Full Metal Alchemy (Retired)

Commander / EDH unstable_anomaly

SCORE: 178 | 78 COMMENTS | 21398 VIEWS | IN 69 FOLDERS

TheEntertainer says... #1

Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth = Infinite mana ? I don't get it. You tap Basalt Monolith, and you gain 3 colorless mana. Then you have to use 3 mana to untap it. Rings of Brighthearth cannot help you with that because it says explicitly that you can copy any ability that is not a MANA ability.

April 4, 2021 11:57 a.m.

Thanks for stopping by TheEntertainer, really appreciate the comment and question.

So, two important things to note about this combo are: 1) You will need Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth in play, as well as access to two generic mana to get this combo going. 2) You are not actually copying the mana producing ability on Basalt Monolith , you are copying the untap ability. This is a fairly complex stack interaction, so rather than butcher the explanation myself, I'll just redirect you to the following link: MTG Combo: Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth

Hope this helps. Cheers.

April 4, 2021 1:30 p.m.

Broviticus says... #3

Alibou, Ancient Witness is in fact an artifact. I just wanted to correct you on your thinking about including it. It seems really strong but you might have to cut something more valuable to slot it in. Was their a reason mana rock that can be sac'd to draw more cards like Coveted Jewel Hedron Archive and Mind Stone weren't considered? The Jewel seems really good as you get value on it hitting the field and you can sac them before anyone else can use the upside from attacking you. Great deck!!! Really enjoy the FMA theme.

April 9, 2021 8:45 a.m.

Hey Broviticus, thanks for stopping by. Really appreciate the comment, question, and upvote.

Also thanks for catching the fact that Alibou, Ancient Witness is in fact an artifact. I put that update together pretty late last night, and was quite tired. Being an artifact does make it more appealing, but as you mention, I'm not exactly sure what to cut to add it.

The original thought behind not including Coveted Jewel / Hedron Archive is the high CMC. When adding ramp cards and specifically mana rocks, I was looking for 2CMC rocks in order to help get the commander out a turn early. I was also concerned about opponents stealing Coveted Jewel , but you make an excellent point it could just be scarified in response. I may be looking to add this in the future since it does have some serious late game potential. Mind Stone was in the original draft, but seems to be missing from the maybeboard for some reason. I decided to cut this for more efficient card draw options such as Ichor Wellspring / Mishra's Bauble / Urza's Bauble .

Glad someone finally noticed the FMA theme. Just recently finished watching it all the way through for the first time, and I have to say, it's definitely in my top 5 now. Thanks again for the upvote. Cheers.

April 9, 2021 1:03 p.m.

king-saproling says... #5

April 11, 2021 9:32 p.m.

edengstrom1 says... #6

Hey this looks really good, I really like the combos you have! I'm getting this precon too, and this has really helped me think about how I can upgrade it. Other than Krark-Clan Ironworks nothing seems too expensive either!

April 12, 2021 12:26 p.m.

Hey edengstrom1 thanks for stopping by, really appreciate the comment and upvote.

I decided to spoil myself this year and pre-ordered all five of the C21 precons, but this is definitely the one I'm most excited for. Cool to note that the precon comes with over 20 cards already used in this list too.

Yeah as far as infinite combos go I would say Krark-Clan Ironworks / Dockside Extortionist / Walking Ballista are some of the more expensive pieces, but Dockside Extortionist isn't really necessary for the majority of the wincons. Hopefully he gets a reprint soon and the price will come down a bit.

Anyway, glad you liked the list. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for your build. Cheers.

April 13, 2021 7:25 a.m.

Hey its ya boi, leader of the Simic / Quandarix Gang. I'm just here to laugh at your 35 lands and try to find your ramp!

How many ramp effects are you running, and what is the critical turn you're looking to play and utilize Osgir on?

I like the list, though, and your primer is sick!

April 18, 2021 12:56 p.m.

Baclash says... #9

Hello. Have you had trouble with sac outlets?

April 19, 2021 12:08 p.m.

What's up Gang, Gang? Nerdytimesorwhatever are you laughing because you think I have too many or too few?

This is an artifact deck so I tried to focus more on artifact ramp as opposed to land ramp, but for land ramp I run Solemn Simulacrum / Myriad Landscape . Currently running 15/16 different ramp effects (all listed in the "Ramp" section of the custom categories) in hopes of getting Osgir out T3 / start using his abilities T4.

Glad you like the primer, thanks for the upvote. Cheers.

April 19, 2021 7:59 p.m.

Hello Baclash, thanks for stopping by.

I don't really have any issues with sac outlets since there's one built into the commander Osgir, the Reconstructor , but I also run Kuldotha Forgemaster / Goblin Engineer / Krark-Clan Ironworks just in case. These are mostly in the deck for added utility, but will work as a backup sac outlet if necessary. I'm also considering swapping Mother of Runes for Goblin Welder . Mainly just to be able to cheat big artifacts into play from the yard, but it would also add another sac outlet, for a total of five in the deck. Hope this helps, cheers.

