Fulminated Mercury

Commander / EDH* maxiepad


djd2488 says... #1

+1 for the name

June 24, 2013 7:15 p.m.

saints4774 says... #2

Are the artifact lands only for Fabricate ? Because they mind just end up screwing you over, and anyways that's not very efficient ramp. I also believe that you're missing a few very good lands. Ancient Tomb can help you ramp into big spells, and the life loss isn't that significant when you start at 40. Cascade Bluffs is just a great dual. Mystifying Maze does a nice Maze of Ith impression, and can help you stabilize until you reach 46 Meleks ;) Reliquary Tower makes sure that any big draw won't leave you questioning what to discard. Strip Mine can get rid of that pesky Mutavault in the Ezuri deck. Or you could blow out the guy playing Lotus Vale . And then, if you are of the richer folk, obviously Scalding Tarn and Volcanic Island . I'm not sure if you are the combo type player, but maybe you could add in some sort of Tinker target. Otherwise, the concept of the deck seems really fun to both play and play against.

June 24, 2013 7:28 p.m.

saints4774 says... #3

Never mind Tinker is banned :(

June 24, 2013 7:29 p.m.

maxiepad says... #4

saints4774 I totally forgot about ancient tomb, thanks! Mystifying Maze looks a little too mana intensive for me but I shall include my Maze of Ith (Glacial Chasm might find a place also). The artifact lands were originally to sacrifice for Reshape but I wanted a tutor that worked more consistently. I just forgot to take them out. Thanks for spotting it!

June 24, 2013 7:53 p.m.

AzrielBarakiel says... #5

How is Library of Leng an all star?

June 24, 2013 10:57 p.m.

Virlym says... #6

Library of Leng + Frantic Search , Read the Runes , Reforge the Soul , Mercurial Chemister , Chandra Ablaze or any opponent who runs discard allows you to maximize potential and reuse things more effectively in combination with Melek, Izzet Paragon

June 25, 2013 12:22 a.m.

apt142 says... #7

Temple of the False God would be fantastic here.

Comet Storm is a great X burn spell. While it is missing the uncounterability, the ability to self copy makes it much more efficient at dealing damage. If you've got 10 mana for X, a Banefire will give you 10 damage. With Comet Storm you can get 1 copy and 5 kickers of 5 damage and deal 30 damage total. And Malek will copy the storm kickers and all!

Leyline of Anticipation gives you a back up of the Vedalken Orrery

Careful Study and Faithless Looting both go well with Library of Leng.

Mystic Retrieval gives you a ton of reuse out of your spell heavy graveyard. Recoup is a spell version of Snapcaster.

Sensei's Divining Top would be great for manipulating that top card there. (Though it is pricey to acquire). If you can't afford it, there is Crystal Ball . Speaking of Acquire that could be nice too!

Mystical Tutor is also great for stacking your deck for the coup de grace.

Anything with Scry would be great. Foresee is a very strong card draw for Malek.

June 25, 2013 11:50 a.m.

CanEx says... #8

You play a lot of powerful 1-drop artifacts, so I'd throw in Trinket Mage . Also, you really should pack a little bit of graveyard hate. I'd suggest Relic of Progenitus , although Tormod's Crypt doesn't hit your own bin.

Also, since Maze of Ith doesn't produce mana, I'd suggest adding another land. The deck looks like it could get pretty mana hungry, so I might even yet another.

June 25, 2013 1:50 p.m.

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