Fungus Humungus

Commander / EDH* Johnngrimm


Lhurgyof says... #1

Skullclamp and Defense of the Heart are good. +1

August 29, 2012 1:29 a.m.

Johnngrimm says... #2

Defense of the Heart sounds good. Not sure what to take out for it though. Maybe Autochthon Wurm ?

August 29, 2012 2:02 a.m.

Johnngrimm says... #3

With all the 1/1 tokens Skullclamp is like a " pay 1, draw a card" I love it! Now were to put it???

August 29, 2012 2:04 a.m.

JamesHughes says... #4

commander has to be exactly 100 cards.

August 29, 2012 9:57 a.m.

Johnngrimm says... #5

I did not know that JamesHughes. Any suggestions on what to cut?

August 29, 2012 9:58 a.m.

JamesHughes says... #6

I'd say cut the artifact destruction, as it will not help that much in the long run.

August 29, 2012 10:09 a.m.

ameuser says... #7

Skullclamp is "pay 1, draw two cards." that's why it's banned everywhere else haha. I run Pattern of Rebirth , idk of I'd be good in your deck but I like it :-). With sac outlets it's even more powerful.

August 29, 2012 12:32 p.m.

ameuser says... #8

Maybe Replenish , but that might take away from the theme of your deck. But it is super-good

August 29, 2012 12:36 p.m.

Johnngrimm says... #9

@ ameuser Pattern of rebirth sounds like it could be fun. Do you have any ideas for what to takout? Also, how would Replenish work with my enchantments that need to be attached to a creature or land?

August 29, 2012 6:19 p.m.

ameuser says... #10

Instead of Asceticism --Privileged Position . For Pattern of Rebirth , maybe Evolution Charm or Imperial Seal ... And since you have Triskelion , why don't you put in Mikaeus, the Unhallowed ?

August 29, 2012 7:53 p.m.

ameuser says... #11

I +1'd you. Seems like a solid deck! +1 me if you feel like it :-)

Think Fast! Bombs for Free, Undead Dragon Hordes: Scion Aggro

August 29, 2012 8:30 p.m.

Johnngrimm says... #12

@ ameuser: If we ever meet in person I would love to play your Think Fast! Bombs for Free with this deck, because I looks really fun to play against. Undead Dragon Hordes: Scion Aggro looks fun too, I just like Think Fast! Bombs for Free better. And I have thought about Mikaeus, the Unhallowed but I do not know what to take out for him as I am still trying to get the deck down to 100 cards even.

August 29, 2012 9:03 p.m.

I'd Remove Blade of the Bloodchief and Replace it with a Avacyn, Angel of Hope or Elspeth, Knight-Errant for the indestructible abilities.

August 29, 2012 9:54 p.m.

ameuser says... #14

You can totally playtest it against your Fungus Humungus deck if you use two windows side-by-side :-)

I'll think about your deck and see if I can see any more cuts :-).

And my "think fast" deck just is so fast and shockingly powerful. Think t2 Lightning Greaves , t3 Show and Tell into Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre ...or t3 Show and Tell into Omniscience , cast Greater Good for free, then cast a creature for free to loop it into drawing and playing out my deck :-). I'm happy to say that I've never seen any deck like this, not in five colors at least. I just kind of rolled with the idea and it worked out.

August 29, 2012 10:01 p.m.

ameuser says... #15

Maybe, but Blade of the Bloodchief is infinite tokens with ghave and I think something else.

August 29, 2012 10:03 p.m.

ameuser says... #16

So I believe you have multiple ways of getting infinite +1/+1 counters on creatures, an multiple ways of killing all creatures, so would card:Cathars' Crusade and/or Elspeth Tirel be able to be cut?...Seems like elspeth Might just work like a stall-with-life-gain/too-slow board wipe...but I don't know the deck as well. I play against a pretty good ghave deck that my friend made sometimes but I don't at it myself so the intricacies aren't as known to me haha. What's you're go-to card you generally tutor up first, in general?

August 29, 2012 10:29 p.m.

ameuser says... #17

You might be able to take out Congregation at Dawn but maybe more than that, Liliana Vess . You have a TON of tutors, which is great, but you need cards to search for haha. With Vess it seems like you'd rather be casting your general or other five-drop (Privileged Position ?) instead of the five-cost tutor...

Speaking of, I really want to get my hands on a Congregation at Dawn to fuel Sneak Attack more consistently once I drain the creatures out of my hand :-)

August 29, 2012 10:48 p.m.

ameuser says... #18

Oh and definitely replace one of your conspire spells with Eternal Witness haha :-)

August 29, 2012 10:49 p.m.

