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!G Partner Storm

Commander / EDH



This list is terrible, I know, but it's hard to use two banned lists at the same time. Dig through time, Treasure Cruise, Vampiric Tutor, Mystical Tutor, and a ton of the good fast mana options appear on the duel list.These omissions necessitate a slightly different gameplan than most storm decks. We run 4 cost-reducers, Nightscape Familiar, Helm of Awakening, Baral, Chief of Compliance, and Goblin Electromancer. Not only do these cards help push our mana further, but each one is tutorable with Muddle the Mixture. Helm of Awakening is also one of the more common targets for Whir of Invention and Reshape, especially since it only costs 5 or 4,respectively.

Soulfire Grand Master can also be found at 2cmc, but serves a very different purpose. Her job is to buy back mana generation cards like High Tide, Snap, and Turnabout. Turnabout breaks even with 1 mana doubler, Snap needs to target a creature, so while it's an excellent card to fire a few times(and profitable with 1 reducer and 2 mana doublers) it doesn't have the same infinite possibility, barring a draw into Cloud of Faeries. Casting high tide several times in one turn is obviously powerful, especially since soulfire's ability can be paid for entirely with blue mana. Furthermore, she also provides an out for infinite mana, winning with cards like Reality Shift(shout-out to all the Tasigur decks out there, I miss you) or Aetherflux Reservoir.

In that theme, Haze of Rage also provides a secondary win condition, as Kraum, Ludevic's Opus has both haste and flying. Casting it on storm count 7,buying it back, and casting it again costs 6 mana and gives Kraum +17/0,turning him into a 21/4 General for the win on one target. As a spell, it also utilizes the cost reducers very well, since with three in play, it costs only R to cast and buyback. Sorry, my optimism is showing.

Intuition is one of the most powerful tutors in the deck, with obvious pieces like Jace, Vryn's Prodigy + Past in Flames + Yawgmoth's Will showing up in practically every pile. The other major situations are finding a cost reducer, or just continuing the storm with three cards with flashback or aftermath, or powerful untap effects.

Why these generals? Being in 4 colors, rather than 3 gives us a slightly more fetchable high tide manabase. White gives us Soulfire Grandmaster, which I have come to massively appreciate, Enlightened Tutor, which finds one of our wins and one cost reducer, and both Wear and Failure. Green would open up a ton of other options, including highly effective ramp, the lack of those cards felt worse than those gains. None of the Grixis colors(UBR) were possible to cut, so !G it was. As for generals, Vial Smasher the Fierce is banned on the Duel list, which would have been my first choice. Breya, Etherium Shaper is also banned, but she represents a different strategy than I was looking for. Without smasher, the choices are Silas Renn, Seeker Adept and one of the RW partners, or a UR and WB partner. Both the RW partners are totally irrelevant to the deck, but Kraum opened the way for Haze of Rage, and Tymna the Weaver's potential and cost are great. She also serves to make Diabolic Intent a 5 mana tutor on an empty board, rather than a dead card, or costing the life of a cost reducer.

Permission choices:I probably overvalue Unsubstantiate effects, like Failure, in general, since they tend to be better for developing storm effects and can hit uncounterable spells, most relevantly Supreme Verdict, Abrupt Decay, and Vexing Shusher. Their lower color requirements also make them better with cost reducers. Commit is really overcosted here, but being attached to a draw 7 from the graveyard makes it work, designers.

Ertai's Meddling is similar, but even more exciting when used on a General, since the owner has to decide immediately whether to send it to the command zone, and it can hit uncounterable cards as well.

Flusterstorm might seem an odd absence, but the few cases where it was a sad spell pierce rather than a wizardly blowout ruled it out.

Omissions:Hurkyl's Recall doesn't work without fast mana rocks.

Timetwister United States Dollars and the Reserved List :(

Transmute Artifact less USD, but still enough to push me off a card I don't need. If I lose enough times with Reshape in hand, I'll bite that bullet.

Laboratory Maniac should probably be here...


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 3 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 0 Mythic Rares

26 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

25 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.54
Tokens Emblem Dack Fayden, Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Manifest 2/2 C
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