displacer + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Myr Battlesphere + Walking Ballista = Infinite damage to our opponents

  4. Eldrazi Displacer + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Myr Battlesphere + Reckless Fireweaver = Infinite damage to our opponents

  5. Eldrazi Displacer + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Myr Battlesphere + Goblin Engineer = Tutor every artifact to the graveyard

  6. Eldrazi Displacer + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Myr Battlesphere + Steel Hellkite = Flying creature with infinite power / blow up a bunch of permanents

  7. Eldrazi Displacer + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Myr Battlesphere + Osgir, the Reconstructor = Infinite power to our creatures

  8. Eldrazi Displacer + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Myr Battlesphere + Osgir, the Reconstructor + Rogue's Passage / Manifold Key = Unblockable creature with infinite power

For the next five combo lines, if we have a haste enabler in play (Alibou, Ancient Witness / Lightning Greaves) and one or two artifacts in hand, we can substitute any of the 2 or 3 mana producing mana rocks with Metalworker.

Goblin Welder + Umbral Mantle + Coveted Jewel + Mana Vault / Basalt Monolith / Thran Dynamo = Draw the whole deck

Goblin Welder + Umbral Mantle + Reckless Fireweaver + any two artifacts that produce three mana (Mana Vault / Thran Dynamo / Coveted Jewel / Basalt Monolith) = infinite damage to our opponents

Goblin Welder + Umbral Mantle + Quicksmith Genius + any two artifacts that produce three mana (Mana Vault / Thran Dynamo / Basalt Monolith) = draw / discard the whole deck

Goblin Welder + Umbral Mantle + Zirda, the Dawnwaker + Reckless Fireweaver + any two artifacts that produce two mana (Sol Ring / Sol Talisman / Mana Crypt) = Infinite mana / infinite damage to all of our opponents

Goblin Welder + Umbral Mantle + Zirda, the Dawnwaker + Quicksmith Genius + any two artifacts that produce two mana (Sol Ring / Sol Talisman / Mana Crypt) = Infinite mana / draw / discard the entire deck

Goblin Welder + Umbral Mantle + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Myr Battlesphere / Wurmcoil Engine / Triplicate Titan = Infinite mana / Infinite tokens

Goblin Welder + Umbral Mantle + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Alibou, Ancient Witness + Myr Battlesphere / Wurmcoil Engine / Triplicate Titan = Infinite mana / Infinite tokens with haste

Goblin Welder + Umbral Mantle + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Reckless Fireweaver + Myr Battlesphere / Wurmcoil Engine / Triplicate Titan = Infinite mana / Infinite tokens / Infinite damage to opponents

There are a few more infinite combos that would allow us to tutor every artifact to the battlefield / put our entire deck in the graveyard, but they're extremely janky and require 6+ different cards so I've neglected to include them. If you're curious as to how this would be possible please let me know in the comments.

With enough available mana, Dockside Extortionist + Eldrazi Displacer should net us a silly amount of mana as long as our opponents have a decent amount of artifacts / enchantments.

If the above combo is netting us enough mana we an add Combustible Gearhulk for additional card advantage / damage, or just use Eldrazi Displacer + Combustible Gearhulk for a less efficient version.

Having multiples of Sol Ring / Sol Talisman / Basalt Monolith / Darksteel Citadel / Treasure Vault / Mind Stone / Mana Crypt / Mana Vault will help tremendously with the two above combos.

With enough available mana, Eldrazi Displacer + Goblin Engineer will tutor a bunch of artifacts to our graveyard for reconstruction.

With infinite mana we should be able to use Eldrazi Displacer + Combustible Gearhulk to either draw most of our deck or come close to taking out an opponent if we chose our targets wisely.

If we have enough mana and ways to untap Goblin Welder we can swap Myr Battlesphere / Triplicate Titan / Wurmcoil Engine in and out of the graveyard for a silly amount of tokens.

Pairing any of the cards in the "tap" category, with any of the cards in the "untap" category, will create quite a bit of value by being able to activate the card with the tap ability multiple times per turn.

