Garden Hose

Modern Behgz


MonkeyForest says... #1

I kinda like the idea, and you could really build this into something very strong, but some of the cards are ruining your synergy a lot. Example: Supreme Verdict is not good, when you play with 20 creatures. You will hit yourself just as much, maybe even harder in some cases, as you hit the enemy.

June 9, 2013 7:05 a.m.

Behgz says... #2

@MonkeyForest In those instances I prolly have a better board state and would simply hold onto the verdicts. no harm no foul. synergy unaffected. the whole point of 4x supreme verdict is so I dont have to run any other spot removal like d-sphere, with 4 snaps in there too, I'm almost guaranteed to play two verdicts a game average.

as far as me continually wiping my own field, the deck is really tuned to come back from that type of interaction, Thrag poops out a body whenever he etb's, so almost every board wipe leaves me with a beast and the opponent nada.

Was there anything else you could point out, as I mentioned in the description, I've been running some less than top tier brews at Fnm and I'd like to start placing a little better, I kno I've got the skill to pull a 3-1 each week, potentially go home with a small prize of 3 packs or sumthin. Anyways, the more u can point out the better I can see the deck from all sides.

June 9, 2013 1:15 p.m.

I still wonder if this deck would benefit from mana dorks, perhaps Avacyn's Pilgrim ? Also, I'm still not in love with the instants configuration. I believe you've made your argument for Azorius Charm , but I question the 3 ofs of Plasm Capture and Syncopate . Maybe take out one of each to fit in 2 Dissipate . Overall I would give it a +1.

June 9, 2013 11:25 p.m.

I like the changes

June 10, 2013 2:32 a.m.

Behgz says... #5

@PrinceOfNeurosis mana dorks are great, they are, but this brew does run the playset of supreme verdict, so I opted for a couple Farseek so I don't have to worry about wiping away dorks in order to stabilize.

June 11, 2013 12:06 a.m.

Wolfking3000 says... #8

How about a copy or two of Prime Speaker Zegana ? She's great for card advantage and works like another Sphinx's Revelation .

June 13, 2013 7:16 p.m.

Behgz says... #9

@Wolfking3000 She's been on my radar for a while now, I just have bigger dreams for her, like pairing her with Wolfir Silverheart but there's plenty of merit in pulling a master biomancer to thrag to zegana, t4 t5 t6. I'm gonna play around with some numbers an see if I can squeeze her in.

June 13, 2013 7:46 p.m.

He's definitely been toying with that idea wolfking...

June 13, 2013 7:48 p.m.

Behgz says... #11

wolfir silverheart paired to an entering zegana, equals 9 cards drawn. thats impressive for a 2 card combo. but if broke down compared to a sphinx's rev, u spend 5 for wolfir and 6 for zegana, 11 mana for 9 cards drawn, with a sphinx its only 8 cards drawn for 11 mana total. so the wolfir to zegana is a really good value in a 2 card combo pack.

Now for master biomancer to thrag to zegana. This ones fun because if the master biomancer is still out when zegana comes out she'll get an automatic extra +2 from him, assuming thrag came out and got roided up by the biomancer as well, zegana would see thrag at 7power, enter as an 8 then get +2 from biomancer, then her draw trigger checks her power at 10. 3 card combo, 15 mana total, 5 life gained and 10 cards drawn.

lets say it doesnt go so well, and u go thrag, board wipe, zegana. your still getting thrags 3/3 token followed by a 4/4 zegana and 4 cards drawn.

Best case scenario, u can have all the right pieces out and then Resto one of the pieces, whether its thrag, a 2nd biomancer, or zegana.

I gotta squeeze zegana in.

June 13, 2013 8:07 p.m.

Demarge says... #12

The deck seems way to inconsistent as it's trying to be both a creature heavy midrange deck and a control deck, this combination might be effective against aggro but quite often it felt during playtesting that the deck wanted more creatures to make biomancer better one turn then on another turn it wanted to draw good answers to threats from a revelation, but instead got more threats that were automatically outclassed by the threats the deck wanted the answers for. I'd suggest going more into one of the two directions the deck wants to go, of course you could just be needing some larger bodies.

June 13, 2013 9:25 p.m.

Behgz says... #13

i definitely kno what ur getting at Demarge originally i had two Angel of Serenity in here, but was talked out of it because the curve was too high and my ramp wasnt enough to justify the higher curve. but in the decks defense, i usually hold off on Sphinx's Revelation til i have atleast 7 mana on the field so i can pay atleast 4 into it. for some reason a sphinx's rev feels too underwhelming when 3 or less is paid into it. That being said, I regularly pay a total of 7 for sphinx's, I very easily could be hard casting an Angel of Serenity in those instances, and I'm certain that would satisfy the bigger body hole you are expertly pointing out.

Ive made the choice of staying with the midrange version of the deck, what do you suggest I take out in order to fit in 2x angel of serenity and what else do you suggest I change to make her more viable/the higher curve she brings with more manageable..

