thitev says... #1

do you want to get emrakul with unburial rights?

June 21, 2015 11:24 a.m.

BowB4Me2 says... #2

yes that's the point of the deck

July 4, 2015 4:56 p.m.

BowB4Me2 says... #3

also Gifts Ungiven says up to 4 cards so you can choose 2 cards and the opponent must have them both go to your graveyard. the 2 best cards to name with Gifts Ungiven are Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and Unburial Rites.

July 4, 2015 5 p.m.

Butterfly says... #4

It's impossible to get Emrakul with Unburial Rights, though. He's never in your graveyard, but rather whenever he'd get sent there your yard is shuffled into your deck.

He's run in so many U/W tron decks since he's a great late game finisher(especially when paired with Eye of Ugin, which can be tutored for by Expedition Map that you have in your deck anyway for completing Tron) and so you can grind out long games by shuffling your yard into your deck to prevent being milled and reuse 1 of targets for Gifts Ungiven.

July 6, 2015 5:37 p.m.

BowB4Me2 says... #5

well it is tron so runing a one of wont hurt

July 16, 2015 7:01 p.m.

BowB4Me2 says... #6

also it is possible to return him to the battlefield from your graveyard because you can end the turn with Day's Undoing or return him to the battle field Unburial Rites before his ability triggers.

July 18, 2015 3:10 p.m.

Butterfly says... #7

Sorry to keep raining on your parade, but that doesn't work either. Both those spells are sorcery speed, and to cast a spell when there's something else on the stack(like Emrakul's trigger, for instance.) it needs to be instant speed.

July 18, 2015 3:33 p.m.

BowB4Me2 says... #8

yeah I realized after play testing. I still feel that Emrakule deserves a spot in this deck I have one at least 7 games I wouldn't have won without him.(also makes a great fetch with Eye of Ugin)

July 18, 2015 4:27 p.m.

BowB4Me2 says... #9

Day's Undoing is also still justified I believe because of the shear value it provides. And besides your tron so loosing a half a turn wont hurt.

July 18, 2015 4:30 p.m.

BowB4Me2 says... #10

I was looking for ways to get gifts faster, and then I realized that Merchant Scroll is legal in modern.

July 18, 2015 5:29 p.m.

BowB4Me2 says... #11


July 18, 2015 5:29 p.m.

HydraOoze says... #12

This is a really cool deck I've never seen a list with Day's Undoing. But I would suggest uping Path to Exile to at least 3x because it helps greatly against aggro decks.

July 18, 2015 6:17 p.m.

BowB4Me2 says... #13

o.k. I will playtest with three

July 18, 2015 6:25 p.m.

BowB4Me2 says... #14

but just wondering what should I lower/remove to get up to three

July 18, 2015 6:27 p.m.

BowB4Me2 says... #15

Never mind. I lowered 2 Day's Undoing. they came up to much before. they where only useful when I was out of gas.

July 18, 2015 6:33 p.m.

HydraOoze says... #16

I would take out the Gitaxian Probe's because altho it's nice to get an idea of your opponents plans against aggro decks you would rather just have answers to there plans. Also you have alot of other card draw so that won't be missed much.

July 18, 2015 6:35 p.m.

BowB4Me2 says... #17


July 18, 2015 6:42 p.m.

BowB4Me2 says... #18

I like having only 2 Day's Undoings and I agree that I should remove the Gitaxian Probesmy question is what should I add

July 18, 2015 6:44 p.m.

HydraOoze says... #19

2x more Remand or Mana Leak

July 18, 2015 7:27 p.m.

BowB4Me2 says... #20

thank you.

July 18, 2015 7:29 p.m.

HydraOoze says... #21

For the sideboard I would add Stony Silence for against affinity and Hallowed Moonlight for Twin, Living end and Collected companie decks.

July 20, 2015 7:59 p.m.

BowB4Me2 says... #22

thank you.

July 20, 2015 10:20 p.m.

Saljen says... #23

Hey, you had asked me to check out your deck a while ago; finally got some spare time.

Ok, so the first thing you need to know about U/W Tron is that you're playing U/W control and you are planning to win with the Gifts package. Tron lands assembling is just icing on the cake that can help you eek that last little bit of advantage.