Johnngrimm says... #19

@ ameuser, Congregation at Dawn is one of the cards that I do not yet have for this deck. If I get my hands on one and decide not to put it into the deck I will let you know. I think that you are right about Liliana Vess though as I always play my general over her if I have the chance.

Elspeth Tirel is one of the few board wipes that I have in the deck. She also allows me to gain massive amounts of life. I know that life in EDH can be pretty meaningless due to all the infinite combos but it has helped me survive many a game against aggro EDH.

Doubling Season , card:Cathars' Crusade or Blade of the Bloodchief , and one of the sac for mana creatures/artifacts are what I tutor up first, because they are the main powerhouses.

ameuser I like your idea with Eternal Witness as she can retrieve any card from the grave. Not just creatures. I am thinking of replacing Hour of Reckoning with her because I could use her to retrieve one of my enchantments from the grave if it gets killed.

I do like Congregation at Dawn though because it is three creatures for 2G and a W. With it I can get a couple of my combo creatures in one go.

Maybe removing Forgotten Ancient and Fungal Behemoth as they are some of the cards I use least.

Again ameuser I would like to thank you for all of your help with this deck.

August 30, 2012 1:27 a.m.

ameuser says... #20

Hey don't mention it haha, I just like brainstorming about decks and stuff. I'm a casual player but I like to make my decks as good as they can be within the framework of the rules and my particular interest/style. :-)

So I definitely noticed that you took out arguably the best artifact/enchantment removal in the format--Krosan Grip . I would suggest you find a way to keep it in the deck of you can :-)

So 2-3 cards to cut...hmmm.

Diabolic Revelation seems good with a ton of/infinite mana to combo out to win, but otherwise seems pretty costly. Mine Excavation I have never seen played in a game of commander--that's not to say it can't be good, I'm just wondering if you need it. If you're looking mass recursion, Replenish is more bang for your buck but at the cost of not pulling artifacts, Regrowth gets you ANY card but not two. Restock is good. I think whether you cut excavation or replace it, there are better cards for your deck.

Also Congregation at Dawn is great here, I agree :-)

August 30, 2012 11:27 a.m.

ameuser says... #21

I looked at your deck with respect to cmc, and you have SOOOO many recursion targets for Sun Titan . It gets back a bunch of combo pieces, plus just a Ning of really good cards. So good.

August 30, 2012 11:33 a.m.

Johnngrimm says... #22

I agree Replenish is better than Mine Excavation definitely making that switch, and all of my artifacts are CMC 3 or less. I am thinking Sun Titan because he works with more than just the artifacts.

I also liked Krosan Grip when I had it in here before. If I add it back in I will have more to cut though, and I am already having a hard time doing that. ameuser you suggestion have been most helpful so far, any ideas on what to take out?

August 30, 2012 11:38 a.m.

Johnngrimm says... #23

You may be right as I do not use Diabolic Revelation early game at all and then it just sits in my hand. So -1 Diabolic Revelation

I just think that Diabolic Revelation can be really good even with only 12 mana. That is because if X = 1, CMC is 6 for one card which is not very good. However X =7, CMC is 12 and you get a new hand of any seven cards you want which can be a game winner.

August 30, 2012 11:59 a.m.

ameuser says... #24

True about the revelation, but if by turn 8 (and DEFINITELY by t12) you haven't won, you've probably lost haha. And that becomes even more true if you haven't ramped. Unless your meta isn't as fast as that.

Also: I wanted to mention something about win cons--it's great to have them, obviously, but at some point (I can't say for sure when/where that is), having too many of them will hinder the deck's ability to consistently get them working. Just saying, keep that in mind as you go along. Being stretched too thin in terms of ways to get the combos online can happen. I'm not sure whether you're there, it's just something to check out every once in a while

August 30, 2012 12:26 p.m.

ameuser says... #25

My opinion is that Carnage Altar is fairly weak as a sac outlet in edh. I'd cut that...I even it it from my Peasant deck haha. you already have two perfect sac outlet artifacts plus a bajillion tutors if you need to find them. Also Garruk, Primal Hunter sounds really good but I'm not sold on it. You'll already have a ton of tokens, pls they'll all be huge, so his first and third abilities are useless kind of. His draw ability is good, but then you should just be running Greater Good for sacking plus draw. Actually now that I think of it, why isn't Greater Good in here??????? :-P

August 30, 2012 1:13 p.m.

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