Garden Hose

Modern Behgz


Anansi442 says... #3

Loving Quicken ! That should definitely be cool to play with this deck! +1!

July 20, 2013 4:12 a.m.

zandl says... #4

I'm not entirely sold on your needing Quicken . Wouldn't Alchemist's Refuge just be better? When would flashing in Thragtusk be better than just casting it main-phase, at the expense of another spell?

Celestial Flare could find a home here.

Also, it's easier to read a deck-list when the Foil things and duplicate printings aren't all over the place.

July 20, 2013 3:14 p.m.

Behgz says... #5

thanks for the feedback zandl il look into those things you pointed out, all valid suggestions.

as far as Quicken I managed to squeeze 2x in, in place of 3rd copies of azorius charm and cyclonic rift.

The deck has never had a 1-drop, and with the release of m14 I suddenly have a plethora, I was never able to justify any dorks because I would wrath them away the first chance I got. With Quicken I can cast it turn 1 for card draw, or turn three at the opponents end step, draw card, find farseek, cast it at the end step, move to my turn, or even sweeter, opponent moves to attack step, i cast quicken, card draw, no blocks, he gore-clan blood rushes, I supreme at instant speed, alchemists refuge would take multiple more turns to be online and active, let alone being a colorless mana source in a three color deck.

the other nice thing about the two Quicken taking up the spots that used to contain an extra azorius charm and cyclonic rift, is that those were the cards that would come out for more sb utility, like Renounce the Guilds and more recently Dispel , and although quicken is good, it is indeed not necessary, so it comes right out for the dispel's, or a silence and savage summoning or any of my other sb utility.

Celestial Flare is a cool card, its sb worthy at the least.

July 20, 2013 3:35 p.m.

zandl says... #6

You don't seem to understand what card-value or card-advantage are.

Casting Quicken turn-1 means that you're replacing one card in your opening seven with a random one for the cost of (U).

And decks don't need one-drops, especially if they don't do anything on turn-1. Mana-curves are great and all, but there are exceptions to every rule in Magic.

July 20, 2013 3:38 p.m.

Behgz says... #7

I've been running this deck for months without 1-drops, I'm just trying em out now that there are some decent one drops available. But i will take your advice to heart and I'll consider cutting the quicken after I play test with them. from what I can tell tho, you are very against them haha I trust your judgement and advice tho, im no stranger to the turn 11 top deck llanowar elf, pretty much is terrible haha.

July 20, 2013 3:45 p.m.

zandl says... #8

I'm not saying you need 1-drops; on the contrary, I prefer not to use them in mid-range decks unless they have late-game implications (like Tragic Slip ). Why not just add another Centaur Healer and/or smaller things that don't just blow late-game?

July 20, 2013 3:47 p.m.

Behgz says... #9

i used to have extra copies of azorius charm and cyclonic rift, I would start by going back to those if I were to take out the quickens, aside from that tho, how does the deck list look, I took away all the stupid foil icons too.

July 20, 2013 3:52 p.m.

Anansi442 says... #10

Dude, I agree with zandl that the foil icons were a bit cluttering but when it's turn 10 and you drop a tight foil Sphinx's Revelation and come back for the sick. Haha. I'm glad you still get stoked on the special shit man cause its a collector's game at the end of the day and it's pride in your collection that makes it fun! (My opinion) :)

July 20, 2013 8:47 p.m.

I am expecting to see Archangel of Thune s, it seems to work quite well in this deck. +1 from me

July 24, 2013 10:57 p.m.

Behgz says... #24


Archangel of Thune is a cool card, don't get me wrong when I say she might not be the best fit, here, granted I do naturally gain life throughout the course of the game from centaur healers, thrags, and resto targeting the first two, and with thune out things would get nutty, the problem is I did that already with Master Biomancer and things got too muddy, I was drawing biomancers when just a thrag would be better at the time, a lot of the time.

I see Thune being the same way, she definately doesn't deserve her $30 price tag, nor does it make sense for me to run her or the biomancers in this brew, as I'm constantly wrathing like its no ones business.

thanks for the comment and upvote

July 24, 2013 11:48 p.m.

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