
Gampeplay Mission: Ramp up your mana base to summon Gargos and overwhelm opponents with high-impact hydras in the late game. Topple over your opponents' creatures with trample and remove key threats by triggering Gargos to fight with cheap support spells. Keep Gargos in play with protection auras while making your other hydras even bigger with additional +1/+1 counters.

Power Cards ($>10): None

Sleeper Cards: Hydra's Growth

Possible Edits

Parking Lot (7): N Lore, T Visits, T Stand, C Resistance, M Reflection, E Lens, Overgrowth

CONSIDER A/E Removal, R Armasaur, O Haze, V Strength, T Outlands, V Dominance, B Umbra, A Elf, all the mana sources

CONSIDER replacing the two combat tricks (S Might and I Surge) and two of the weaker Hydras

LOOK FOR payoffs for casting big spells, more protection to replace some of the Gargos triggers? (MTG doesn't have many redundancy sources for Gargos)

During Game

Note that spells that target a single creature multiple times will only trigger Gargos once, but spells that target multiple creatures will trigger Gargos each time

Keep in mind that “additional counter” effects like Branching Evolution also apply when counters are first placed on a hydra as it ETB’s

Trash the Town can be used on opponent’s creature in a pinch to draw two cards

Remember to say “go to combat” to give opponents a chance to respond before declaring attackers

Hydra abilities like Reinforce and Monstorsity can be activated at instant speed as a combat trick

Typically attack -before- casting spells in 2nd main phase to see what happens during combat (Apex Devastator is an exception)

Save some instants for use on opponents' turn since Gargos will “reset” at each end step

Use Ulvenwald Hydra to tutor for Detection Tower or Arcane Lighthouse in most cases


23 hydras + 18 spells that can trigger Gargos

21 cards dealing with +1/+1 counters

17 cards with trample (9 hydras + 8 spells)

13 “X” spells (Tyvar’s Stand + hydras)

All but 4 of the ramp work with Virtue of Strength

Only 4 of the hydras have <4 generic mana (maximizes discount from Gargos)

78% of lands are forests (helps with Nissa, Virtue of Strength, Vernal Bloom, Extraplanar Lens, and Oran-Rief Hydra)

37 lands + 16 ramp + 4 mana sources = 57% of deck

5 lands that ETB tapped (14% of total)

4 colorless non-fetch lands (11% of total)

Deck Notes

Deck theme is built around Gargos getting to decide who gets to stay in the forest through fight triggers

Semi-battlecruiser theme since A/E removal is very limited but has lots of creature removal through Gargos triggers

Includes some spells that can target multiple creatures (= multiple Gargos triggers)

Some of the Gargos triggers include ramp, card draw, and removal

Most of the triggers are instants and auras (sorceries are primarily for ramp)

Has multiple cards >$5 because hydras are fairly limited

Average CMC is understated because of the 12 hydras with X in casting cost (plus others w/ monstrosity etc) - actual is approx 3.51 based on the spells with fixed casting cost and the 10 "X" hydras at 6 CMC each

Card Notes

Apex Devastator might cascade into an “X” spell during its four triggers (13/62 = 21% chance), but still worth the casting cost discount from Gargos

Genesis Hydra can find 28 non-land permanents with mana value 6 or less when it is cast at X = 6

Emerald Medallion helps with 84% of the spells (deck has ten 1-mana instants and artifacts it doesn’t discount)

Gargos serves as ramp for all other hydras and additional removal

Bear Umbra also serves as ramp

Khalni Territory and Collective Resistance can also be removal spells

Doesn't run regeneration b/c it preserves counters and auras but removes the creature from combat, taps it, and doesn't help with exile, bounce, flicker, or -1/-1 effects

Maybeboard has some supporting cast that give other creatures trample, but these don't trigger Gargos

Uses Branching Evolution instead of Unbound Flourishing b/c 21 cards relate to +1/+1 counters vs. only 12 “X” spells that are permanents

Doesn't run Mossborn Hydra b/c it would take three turns to become a 4/4 (better suited to landfall decks)

Doesn’t run Mana Reflection or Virtue of Strength b/c these are so mana-intensive that can’t be cast before Gargos and push back the clock on casting any other spells for a whole turn


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99% Casual


Date added 3 years
Last updated 5 days

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.16
Tokens Bear 2/2 G, Beast 3/3 G, Emblem Nissa, Who Shakes the World, Fanatic of Rhonas 4/4 B, Honored Hydra 6/6 W, Hydra X/X G, Morph 2/2 C, Snake 1/1 G, Treasure
Folders Commander, Tyranid
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