The annoying thing about this Master Biomancer brew is that he's a total add on, he's fluff, he's the kitchen sink, every other card in the deck works just fine without him. But he brings the fun to the table, he makes blinking thrag with resto that much better, he is what makes this deck a rogue brew, but without him, the deck would prolly run that much smoother.

Now we're at a cross roads, do I give up on trying to be original and ditch the biomancers, or do I press on and try to make it work despite the flaws you've pointed out thus far. its a tough choice, and as ive mentioned Im starting to get pretty tired of pulling 1-3 at FNM, but I wont feel any sense of accomplishment running a net deck.

At the end of the day I gotta go with my gut, and its telling me to swap 3x Master Biomancer for 2x Angel of Serenity and a third Farseek . pure clean bant, no kitchen sink.

June 14, 2013 12:11 p.m.

MrKnify says... #15

I like the Snapcaster usage, Its one I really wanted to include in my deck, but I only have one at this time. I'm still looking at other sources and creatures Just-Another-Bant

June 17, 2013 1:22 a.m.

Behgz says... #16

The playset of snaps I have were really more of a gift, so I can see why its hard to get a playset this close to it rotating, but its one of the few standard cards projected to hold its value post Roto.

June 17, 2013 5:27 p.m.

MrKnify says... #17

That in itself is a boon, i just Three Wishes this coming season they pull out some of these gems to flip up the continuity of further blocks, and not your standard draw two cards.

June 17, 2013 8:19 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #18

I don't know much about Standard Bant, but this looks solid. +1

June 20, 2013 3:40 p.m.

Behgz says... #19

thnx for the upvote GoldGhost012!!!!!

June 20, 2013 3:44 p.m.

Demarge says... #20

The deck still seems to be having the same problems as before from it being a boardwipe control deck that can only win with creatures... maybe it needs something like a Jace, Memory Adept or some other planeswalker just so you're not stuck either boardwiping or keeping the pressure on.

June 20, 2013 6:12 p.m.

Behgz says... #21

@Demarge I happen to have 3 memory adepts laying around, but do you think I should main a few or just sideboard them?

I have today and tmrw off, im really trying to get some solid deck editing and/or playtesting in before tmrw's fnm, my sideboard is all over the place and bringing up memory adept has got me worried im gonna start throwing kitchen sinks back in here lol.

The first few turns of the game, this deck has a few different avenues to victory;

T1: Land drop for the turn. No 1cmc spells in the deck, so most likely a tapped shockland.

T2: Land. a) Farseek. b) azorius charm, either card draw or bounce a creature to the top of their deck. One of my fav moves against naya decks running champs and what not, the tempo swing that creates can be Huge, disregard the small cmc of the creature they have to recast, stalling them a card draw deeper into their deck is the real play im making here. c) do nothing.

T3: Land. here's where things get interesting, I can be in a very unlucky position and have done nothing so far this game, *see c), in which case I'd be bringing in a desperation centaur healer to bring me back and semi stabalize. I could also be on a mana roll and hit em with an early supreme verdict, which more than likely shuts down an aggro brew like naya blitz. or I can keep em guessing and leave up to 4 mana open on their turn to either stop their T4 with a dissipate or yet another desperation style tactic of flashing in a resto to block/trade for some of their early game threats.

T4: Land. If I can keep the battlefield under control, at this point in the game I have almost my entire deck at my disposal. a few turns later I can be hard casting serenity, or just recurring verdicts with snapcasters, not uncommon to see that happen.

If theres any specific suggestions you can feed me im totally open to them and would love to get some feed back on this before I go out to FNM tmrw night.

for example, because I brought up farseek and azorius charm as being my main util cards mainboard, do u think i should bump up either to 4x copies, as they are both currently sitting at 3x copies.

June 20, 2013 6:37 p.m.

Behgz says... #22

as far as being a midrange creature deck that clashes synergistically by then wiping the board, i suppose i could cut down the supremes and even snaps to 3x each, but i feel like i would be wiping the field at the exact same time/frequency of times as i have been alrdy, and I almost always have something new in hand at the time of a wipe, so its never a desperation wrath so much as a strategic one, if that makes sense..

June 20, 2013 6:42 p.m.

Demarge says... #23

Right now even a strategic board wipe means you're unlikely going to be dealing damage for a turn or two, I brought it up more for the midrange matches instead of the aggro matches, against aggro a sweeper can be epic, against midrange you might need it to just deal with a threat while they have more, that is where having something like a memory adept can win you the game.

Another thing is the importance of having a turn 2 Farseek as often as possible, against aggro it lets you get a turn 3 verdict, against midrange and control it allows you to be a turn ahead of them, as such I'd suggest going to a full 4 copies (without cutting from your land count).

June 20, 2013 7:14 p.m.

Behgz says... #25

il get the farseeks up to 4.

June 20, 2013 7:21 p.m.

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