Furious Fur (Need Help Converting to Modern)

Modern TroublingPath


blazboi says... #1

Why is there Faithless Looting ? I'm confused here.

April 27, 2013 7:32 a.m.

TroublingPath says... #2

See the new description.

April 27, 2013 12:27 p.m.

renzin777 says... #3

I love it, but the one mystery to me is why you have no Immerwolf or Domri Rade . Also get rid of Fling . It's just not powerful enough.

April 28, 2013 1:03 p.m.

TroublingPath says... #4

I used to run Immerwolf , but with Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip and a surprise Moonmist or 4 it's nice to have werewolves flipping as many times as possible. It keeps my opponents casting their spells and switching up their play style to try and flip my werewolves back. It keeps them on their toes and I love it when they play things that would help them later to flip my werewolves back, only to have me Moonmist the next turn. I would love to run Domri Rade , but I don't have a slot for him, plus he takes too many turns to get out. I'd rather cast a Kruin Outlaw  Flip turn 3 than Domri. I run Fling because a Bloodrushed Ghor-Clan Rampager on a Terror of Kruin Pass  Flip can hit for 21 in one turn. I've OTK-ed an opponent at FNM with that combo.

April 28, 2013 11:31 p.m.

Drike says... #5

I would consider Flesh / Blood over Fling . You don't have to sacrifice your creature in case it isn't a game-finishing blow.

May 15, 2013 11:42 p.m.

TroublingPath says... #6

I tried Flesh / Blood out. It works great if I use it as a regular sorcery burn spell, but the instant speed of Fling makes it a good and sometimes funny response to removal. But good suggestion, I'll throw it in my sideboard for decks with less removal. Thanks!

May 23, 2013 12:17 p.m.

raca137 says... #7

Have you Thought about using Pit Fight ? Signal the Clans is a great way to shape your creature draws by choosing your 2-3-4 drop creature to get. Either way you should pull off any other guy that can help your game out.

I would rather use pit fight over Fling due to your werewolf anthem effects, Since you want good board presence. If your guy dies, then they die to a good response and is instant speed.

May 24, 2013 4:51 p.m.

TroublingPath says... #8

I have thought about Pit Fight , It's a fantastic card against creature heavy decks, but I like Fling because it can be cast in response to field wipes like Supreme Verdict and Mutilate to hit them in the face.

I love Signal the Clans , but I don't know what I would take out for it. I could grab Instigator Gang  Flip , Kruin Outlaw  Flip , and Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip turn 2, but I'm not sure where the space for it comes from.

Thanks though, I'll look into your suggestions.

May 25, 2013 12:54 p.m.

Have you thought about adding Wandering Wolf ? With multiple Howlpack Alpha  Flip s out, he would get pretty big and hard to block. Also Pyreheart Wolf would force your opponent to gang block leaving some of your wolves unblocked and hitting them in the face. Hope these suggestions help and really like your build. +1 from me.

May 30, 2013 8:27 a.m.

TroublingPath says... #10

Thanks man! I've been trying to find a way to run Pyreheart Wolf or maybe Gruul War Chant for the same reason, and if I can find a spot, I totally will. I like the unblockability of Wandering Wolf , but ever since I took Immerwolf out I haven't been able to buff my wolves quite as much. I'm building a wolf based EDH deck so I can still play werewolves after they rotate, and those two are definitely in it! Thanks for the upvote yo!

May 30, 2013 12:51 p.m.

Hey no problem. Glad to help.

May 30, 2013 12:52 p.m.

AndyReveler says... #12

nice, i like you're werewolf deck, i've been trying to find a way to make them work.

June 10, 2013 2:14 p.m.

dahhahm says... #13

Hi first of all, let me say that I might have no idea what I could be saying. Ok! that out of the way, I would consider running some Lightning Bolt instead of the waif, and I'm happy with Wasteland Viper , but I would debate young wolf or just undying in general can be the right headache against certain decks.

I'm not sure how much you like Faithless Looting . Your drops seem pretty streamlined and there's no graveyard play, so I'm not sure if -1 hand (dis)advantage is what you want, but faithless looting is a lone star with its flashback (helps with huntsman too i think) and has the ability to drastically reduce error and increase playability or as I like to say, "cut out the fat." As a friendly and possibly horrible suggestion, maybe take out 2 mountains and faithless looting and add in 4 Simian Spirit Guide . But on an honest note, getting controlled down and losing hand advantage against a deck that draws +1, while you -1, especially while having creatures that die to almost every common removal, would seem really hard to win. Think Twice might be what you're looking for.

Moonmist could be dropped down some, or not. After some research and inspiration I found effects like Silence and Aurelia's Fury to be versatile mixes, but I did add white to mine. But maybe splashing a little black for Abrupt Decay or Terminate will give a better effect overall.

To be fully honest I'm not sure about anything about werewolves. They're the biggest deck building challenge I've come to face... I mean Ratchet Bomb can just destroy everything... it's just that... any color can just say no to werewolves. QQ

All I know is what you have already figured out: that Full Moon's Rise and/or Immerwolf should only have a place in the sideboard and that going just dual colors might not be enough. I hope my depressing post can somehow help you!

TLDR: no point reading. i'm dumb.

October 7, 2014 3:13 a.m.

ColtGuthrie says... #14

Love the idea of Ghor-Clan Rampager! I completely forgot about that as a spell-less pump effect, and the fact that Domri can even draw you into it! Magnificent!

Have you ever run Wolfbitten Captive  Flip in this list? It works very well for me in my Werewolf list, adding a great mana-sink day or night, early or late game, for that extra pump and I think you'd do well to replace Young Wolf with it.

Assuming Sarkhan Vol is used mostly for his +1? Alongside Domri in my list, I run Garruk Relentless  Flip as well as mainboard Lightning Bolt to clear the path for my pack.

How does Faithless Looting work out for you? Usually early on, I want all of the cards I draw and wouldn't like the discard portion, but later in the game I feel it would be useful if I get flooded with lands.

Overall, excellent and unique list! +1 from me for sure!

October 10, 2015 1:15 a.m.

ColtGuthrie says... #15

PS:Copperline Gorge is great for fast mana early on!

October 10, 2015 1:19 a.m.

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