Lets start with some redundant cards that you're running, or just cards that aren't helping enough to be worth a slot. First, drop all 3 Azorius Signet and 2 of your Talisman of Progress. These cards are not as necessary in U/W Tron. I honestly just prefer to run 24-25 land and 2x Talisman of Progress for a little bit of color redundancy. Temple of Enlightenment is a decent addition as the scry can help, though Seachrome Coast might be better in the early game. 2x Celestial Colonnade is pretty much a minimum as well, works as an additional win-con and mana fixing. Oh and Chromatic Star does nothing for you in here. I'd drop it altogether.

Merchant Scroll is just unnecessary. It doesn't really work as additional copies of Gifts and really juts slows you down and forces you to spend mana that would be better spent on a counterspell. Day's Undoing is really for combo decks. It totally messes up control. Giving your opponent 8 cards and intimidate turn advantage to use them first is pretty bad and will almost always set you behind.

Now that we've got a few card slots to work with, let me just say that you're only running half of the Gifts Ungiven package. You're missing out the biggest advantage of running Gifts; board wipes. You basically need 3 board wipes with the different names, then you can 100% guarantee that you will get at least 1 board wipe off of a Gifts cast, meaning they are much more accessible. Supreme Verdict, Day of Judgment, and Wrath of God. You only need 1 copy of each, as 2 will usually go into the graveyard allowing you to cast the 3rd. This is where our friend Snapcaster Mage comes in. Running 2x Snappies lets you cast any instant / sorcery that you throw into the GY because of Gifts. So he's a pretty necessary part of the combo as well.

Now for a few more control cards. When it comes down to it, remember that this is first and foremost a CONTROL archetype. 4x counterspells isn't going to cut it. 4x Remand is a great place to start. 2x Mana Leak is also fine. I like to run 2x Condescend as well to eek out that little bit of card advantage and take advantage of Tron lands later game. You can even drop the Mana Leaks for more copies of Condescend. I'd also squeeze that 4th copy of Path to Exile in there if you have room. In addition to 1 copy of Timely Reinforcements in the mainboard. You will almost always hit both conditions and it can really change the tide of the game.

The last piece of advice I'll leave you with is that Emrakul is difficult to hard cast, even with Tron lands assembled. He's super fun to cast via Unburial Rites but if he gets into your hand he's very hard to get rid of and usually just lowers your card advantage. As far as creatures go; 1x Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, 1x Iona, Shield of Emeria, 1x Wurmcoil Engine, and 2x Snapcaster Mages is a very solid creature base. The Emrakul is still runnable, but he may sit in your hand uncastable quite often. Anyways, I hope this wall of text helped at least a litle, GL with your deck! U/W Tron is a lot of fun!

July 21, 2015 3:02 p.m. Edited.

Shathief says... #24


I will +1 all of Saljens suggestions as well - he seems to really know his stuff.

July 22, 2015 7:38 p.m.

Butterfly says... #25

Agree with almost everything Saljens said. He's got some great advice! Though I do disagree on two points. Running 4 signets and 1-2 Talismans is actually the norm in U/W tron, since they enable a turn 3 gifts into turn 4 unburial + Elesh or Iona, which wins you the game on the spot in many matchups. Accelerating your gifts/unbrual package by one turn is something I've found to matter quite a good deal, and is the primary reason(along with the 3 Wrath + gifts package) that this is one of the better control decks versus aggro in the format. Not only that, they help a great deal with color fixing which can sometimes be a problem if you draw too many tron lands. Mana filtering can be fairly important in this deck. As an added bonus excess signets/talisman can be discarded with Thirst for Knowledge for some nice card advantage.

The other thing, which I guess isn't so much a disagreement as something I really need to point out since he mentioned it in his last paragraph, is that Emrakul cannot be cast off of Unburial Rites. Its shuffled from yard to deck before you get a chance to cast the sorcery speed spell. Waaay too many people ignore the last part of Emrakul's text. But yeah! Happy U/W tronning. One of the most fun decks in modern if you ask me.

July 23, 2015 6:13 p.m.

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