

The inspiration for this deck comes from plushpenguin's on mtgsalvation.

A 'fun' gitfrog deck, that doesn't use infinite combos focusing on midrange, getting big creatures, graveyard shenanigans, and synergy with the frog. Any suggestions are appreciated.

This deck tries to win in pretty much one of three ways which all start with ramping to get Gitrog out on turn 3 or 4, then using his ability to draw a bunch of cards, play lots of lands and then cast:

Titania, Protector of Argoth or Rampaging Baloths and start build up your new token army with fetchlands Evolving Wilds, Terramorphic Expanse, or fancier ones if they're in your budget (Windswept Heath, Polluted Delta, Verdant Catacombs, etc.), by playing multiple lands thanks to the big frog himself, Azusa, Lost but Seeking, Exploration, etc. or all at once by bringing back all the fetchlands you've used and lands you've sacrificed to the frog with Splendid Reclamation or now World Shaper key cards in the deck. You can also fill your graveyard with lands with Sylvan Safekeeper or Squandered Resources before a big return.

Ob Nixilis, the Fallen and the follow the same path as above except that Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord can let you sacrifice him to finish the game if he's big enough. This path lets you get around defences that might might attacking unfavorable or impossible. Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar can also now support this second plan, as well as just beat face and unlike Lord of Extinction is a bit more than a big body.

Avenger of Zendikar is a bit different since as soon as he goes down the clock is on for when you'll get boardwiped. Concordant Crossroads or Akroma's Memorial could give your new army haste, helping take your opponents out before they have a chance to respond, I don't run these as since they're a bit more combo focused whereas I want to be more midrange.

You probably want to play those lands again and besides bringing them all back at once with Splendid Reclamation, Ramunap Excavator lets you play lands straight from your graveyard (like Crucible of Worlds but not $60) and Life of the Loam is another engine to help do the same if you can't get Ramunap online.

Key cards:

  • Dakmor Salvage gives you a land that can repeatably be sacrificed and end up in your hand as well as let you dump as much of your deck as you want into your graveyard on your discard phase if you have 8 cards in hand. This is somewhat useful but leaves you open to graveyard hate for 3 turns which depending on your meta can end in you getting hit with Bojuka Bog or Relic of Progenitus. Obviously with an discard outlet this can combo but like I said, it's not what this build goes for.

  • Entomb is just wonderfully synergistic with this deck and one of my favorite cards. It lets you get Dakmor Salvage which can then get dredged straight to your hand if the frog is in play, possibly drawing you an extra card on top of that. Or get Life of the Loam one of the key cards to the decks engine, Increasing Ambition to tutor for 2 more cards latter, Dread Return to bring back a creature, or so many other things. It can also drop a graveyard shuffling card in which can save your graveyard and key cards from removal.

  • Slippery Karst, Tranquil Thicket, Polluted Mire, Ash Barrens, and Barren Moor all act as draw spells when Gitrogs in play and fill your graveyard with lands to be reclaimed latter.

  • Splendid Reclamation (and now World Shaper) is the allstar of the deck getting all your lands back and giving you an absurd amount of landfall triggers. Make sure you have a way to get it back to your hand after you play it so it doesn't get exiled by graveyard hate.

  • Squandered Resources helps set you up to get lots of elementals from Titania while giving you mana to cast spells in the process. It lets you respond when it looks like your tapped out and it can be used to sacrifice a land in response to graveyard removal to save Dakmor Salvage or Life from the Loam.

  • Cultivate is a singular card letting you sac and play a land at instant speed. This can mean bringing in a Strip Mine to destroy a dangerous land, grabbing a Glacial Chasm to save your self from a game ending attack, Bojuka Bog'ing someone else's graveyard, getting High Market to sac a creature that's about to be stolen, or just getting a land you need. I really wish we could have 4 copies in the deck.

A lot of the other cards are just good cards that work with the land/graveyard theme. I still would like to add more fetches, Crucible of Worlds, and Scapeshift but that would just about double the amount of money I have in the deck.

I would love ideas for cards that fit the theme of the deck and other ideas for it. I'm working to put together that I'll get to start trying out in the coming months and will report how it goes. Right now I'm pretty happy with it except I feel I could use a bit of lifegain, as not having that has cost me, currently testing Zuran Orb and Courser of Kruphix in that dept.

Exclusions:- - Any card on the maybe list due to financial reasons - Lord of Extinction more for combo focus with Jarad, not what I'm after. - Craterhoof Behemoth because it's just dumb. - Combo enablers, discard outlets, graveyard into deck shufflers, because it's to tempting.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 1 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 1 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.16
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Elemental 5/3 G, Marit Lage, Plant 0/1 G
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