April 19, 2021 8:09 p.m.

General advice: Try to slim your curve until its under 2.5; If you can get it to 2.25, even better!

Lands: 35 Imho is a good chunk more than necessary. Looking at your ramp suite, though, I can understand having 35 lands. Are you going to be upgrading the artifact ramp in the deck? Jeweled Lotus makes for a turn 1 Osgir, Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, they allow for turn 2 Osgirs, Chrome Mox and (shudders at the cost) Mox diamond as well, are fully worth the deckslots. Id cut 5 lands for those 5 pieces of ramp in a heartbeat.

Look at your overarching gameplan and evaluate how "On plan" every card is on a 1-10 scale. That will help with cutting some higher cmc "Off-Plan" cards.

Good luck, and happy brewing!

-Leader of the Simic / Quandarix Gang

April 20, 2021 9:26 a.m.

Baclash says... #13

Thank you for responding. I was an idiot that cannot read, and didn't realize he had a sac outlet on himself. I guess I was more thinking sac outlet's that actually provide a value like the ones you mentioned. I like the idea of adding welder!

April 20, 2021 12:08 p.m.

Baclash says... #14

I'm noticing in your deck, it's laid out into different categories with a whole mess of cards and duplicates. I think this would be great in the maybe board or something, but do you have a place where it's JUST your deck? It would be nice to see what you're currently playing testing to compare to mine and so fourth.

April 24, 2021 11:29 a.m.

Hey Baclash, no worries. I misread cards all the time, it's definitely cost me more than a few games. You make a great point about the sac outlets though. I've decided to add a custom category to showcase the different sac outlets in the deck, which would be 5 in total when including the commander. Thanks for the idea and helping to contribute to the deck. Much appreciated.

Utilizing the custom categories is more of a personal preference than anything else. It helps me keep track of the reasons why each individual card is in the deck, and the more overlap the better. If a single card is in multiple different categories it means there's a ton of overlap and synergy. As you point out though, I'm sure this can be a bit messy for someone else looking at the deck list. If that's the case just select "type" from the drop down menu at the top of the page and it'll reorganize everything based off of card type. Instant, Sorcery, Creature, etc...

The deck list is up to date and reflects everything that I'm currently playtesting.

Thanks again for stopping by, hope this helps. Cheers.

April 24, 2021 11:52 a.m.

Hey Nerdytimesorwhatever, thanks for the advice and all the suggestions, much appreciated.

Lowering the average CMC is usually something I try to do with all my other decks, but it didn't really feel necessary with this one. Osgir's second ability allows for a silly amount of ramp, so I wanted to try playing some higher CMC spells. More for fun and personal preference than anything else.

I like a lot of the suggestions, but they seem to push the deck towards a more cEDH level, which isn't really what I'm trying to do with this deck. If I ever decide to create a separate deck list / primer for a cEDH version I'll definitely upgrade the ramp package and be looking to you for some more advice.

I did however take out a land for a Mana Vault and have been very pleased with the results. Also cut a few of the "Off-Plan" cards in favor of some more "On-Plan" cards. Overall the deck seems to be humming a lot better now. Thanks again for the contributions, much appreciated. Cheers

April 24, 2021 12:07 p.m.

What a fun theme! I feel like Summoning Station fits it well and could slide in on some of the infinite combos (especially easy if you end up adding in the lattice), though it might push your cmc up a bit much.

April 26, 2021 8:23 a.m.

Hey discipleofgary73, thanks for stopping by. Appreciate the comment / upvote.

Summoning Station does have a high CMC and might push me over a 3.0 average, but I do like it's combo potential. I'll add it to the maybeboard and consider some future playtesting. Thanks again! Cheers.

April 26, 2021 12:55 p.m.

ldjosh says... #19

April 26, 2021 1:02 p.m.

ldjosh I only run two cards Walking Ballista / Daretti, Scrap Savant that would benefit from the proliferate mechanic, which in my mind, doesn't really warrant including Throne of Geth . Currently running Goblin Engineer / Goblin Welder / Krark-Clan Ironworks / Kuldotha Forgemaster / Osgir, the Reconstructor for sac outlets, which all provide better value and synergize really well with the overall theme of the deck. Thanks for the suggestion though, much appreciated. Cheers.

April 28, 2021 8:37 p.m.

kasprl says... #21

Really cool Deck. U gave me some good ideas for my Osgir build. Especially because you avoid (most) gameending combos or any board locks which is no fun at all.

thumbs up

April 29, 2021 6:55 a.m.

kuromadei says... #22

This was a great read, I'm just starting to get back into MTG with strixhaven! I have a couple thoughts. Would you mind sharing some of the more janky combos you mentioned in the infinite combo category? Also, could you explain how exactly I would go about getting more than 2 copies of an artifact?