Aurelia's Fury = Infinite mana sync

Eldrazi Displacer = Infinite mana sync assuming we have infinite

Steel Hellkite = Infinite mana sync

Walking Ballista = Infinite mana sync

Hellkite Tyrant = Steal all of our opponents artifacts, or just win if we untap.

Fault Line = Can be used as an infinite mana sync to win the game, but only if we have Platinum Angel or Platinum Emperion in play. Will also win us the game with infinite mana if we simply have more life than our opponents.

Treasure Nabber = (no longer running) "YOUR mana rocks? You mean OUR mana rocks!" "Oh and by the way... I don't want you to have these back so I'm going to sac them before the end of my turn."

Alibou, Ancient Witness = Gives all of our artifact creatures haste, deals direct damage to our opponents, and also allows us to scry X where X can easily equal quite a bit.

Angel of the Ruins = If drawn early game can be plainscycled. Being able to make 2/4/5/8/10 copies of this will pretty much clear the board of troublesome artifacts / enchantments.

Bronze Guardian = Can be a massive threat if we control a bunch of artifacts. Especially with doublestrike. Having multiple copies of this guy in play will stack each instance of "Ward" making it near impossible for our opponents to target any of our artifacts.

Goblin Welder = This guy can be a useful combo piece, but will also allow us to cheat higher CMC artifacts into play as long as we have another artifact on board to sac.

Memory Jar = Excellent draw, forces our opponents to discard, and synergizes really well with our reconstruction strategy by allowing us to discard. Also becomes a repeatable effect with Osgir on the battlefield.

Phyrexian Dreadnought = (no longer running) Osgir's second ability allows us to get around the one downside to this card by sacing the copy to it's own etb trigger, giving us a 12/12 trampler for .

Quicksmith Genius / Reckless Fireweaver = These two are both all-stars in the deck, providing an insane amount of value / damage when played on curve.

Urza's Saga = Can tutor for seven different targets, most of which can be used for infinite combos.

Zirda, the Dawnwaker = Synergizes with Osgir, the Reconstructor / Staff of Domination / Umbral Mantle / Eldrazi Displacer

Anointed Procession + Smothering Tithe = Double treasures

Ancient Den / Darksteel Citadel / Great Furnace / Rustvale Bridge / Treasure Vault + Osgir, the Reconstructor = Boros land ramp

Osgir, the Reconstructor + Anointed Procession = Four copies

Osgir, the Reconstructor + Anointed Procession + Mirage Mirror = Eight copies

Osgir, the Reconstructor + Anointed Procession + Mirage Mirror + Illusionist's Bracers = Sixteen copies

Osgir, the Reconstructor + Anointed Procession + Mirage Mirror + Illusionist's Bracers + Rings of Brighthearth = Twenty-four copies

Basically any of the cards in the "double" category will give us an incredible amount of value. Being able to reconstruct multiple copies of Illusionist's Bracers / Rings of Brighthearth / Mirage Mirror (using mirage mirror to copy Anointed Procession) will increase that value exponentially.

Being able to make 2/4/8/16 copies of any of our zero cost ramp / draw spells such as Mishra's Bauble / Urza's Bauble / Lotus Bloom / Mana Crypt / Mox Tantalite will also give us an incredible amount of value. A cool thing to note about Lotus Bloom / Lotus Petal is that we can get around the suspend counters by reconstructing them out of the graveyard.

Oswald Fiddlebender = Wurmcoil Engine into Myr Battlesphere is a nice play pattern. Add Anointed Procession for double tokens. Take it a step further by going Wurmcoil Engine into Myr Battlesphere into Platinum Emperion into Triplicate Titan.

Platinum Angel / Platinum Emperion both pair nicely with Mana Crypt, especially when having multiples of Mana Crypt. Just be VERY careful while using this synergy as an opponent can easily remove Platinum Angel / Platinum Emperion prior to our upkeep causing us to potentially loose a lot of life to the Mana Crypt trigger(s). A good way around this is to equip Lightning Greaves / Robe of Stars / Whispersilk Cloak to Platinum Angel / Platinum Emperion. Otherwise with Osgir, the Reconstructor in play we could potentially just sac all of the Mana Crypt copies.

