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Gary of As*holeville




Creature (4)

DISCLAIMER: My Beef with black Devotion is in casual play with three or four players. I made this deck as an example to my friends that black devotion if F*cking Broke and needs to be band in casual.

Okay, so this crap all started when my brother decided to make a Black Devotion Deck. I didn't think much of it, at first. He typically plays black, so whatever. It wasn't until he played Erebos, God of the Dead That I started to get annoyed. No one else gains life?! What the Hell. That shuts down most , , and Lifegain Decks and Strategies. Just have to deal with that I guess. We keep playing and that's when he dropped it. Gray Merchant of ASSHOLEville. This. STUPID. Card!

Reasons WHY it's STUPID:

: "When this creature ENTERS the battlefield". If it's not countered, then the ability resolves. So destroying it won't help.

: "Each Player". It doesn't even have the decency to have you make a decision on who gets to lose life, it just rapes indescriminatly.

: "Loses Life". You Lose Life, not take Damage, Lose Life. So There's virtually nothing to prevent it from happening.

: "Equal to your Devotion". Already 2 life off the bat from each player. GERR.

: "You gain life equal to the life lost this way". ......Oh...My...GOD!! You can't just make us lose life, you have to take it for yourself.

...you're probably wondering, "But if I have lifegain, Then I should be fine!". But wait, THERE's MORE! If they have Erebos, God of the Dead on the battlefield, then you can go F*ck yourself Because that player is the only one who can gain life. You see the BS here? you can't get life, then they get all the life. SO. BROKE.

So i made this Deck satirically, just to ban Black Devotion in my play group.

Fun Fact: Out of all the colors, Black has the most Devotion cards. OH. JOY.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 7 years
Exclude colors UG
Splash colors WR

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

6 - 0 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

28 - 0 Commons

Cards 66
Avg. CMC 2.64
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