I am sure that a lot of people think that building a deck with tons of Auras and Tokens is a practice in futility. I don't really disagree, but I decided to take a different approach with them that seems to be proving otherwise.
The key with Auras is that they need to be cheap so it doesn't hurt if you loose them and they need to be spread out among your creatures so it is more difficult to target them.
With Tokens, you have to realize that you can't depend entirely on them, but that they will ultimately break your opponent when there are enough of them.
Here is the rundown on the cards.
Ajani's Chosen
is what I built the deck around. Precinct Captain has First Strike which is a major advantage early game and on top of that he is a chump blocker factory. Hopeful Eidolon and
Fiendslayer Paladin
are great cards to enchant, the Lifegain wins games even when you are against the ropes. Judge's Familiar gets damage through and his second ability comes in handy against your opponent when he is tapped out. Brimaz, King of Oreskos is a powerhouse for 3 mana and is just a handful to deal with for any opponent. Eidolon of Countless Battles is a game changer, he gets really big really fast and turns the tide of any match.
I originally had no Planeswalkers in the deck, but it didn't seem right to leave out the king of Cat tokens Ajani, Caller of the Pride. Not the easiest guy to Ultimate, but his first and second abilities fit right into the deck.
Enchantment time! Aww kitties, come to Daddy! Ethereal Armor is my favorite card in Standard right now. Best start, T1: Hopeful Eidolon, T2: 2xEthereal Armor and you have a 7/7 First Striker with Lifelink swinging for a 14 point differential on turn 2! Spear of Heliod buffs all my creatures, and don't forget the removal ability.
Gift of Orzhova
gives Flying and Lifelink and +1/+1 for 1WW.
Now for the nasty Enchantments, they pump Ethereal Armor pop cats and jam up my opponent all at the same time. Pacifism breaks the balls of the fatty that's trying to take it to me and
Soul Tithe
either takes out that pesky Enchantment or Planeswalker or ties up my opponents mana. This card gets no love, but you have to see what it does during playtesting. At best, it removes a permanent, at worst it ties up mana and breaks the momentum of the opponent, I will take either one for 1W.
Instants are
Celestial Flare
for removal and Brave the Elements to save my creatures from removal or give me a free pass to send all my attackers through.
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx really takes off mid game with all the Enchantments down. I can be topdecking by T5 and way ahead of my opponent at that point.
replaces Brave the Elements against White decks
Gods Willing and Rootborn Defenses against control decks
Pithing Needle takes out Planeswalkers and other nasties such as Atherling
Silent Sentinel
comes in as a beater against decks with big Demons, Dragons or Angels. He is also handy at taking out Planeswalkers that are getting ready to ultimate.
Please leave comments and a +1 if you like the deck. Getting feedback from other players is one of the main reasons we are all here. Thanks for checking it out.