Platinum Angel / Platinum Emperion + Lightning Greaves / Swiftfoot Boots / Darksteel Plate = Lock our opponents out of a win or being able to deal us damage.

All of red's impulsive draw spells and looting effects Gamble / Quicksmith Genius / Daretti, Scrap Savant play directly into our reconstruction strategy. These cards allow us to pitch expensive artifacts into our graveyard in order to draw more cards, and then reconstruct what we discarded for doubles later on. We can also use Geier Reach Sanitarium / Memory Jar to accomplish the same goal.

Use Mirage Mirror to copy Wurmcoil Engine / Triplicate Titan and then sac both to Osgir, the Reconstructor to double up on tokens.

If we want to play this deck on a more competitive level focusing more on combo wins we can use Imperial Recruiter / Recruiter of the Guard. Having both of these in the deck will allow us to tutor for infinite combo pieces and win-cons more consistently. As a result the deck will play faster and usually win the same way almost every time. If we want to slow the deck down a bit and have more variance with our win cons, we can use Platinum Angel / Platinum Emperion. Having both of these in the deck will make it harder to find our combo pieces and force us to play a longer game, focusing more on a combat win. I personally have had more fun running Platinum Angel / Platinum Emperion because it creates more variance, but also because having 4+ copies of either one is hilarious. Especially if they're equipped with Lightning Greaves / Swiftfoot Boots / Darksteel Plate.

Deck stats will change accordingly:

Imperial Recruiter / Recruiter of the Guard / Moonsilver Key =

AVG CMC: 2.99 / Artifacts: 43 / Reconstruction: 37 / Tutor: 10 / Beaters: 11

Platinum Angel / Platinum Emperion / Mirage Mirror =

AVG CMC: 3.13 / Artifacts: 45 / Reconstruction: 39 / Tutor: 7 / Beaters: 13

~~~Everything is this section is strictly my own personal opinion. If you feel strongly about playing any of these cards, please feel free to do so. I just wanted to highlight some of the notable omissions and why I chose to omit them.~~

Archaeomancer's Map - Although this card does have some draw potential, it doesn't exactly ramp us the moment it hits the battlefield. Two drop mana rocks would be preferable in my opinion.

Blightsteel Colossus / Darksteel Colossus - These cards are awesome, but unfortunately do not pair well with Osgir, the Reconstructor's second ability. As soon as either of these cards are sacrificed their abilities will trigger, forcing us to shuffle them back into our library.

Cursed Mirror - Being able to copy a creature until end of turn and give it haste could come in handy, but again, I would prefer having a two drop mana rock.

Doubling Cube - I used to run this card, but found it to be a little slow. Decided to swap it out for Metalworker which plays quite a bit faster and will combo with Umbral Mantle / Staff of Domination to produce infinite mana.

Feldon of the Third Path - This card would take up a whole slot just so we could do what Osgir, the Reconstructor is already doing, but then we would have to sacrifice the token copy at the end of our turn. It would also cost three mana to do this, and we could only target creatures, which we're not running very many of anyway.

Generous Gift / Chaos Warp - Opted for lower CMC removal spells such as Path to Exile / Pyroblast / Red Elemental Blast / Swords to Plowshares / Wear / Tear. The scope of these spells is somewhat limited, but I personally feel like it's worth it for the cost reduction.

Grim Monolith - Mostly not running due to price, but also intended power level of the deck.

Heartwarming Redemption - Decided to take this out for Coveted Jewel. The jewel is a higher CMC, which obviously isn't ideal, but it synergizes better with the overall theme of the deck and can provide quite a bit more value.

Heliod, Sun-Crowned - Trying to avoid two card game ending combos (Walking Ballista) for the intended power level of this deck. Would be a great choice for higher power level metas.

Isochron Scepter - This card can be extremely useful, but we're only running a total of 7 different instants, which doesn't seem like enough to warrant an inclusion for me.

Karn, the Great Creator - Karn's static ability is extremely powerful, but I'd prefer not to play something so oppressive. It's also a bit of a nonbo with Treasure Nabber. His -2 ability could be useful, but it's ultimately just adding extra steps to what we're trying to do with the deck.

Puppet Strings / Sword of the Paruns - Were both in the first draft of this deck, but after some playtesting I found I didn't really need this much redundancy for untapping effects.

Meteor Golem - Very high CMC for a removal spell and an otherwise vanilla 3/3.

Monologue Tax - I think this card sounds better than it actually is. It's basically a worse version of Smothering Tithe.

Mycosynth Lattice - I chose to omit this card because, even though it's an incredible enabler for us, it also helps our opponents with mana fixing, and I'm not a big fan of group hugs. It can also be extremely oppressive with paired with Karn, the Great Creator / Treasure Nabber / Hellkite Tyrant.

Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion - Synergizes really well with Osgir, the Reconstructor, but the fact it's not an artifact creature is somewhat of a deterrent for me.

Phyrexian Dreadnought - Osgir, the Reconstructor's second ability allows us to get around the downside of this card, but we'll ultimately end up having to sac half of the token copies we make to it's ETB trigger. It's also a pretty expensive card I don't think I would use in any of my other decks.

ScrollRack - Wasn't performing the way I wanted it to. Even with shuffle effects I kept getting caught in loops of unwanted cards. (currently giving this card another shot)

Sculpting Steel - Powerful card, but basically a worse version of Mirage Mirror.

Stoneforge Mystic - In a more competitive meta this card would be great, but given the intended power level (and the fact there's only 5 equipments in the deck) I'm choosing not to run it. Being able to tutor for Umbral Mantle / Illusionist's Bracers would be incredibly powerful though, so I may end up playtesting this at some point.

Ugin's Nexus - On it's own being able to take an extra turn could be quite powerful, and when paired with Isochron Scepter / Pull from Eternity we could take infinite turns, but I chose to omit this because I'm not a huge fan of extra turns/ infinite turns. It just seems like a boring way to win to me. Additionally I also feel like it would be somewhat of a challenge to put this combo together.

Wrath of God / Blasphemous Act - Opted for some non traditional board wipes instead (Aurelia's Fury / Fault Line) since they synergize with the deck a lot better.


Overall I would say this deck is fairly strong and resilient. It has enough ramp and card draw to keep up with most of the decks, plenty of ways to protect our important permanents, and a few ways to interact with counterspells if someone try's to counterspell our game wining play.

Over 1/4 of the cards in the deck are either win-cons or combo pieces, giving us roughly 45 different infinite combos. Most of which can either win the game outright, or at least help us find the pieces that will.


Just like any other deck though, this deck does unfortunately have a few weaknesses. Luckily these weaknesses can be somewhat mitigated if we play the deck correctly / make some metagame adjustments.

  1. We're playing a graveyard strategy so any and all graveyard hate will be disruptive to our game plan. Cards like Bojuka Bog / Rest in Peace / Grafdigger's Cage / Sentinel Totem / Soul-Guide Lantern / Ground Seal / Silent Gravestone / Relic of Progenitus / Dauthi Voidwalker are just a few that can really put a damper on our game plan. In an attempt to deal with some of these we're running Angel of the Ruins / Wear / Tear, but obviously these two won't really do much against a significant amount of graveyard hate. If you're facing a decent amount of graveyard hate in your meta I would suggest swapping some of the single target removal spells for more artifact / enchantment removal.

  2. We're also playing a heavy artifact strategy which makes us vulnerable to cards like Vandalblast / Nevinyrral's Disk / Bane of Progress / Cleansing Nova / Akroma's Vengeance / Fracturing Gust. The saving grace here is we're playing a recursion strategy so we should be able to recur most of our artifacts after they've been destroyed. That is of course unless we've already exiled them for reconstruction, in which case we won't be able to do much about it. It doesn't see much play these days, but Merciless Eviction would really set us back since it can exile all artifacts, so keep an eye out for that. In order to protect ourselves from these threats we're running cards like Boros Charm / Bronze Guardian / Teferi's Protection / Tibalt's Trickery, which should all be saved for when we start to overextend our board.

  3. Last but not least this deck neglects to run any board wipes (which is more of a personal preference/ metagame decision) so we are vulnerable to token strategies. If you play against a lot of token decks in your meta I again would suggest swapping some of the single target removal spells for a few board wipes.