Side note: I confirmed in the ask a judge chat that bronze guardian's ward2 is additive with each additional copy of bronze guardian on the field.

May 8, 2021 4:14 a.m.

Hey kuromadei, thanks for the comment and upvote, much appreciated.

Thanks for pointing out that Bronze Guardian 's ward ability does in fact stack. I actually just recently watched an episode of the command zone podcast where they point this out, and was going to update the primer today. Makes the card quite a bit better than I originally thought it'd be in the deck.

For your question about more than two copies: Anointed Procession will trigger anytime we create a token, which includes Osgir, the Reconstructor 's second ability. Illusionist's Bracers will trigger much in the same way when it's equipped to Osgir, and Rings of Brighthearth will allow us to pay to copy Osgir's second ability. Basically all these interactions will allow us to copy / double Osgir's second ability creating four token copies of whatever we're targeting. We can then increase the amount of tokens created by having multiples of Illusionist's Bracers / Rings of Brighthearth or adding Mirage Mirror .

For your question about the jank combos: I actually just discovered a new combo line while taking a second look at the janky ones, so HUGE thanks to you for helping me discover this line!! I'll be adding it to the primer shortly...

Eldrazi Displacer + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Myr Battlesphere + Goblin Engineer . Sacrifice all four myr tokens to Krark-Clan Ironworks generating 8 mana. Then use that mana to activate Eldrazi Displacer blinking Myr Battlesphere / Goblin Engineer . This will tutor an artifact to the graveyard and generate another four myr tokens. We can then repeat this an infinite amount of times generating infinite mana and tutoring every artifact to our graveyard.

Here's where the JANK comes in...

Once all of our artifacts are in the graveyard, and we have infinite mana, we can then use Umbral Mantle to continuously untap Osgir, the Reconstructor activating his second ability an infinite amount of times to reconstruct every artifact in the graveyard. We can then add Quicksmith Genius to the line to draw / discard the entire deck or Reckless Fireweaver to deal an infinite amount of damage to all our opponents.

Another janky line to tutor every artifact to the battlefield, draw / discard the whole deck, or deal infinite damage to our opponents:

Krark-Clan Ironworks + Myr Battlesphere + Anointed Procession + Goblin Welder + Kuldotha Forgemaster + 2x Umbral Mantle . (This will require Kuldotha Forgemaster / Goblin Welder to both be equipped with a copy of Umbral Mantle . Myr Battlesphere entering the battlefield will trigger Anointed Procession creating 8 myr tokens. Sac three of them to Krark-Clan Ironworks to generate 6 mana. Then sac 2 more and Myr Battlesphere to Kuldotha Forgemaster to tutor an artifact to the battlefield. Use the 6 mana we still have floating to activate the umbral mantles equipped to Kuldotha Forgemaster / Goblin Welder untapping them both. Then sac one more myr token to Goblin Welder to get the Myr Battlesphere back out of the graveyard. When Myr Battlesphere re-enters the battlefield this will re-start the loop. Repeat as many times as necessary to tutor every artifact to the graveyard. There a few different ways to start this loop which just include different ways of getting the ETB trigger from Myr Battlesphere , but you'll have to forgive me for not diving deeeper into that. Again we can also add Quicksmith Genius to the line to draw / discard the entire deck or Reckless Fireweaver to deal an infinite amount of damage to all our opponents.

The above combo will also work if we swap Wurmcoil Engine or Triplicate Titan for Myr Battlesphere .

Thanks again for encouraging me to take a second look at the combo lines, and the comment / upvote! Hope this helps! Cheers!

May 8, 2021 3:18 p.m.

Hey kasprl, thanks for the comment and upvote, much appreciated.

Happy to hear you like the list, and it gave you some ideas. Would be curious to see what you come up with for your own build. Let me know if you ever need any help with it, or want me to take a look. Cheers.

May 8, 2021 3:25 p.m.

MaltOMeal says... #25

Hey there unstable_anomaly! Thanks for upvoting my decklist for my own Osgir, thought I'd jump in the thread and return the favor ;)

So I noticed something in your deck explanation, specifically the doubling with Anointed Procession in play. In the comprehensive rules, if you've got 2 Processions in play, you double each instance. So say you make 2 Sol Rings off Osgir, with 1 Procession in play you make 4, but with 2 in play you make 8, 16, 32 and so on for however many Processions you've got. Since we play Mirage Mirror (I mean, come on its such a good card) we can effectively have 4+ Processions active at any given point. If you knew this, please put me in my place, otherwise I hope I enlightened you! ^-^

Aside from that I am impressed with what you've created with your own Osgir deck, he's very powerful and effective at utilizing cheap mana rocks and card draw for a great value engine!

May 11, 2021 1:49 p.m.

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