unstable_anomaly says... #2
Platinum Angel - You're the second or third person to tell me to cut Platinum Angel . It's somewhat of a pet card of mine, but I think everyone might be right. It's probably time I cut it.
Doubling Cube - I would agree Doubling Cube can be slow sometimes, but I've really enjoyed using it. This deck can ramp pretty hard and being able to double up on that mana has proven more than useful quite a few times. The last game I played I was able to make 20 copies of Lotus Bloom , sac them all for 60 mana, and then use Doubling Cube to make over 100 mana. Which then allowed me to make 20 Platinum Angel 's and 20 Lightning Greaves , winning me the game through combat damage. It can also be used as a janky combo piece to create infinite mana. It may not be well suited for a deck that tries to win by turn 5/6, but for a deck that aims to win turns 8/9/10 it's worth the slot in my opinion.
Swiftfoot Boots and/or Whispersilk Cloak - Much like you I would probably cut the Swiftfoot Boots , but keep the Whispersilk Cloak .
Stoneforge Mystic - I'm not entirely sold on this one, but I'll add it to the maybeboard and keep it in mind moving forward.
All in all I'll probably keep the cube but cut Platinum Angel / Swiftfoot Boots for Recruiter of the Guard / Imperial Recruiter . Or maybe keep Swiftfoot Boots and cut Pyroblast , but I'm curious to hear your thoughts on that?
July 27, 2021 9:27 p.m.
Hi there,
It's been a little while since I first discovered this beautiful deck you posted and it was love at first sight.
I did my best and managed to build a copy of it and I have to admit it is so much fun to play as well as incredibly powerful.
I swapped only 1 card from your lineup, dockside extortionist, for Metalworker to generate infinite mana with Umbral mantle/staff of domination, easier combo to play or tutor.
I have a question for you: do you usually play with Zirda as your companion? Cause in that case it starts outside of the library and doesn't count for the 100 cards limit, therefore you can add another card. If so, what card would you add?
Once again thanks so much for coming up with this amazing deck and sharing it with us, amazing work!
August 24, 2021 1:47 a.m.
unstable_anomaly says... #4
Hey Gsanna, thanks for stopping by. Really appreciate the comment/ upvote and all the nice words. Happy to hear you enjoy playing the deck. It's definitely one of my personal favorites at the moment.
To answer your question, I do not play Zirda, the Dawnwaker as a companion. Reason being it would be way too difficult to meet the requirement in order to play it as a companion. It's mainly in the deck for the infinite mana combo with Basalt Monolith, but also to help reduce the activation cost on Osgir, the Reconstructor's second ability.
I do really like the idea of using Metalworker in place of Dockside Extortionist. I honestly didn't even noticed either of those combos, so thank you for bringing that to my attention. I avoided using Metalworker and Phyrexian Dreadnought in my original draft of the deck because of their high price tag, but now the more I think about it, the more I think they may be worth it.
I am currently playtesting Recruiter of the Guard and Imperial Recruiter in place of Swiftfoot Boots and Platinum Angel based off another suggestion, and have been quite happy with the results. I may look into playtesting Metalworker and Phyrexian Dreadnought in place of Dockside Extortionist and either Recruiter of the Guard or Imperial Recruiter.
Thanks again for the contributions, much appreciated. Cheers.
August 26, 2021 8:49 a.m.
RadRobertK says... #6
Hey there unstable_anomaly! Huge fan of this list! Was just wondering what your thoughts were on Moonsilver Key and if it might be able to find a spot in the list?
September 20, 2021 5:30 p.m.
unstable_anomaly says... #7
Hey RadRobertK thanks for stopping by, really appreciate the comment and kind words :)
I think Moonsilver Key is one of those cards that reads better than it actually plays. At first glance I thought it might find a spot, but after looking over the current list, I can't find anything worth cutting for it. Is there a card you would cut for it?
September 24, 2021 9:12 a.m.
Ridodirado says... #8
Are you sure that Urza's Saga can getting around the suspend counters on Lotus Bloom or Mox Tantalite or Sol Talisman? They have no mana cost, that's different from cost 0.
February 2, 2022 7:40 a.m.
Ridodirado says... #9
Are you sure that Urza's Saga can getting around the suspend counters on Lotus Bloom or Mox Tantalite or Sol Talisman? They have no mana cost, that's different from cost 0.
February 2, 2022 8:11 a.m.
unstable_anomaly says... #10
You are absolutely correct there sir, thank you for bringing that to my attention. It's definitely the difference between "zero mana cost" and "no mana cost".
February 2, 2022 11:07 a.m.
KevinLandonChanning says... #11
awesome deck. +1 upvoted. Please continue to keep it fresh... Kamigawa are bring a lot of interesting vehicle/artifacts!
February 13, 2022 1:35 a.m.
unstable_anomaly says... #12
Thanks for the upvote and comment, much appreciated.
I've been extremely busy lately, but I'll do my best to keep things updated. I've added a few cards from Kamigawa that caught my eye to the maybeboard, but there wasn't really anything that jumped out at me as an auto include.