~~~Hopefully you've enjoyed your stay here at Osgir's College of Full Metal Alchemy, and if so please be sure to give us an upvote. Any and all suggestions to the decklist / primer are more than welcome. Cheers.~~~

~~~Currently the number one Osgir, the Reconstuctor deck on tapped out!! Big thanks to everyone that's commented and upvoted the deck since it's inception. All of the feedback has been more than helpful and greatly appreciated.~~~


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There hasn't really been anything worth while in the last few sets for this deck unfortunately. The only two cards that have really caught my eye or been suggested are Moonsilver Key and Patriar's Seal. Both of these would be great for the deck and would definitely perform well, but I just can't seem to find a spot for them. I am currently play testing the following changes and have felt pretty good about them so far...

Removed Darksteel Plate for Avacyn, Angel of Hope - Avacyn provides the same effect but for our entire board. She comes in at a higher CMC, but only 3 more than it would cost to cast and equip the plate. She also gives us an additional card for the "beaters" section with a whopping 8/8 body. Having vigilance and indestructible is just the icing on the cake.

Removed Manifold Key for Unwinding Clock - The manifold was lackluster every time I played it and I only ever used the infinite mana combo once. Being able to untap all of our artifacts on each other players untap is so much more powerful... I mean we've all seen Seedborn Muse in action right?

Removed Skull Clamp for Scroll Rack - This one I'm still one the fence about and will have to playtest a bit further. Both are great cards for different reasons and will perform better or worse depending on the situation. I think my thought here is that the rack will allow me to dig a little deeper and doesn't require a creature dying to do it. I'm hoping that this will prove more useful considering there's only 26 creatures in the deck.

Also considering saving up for/ proxying/ buying a gold border version of Grim Monolith. This would give us two additional mana combos in the form of Grim Monolith + Zirda, the Dawnwaker and Grim Monolith + Dockside Extortionist + Eldrazi Displacer. The latter would also give us infinite artifact ETB's which could be paired with a number of different cards in the deck to do silly things. All things considered I will be trying to slot this in and some point. It's just a matter of figuring out what to cut for it.

The latter combo has also made me realize the same thing can be accomplished by using Basalt Monolith in Grim Monolith's place. That being said I've added this combo to the infinite combos section of the primer.

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93% Casual


Revision 52 See all

(2 years ago)

+1 Akroma's Will maybe
-1 Arcane Signet maybe
-1 Blasphemous Act maybe
-1 Boros Signet maybe
-1 Brilliant Restoration maybe
-1 Cloudsteel Kirin maybe
-1 Crashing Drawbridge maybe
-1 Doubling Cube maybe
-1 Fellwar Stone maybe
-1 Gilded Lotusfoil maybe
-1 Key to the City maybe
-1 Lion Sash maybe
-1 Lithoform Engine maybe
-1 Lizard Blades maybe
-1 Lotus Petal maybe
-1 Mirror Shield maybe
-1 Mystic Forge maybe
+1 Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion maybe
-1 Null Brooch maybe
+1 Patriar's Seal maybe
and 34 other change(s)
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 3 years ago
Date added 3 years
Last updated 10 months
Exclude colors UBG

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

56 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.18
Tokens Construct 0/0 C, Copy Clone, Emblem Daretti, Scrap Savant, Golem 3/3 C w/ Flying, Golem 3/3 C w/ Trample, Golem 3/3 C w/ Vigilance, Myr 1/1 C, Treasure, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Deathtouch, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Lifelink
Folders Interesting decks, Deck Primers, EDH Decks, Decks to try, Osgir, the Reconstructor, net decks, EDH, Stuff I like, EDH Inspiration, Favorite Builds
Ignored suggestions
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