RDW -- Went 2-1, First game I had to mulligan down to 5 cards and against red aggro that was a death sentence. I was killed by turn 5 or 6. Second game I pulled two Pharika's Cure and stopped his early charge, while using Shadow Alley Denizen and 2 Rakdos Shred-Freaks to keep my attack going. Third game, ran much like the second except I pulled Wring Flesh to slow him down and was able to out aggro him with Shadow Alley Denizen to Rakdos Shred-Freak to Mogis's Marauder. Gray Merchant of Asphodel finished the game for me.
G/W Tokens -- Won 2-0, The games went really fast as I pulled a hand full of board hate with Ultimate Price, Doom Blade, and Drown in Sorrow. He had a nice presence of 1/1 soldiers and played a Seraph of the Masses while I had two Shadow Alley Denizen and Gray Merchant of Asphodel out. I played Drown in Sorrow to clear the board and kill off his Seraph in one swipe. Gary survived and mopped up. Second game I kept the board clear and held onto my mobs until I played Rakdos Shred-Freak x2 into Mogis's Marauder x2 for the win.
G Monsters -- Won 2-0, This was the meta I was most worried about as I had to move fast. I kept using board hate on his mana ramp mobs Elvish Mystic, Voyaging Satyr etc. and kept my eye on his mana knowing at 4cmc a Polukranos, World Eater was going to come out. The only hang up I had was I had to sacrifice a Rakdos Shred-Freak + Pharika's Cure to kill of a Courser of Kruphix but obviously for the greater good. A double Gray Merchant of Asphodel allowed me to finish the game. Game two went much better as my hand was 2x Swamp, 2x Rakdos Shred-Freak, Doom Blade, Ultimate Price, Mogis's Marauder. He played first with a forest and no play. I drew a swamp and that sealed the deal to be able to play MoM with the freaks out to swing for 6 when he was already down to 14. I pulled another MoM for the win.
All-in-all every thing ran like a charm except the back of my head telling me this chaos will end soon with Post-RTR.