
This deck is designed for play in my Battle Box. If you are interested in all the other decks in my battle Box or wondering about deck construction criteria you can check it out here --> The kitchen Table Battle Box.

Game of Graves

Come, bring your brothers. Tonight, you feast on living flesh.

-Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia

For time immeasurable vampires have terrorized and tantalized the imaginings of human kind. Beings of the night. The unattainable elegance. The supernatural strength. Each culture has tales that tell of strength being obtained through feasting on the flesh and blood of the living. Humans have always felt the allure of perfection. The choice is yours, will you succumb to the Thirst for power?

Power overwhelming

Life eternal

Death recurring

  • Falkenrath Exterminator: He enjoys the kill almost as much as the hunt.

  • Feast of Blood: When your foes can feed in the midst of battle, attrition is not an option.

  • Volt Charge: Storms inspire fear in the hearts of men. Fear inspires strength in those without hearts.

Cunning immeasurable

First strike is your best friend.

Try to use Stromkirk Captain sparingly and effectively. As one of the most effective creatures in the deck he will often draw a lot of hate. As such try to bait your opponents into wasting thier removal on weaker creatures in the early game.

Mephidross Vampire will make your creatures grow after first strike damage is dealt (and before normal combat dammage is dealt) making trading creatures very difficult and combat math even harder.

If you are holding a Feast of Blood try to also hold onto any cheep vampires you draw. There are few situations that are worse than needing to cast a Feast of Blood and not having that second vampire.

Dont spend too much time worrying about your life points. You are an immortal lord! Anything you lose now can be regained later.

This deck is designed to be an aggresor and as such should be weak to removal (especially mass removal) and have a hard time in the late game. In its current form it is one of the strongest decks in the Battle Box due to its ablility to be very agressive early and far out pace other agrro decks thanks to lifegain.

some of the changes I am currently cosidering are:

Any thoughts on this are greatly appreciated!


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

24 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.76
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
Folders The Kitchen Table Battle Box
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