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Gain control of target creature

Casual Casual Enchantment



Land (4)


Gain control of your opponent's creatures then swing and use any extra mana to cast Reckless Abandon or Collateral Damage to deal some extra burn damage to your opponent or any creature your opponent still controls. This way you get the free damage and your opponent does not get his creature back. If your opponent ever gets any larger creatures out you can use Control Magic and Domestication to steal their creature for good.

If you are playing this deck online and will not need to pay for the cards themselves. Switch the 2x Corrupted Conscience with 2x Treachery. Then change your land list to look like this.

4x Spirebluff Canal

4x Sulfur Falls

4x Cascade Bluffs

4x Volcanic Island

4x Mountain

2x Island

These changes turn a $15 - $20 deck into a $1500 deck. The difference these cards make I assure you is not worth over $1450. Adding treachery(s) will change this deck to around $50- $60. So this is only really worth it if you aren't actually paying for the cards.

You can also side board some black into this deck: Remove 4x Slippery Bogel, 2x Collateral Damage and 4x Swiftwater Cliffs then add 4x Bloodflow Connoisseur, 2x Blood Artist and 4x Swamp.

If playing online:Remove 4x Slippery Bogel, 2x Collateral Damage, 2x island and 4x Mountain then add 4x Bloodflow Connoisseur, 2x Blood Artist, 2x Underground Sea and 4x Badlands.

What each card adds to this deck:

Creature (14)

Blistercoil Weird: A one drop creature with either mana of this deck. Perfect for a turn one creature as most people wont be able to burn or counter by then so his lack of hexproof won't slow him down too much. A great play with Blistercoil Weird is... When your opponent drops a creature and you take it with Act of Treason or the like, Blistercoil Weird will get +1/+1. Then swing for all the damage to face and then use Reckless Abandon or Collateral Damage to Sacrifice your opponents creature giving Blistercoil Weird another counter, making him 3/3. Putting him outside of a Shock kill and untapping him so he may block that round.

Charmbreaker Devils: A later game creature that will help you gain your spent sorcery and instant cards from your graveyard. Also pretty powerful as Charmbreaker Devils are 4/4 not to mention the +4/+0 Charmbreaker Devils gets whenever you cast an instant or sorcery. A great play with Charmbreaker Devils is... I find it easy when I get him down to use an Act of Treason Charmbreaker Devils just brought back to take an opponent's creature making Charmbreaker Devils 8/4 and absolutely wrecking face.

Dominus of Fealty: A later game creature yet easy to drop as it uses any combo of both mana types in this deck. A 4/4 Flyer and a stolen creature each upkeep with haste for the rest of turn. Dominus of Fealty will save you mana and sorcerys by takign creatures for free. A great play with Dominus of Fealty is... Take a creature at your upkeep and use your remaining mana to cast Act of Treason or anything like it to take any other creatures your opponent still owns prioritizing flying and reach creatures. Swing for massive damage then use Collateral Damages, Reckless Abandons or one of both to sacrifice your opponents creatures dealing loads of damage.

Goblin Electromancer: An incredible turn 2 play that drops a 2/2 creature and drops the casting cost of all sorcery and instants by 1. Having more than one of these out can become almost unstoppable without some burn or creature control as Act of Treason is now just a 1 drop.

Slippery Bogle: A great and cheap 1 drop turn 1-2 play hexproof baits out your opponents creatures so you may take them with Act of Treason. If your opponent refuses to drop creatures you can slowly whittle them down.

Enchantment (4)

Control Magic: This is a fairly cheap enchantment giving you a creature for good. If your opponent ever gets his big bad creature out drop this and now he is yours.

Corrupted Conscience: A little more expensive but same style as Control Magic.

Instant (4)

Collateral Damage: A cheap burn spell that uses creature sacrifice as an additional cost to cast. This is fine as when you use a card like Act of Treason you don't want your opponent getting their creature back. Use this card to sacrifice that creature and do damage to face or to a remaining creature.

Sorcery (16)

Act of Treason: The basis of this deck and should always be seen in play using this deck. This card will gain control of a creature untap if necessary and then haste. Make it cheaper with Goblin Electromancer and bring em back from the grave with Charmbreaker Devils then drop these at will.

Besmirch: Basically a better version of Act of Treason as goading means you won't be attacked by that creature if you can't sacrifice it with Reckless Abandon or Collateral Damage. The only reason Act of Treason might come more in handy is only one mana can be reduced using Goblin Electromancer(s) as it is a 2 Red 3 drop. Still probably just as useful.

Reckless Abandon: A super cheap burn spell that uses creature sacrifice as an additional cost to cast. This is fine as when you use a card like Act of Treason you don't want your opponent getting their creature back. Use this card to sacrifice that creature and do damage to face or to a remaining creature.

Traitorous Blood: A very similar card to Besmirch though giving Trample instead of Goading.

Land (22)



Swiftwater Cliffs: Gotta have a few dual lands.

Evolving Wilds: Fetch land to grab some lands and leave room for spell cards.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Rares

12 - 6 Uncommons

24 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.58
Folders Decks, Tirza Deck
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