At this point the deck is pretty well tuned and plays the way I want it to, so making changes has become difficult and would require the printing of something truly great.
February 13, 2022 7:06 p.m.
No Mycosynth lattice with Karn / Vandalblast? I feel like locking your opponents out/blowing up their board (including lands) is a given
March 29, 2022 9:15 a.m.
unstable_anomaly says... #14
I would rather not play like that. No one likes being locked out of a game or having their lands blown up.
March 29, 2022 5:01 p.m.
I just figured, hell already so many infinite combos.
How about instead of Fault Line, use Comet Storm? Maybe Blacksmith Skill over Sejiri Shelter?
March 31, 2022 7:36 p.m.
unstable_anomaly says... #16
The nice thing about this deck is it doesn't necessarily need to use the combos to win. It can be piloted in different ways to achieve different power levels.
Comet Storm is a great recommendation. I think it might be better than Fault Line with infinite mana, but without infinite mana I may prefer fault line. Would have to play test and see.
For Blacksmith's Skill I think the effect/ casting cost is significantly better, but the reason I'm running Sejiri Shelter Flip is it's also a land.
Thanks for the attention to detail and recommendations. Much appreciated.
April 4, 2022 9:02 a.m.
Chainedbygod567 says... #17
Just curious is there a reason you didn't put mox opal in this? I would assume it would be pretty good since it costs 0
May 6, 2022 2:02 a.m.
unstable_anomaly says... #18
Hey Chainedbygod567 thanks for stopping by, appreciate the upvote and question.
The reason I didn't include Mox Opal is because it's a legendary artifact, which means we wouldn't be able to make multiple copies of it with Osgir's ability.
May 6, 2022 7:54 a.m.
king-saproling says... #19
Sunforger seems like it'd be fun here, especially if you included Pull from Eternity and maybe even Tithe + Mistveil Plains. It can also fetch combo pieces via Enlightened Tutor.
Also Moonsilver Key might interest you as a tutor for certain combo pieces (Monolith, Metalworker, Ironworks, Treasure Vault, etc.)
I take it Grim Monolith is excluded due to price?
June 6, 2022 3:59 p.m.
unstable_anomaly says... #20
Hey king-saproling thanks for stopping by, appreciate the upvote and suggestions.
Sunforger would work well in this deck, especially if I made the suggested changes, but with such a tight list it would be difficult to find room for them. ATM there's only 9 targets in the deck for forger which doesn't seem worth it to me. It also seems a bit slow, but maybe that's just my opinion.
You're not the first person to recommend Moonsilver Key. I may have to give this a try, but again with the list being so tight already I'm not sure what I would cut for it. Any suggestions there?
Grim Monolith is currently excluded due to price, but the more I think about it the more I'm tempted to save up and buy one.
July 19, 2022 4:18 p.m.
king-saproling says... #21
Hey sure thing unstable_anomaly. I would cut Platinum Emperion for Moonsilver Key personally
July 20, 2022 9:25 a.m.
If you want, Gold border Grim Monolith is only around 25-30 bucks. I have never had an issue playing one, and argue that it should be tournament legal since its an official Wizard's product.
July 20, 2022 11:52 a.m.
unstable_anomaly says... #23
king-saproling I've listed Platinum Emperion and Platinum Angel in the "flex slots" category of the primer to be swapped out for Recruiter of the Guard and Imperial Recruiter respectively. Swapping these out gives the deck more tutor options and plays more consistently as a result. I do think Moonsilver Key would be another good addition for obvious reasons, but if you had to pick something else to cut, what would it be? I'm currently considering cutting Mirage Mirror for it, but would be curious to hear your thoughts?
The whole reason for the flex slots category is so the deck can be played at higher power levels where infinite combos are more common and acceptable. Otherwise I usually just run the current list (at my LGS and with friends) so games have more variance and are more "fair" for the group.
Kimset That's actually a great idea. Thank you for the suggestion. I also have access to some pretty high quality proxies so that's always an option as well. My problem is I like to own at least one copy of every card I play, so we'll see. You make an excellent point about it being a legit WOTC product. I do like that.
July 20, 2022 7:53 p.m.
That is my same thought as well, I won't proxy a card I do not own - and hey its a WOTC product so why shouldn't I be able to play with it.
I would say keep Mirage Mirror, I have had lots of games where people are forced to blow their removal on it, when they slap down like a hullbreaker horror/nyxbloom/something that is just brutal. and it can evade a lot of removal depending on your lands, as it can turn into a land as well.
July 22, 2022 3:38 p.m.
New sets have brought fresh new good cards, just wanted to know what did you think about running Cityscape Leveler instead of Platinum Emperion, and if you would run something like Mondrak, Glory Dominus and if yes, what would you swap it for? Something also worth considering for a maybe board would be Bitter Reunion pretty powerful in this deck and adds an haste enabler.
Looking forward to hear your thoughts on this!
hairy-wombat says... #1
Cards I would consider maybeboarding:
Cards I would add:
July 27, 2021 7:04 a.m.