Working on a budget to run Tron with Eldrazi as the win-con.
Most decks I see running Eldrazi Tron run at $800+ whilst this runs at around $350 so much cheaper!
It utilises the cantrips common to G/R Tron to splash green and black mana for Inquisition of Kozilek and Ancient Stirrings. This can be used to offset the life loss from Dismember as well if needed. City of Brass and one basic of each colour also allows us to run inquistion of kozilek and Ancient Stirrings turn one if we get them on the draw.
The cantrips also allow us to run Rest in Peace in the sideboard for supreme graveyard hate.
Matter Reshaper, Thought-Knot Seer, and Reality Smasher run up our mana curve. Matter Reshaper also allows us to fetch and play lands or other colourless cards at 3 CMC or lower if we draw them. Otherwise its a free draw.
Conduit of Ruin drops the cost of the first played creature every turn by 2 AND it tutors Ulamog who then plays for 8.
Dismember acts as our answer to any troubling creatures that we can't deal with through our own Eldrazi e.g. flyers. Inquisition of Kozilek and the exile ability of Thought-Knot Seer do a good job of pulling dangerous cards out of our opponents hand such as Path to Exile.
Expedition Map does the usual fetching of lands. In some cases it will be more beneficial to search for Eldrazi Temple than a tron piece, depending on what we have in hand and on the battlefield.
Walking Ballista is great to drop early on when we are mana starved or to pop out later fully ramped up when we are able. It can also do a magnificent job of pinging damage off our opponents or knocking out toughness 1 creatures.
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger and Emrakul, the Promised End provide questions that without answers will win the day. BUT with Thought-Knot Seer and Reality Smasher we don't need them out to win, they are just juicy if we can get them down turn 4-5.
Pithing Needle shuts down Ghost Quarter amongst other threats. Speaking of which, our own Ghost Quarter helps us deflect opponents Tron pieces etc.
All is Dust can be swapped in to combat creature heavy decks of colour and Ratchet Bomb will do well again'st tribal hordes.
Nature's Claim gives us a cheap one drop counter to Blood Moon if needed or Ensnaring Bridge which can shut down our high power Eldrazi.
Relic of Progenitus and Rest in Piece give us some very tasty graveyard hate if needed and finally Warping Wail gives us a little of everything as needed.
Moving Forward
I have a variety of other cards that could go in this deck such as Endbringer but anything I don't own that might go in the deck needs to fit a budget really. I'm not going to blow money on 4 x Chalice of the Void for example. As much as I want too....
So with a limit of $10-15 a card any suggestions are welcome :)