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G/B Elvish Gravepurge (SOI update)

Standard* BG (Golgari) Budget Elves




Standard elf deck! I don't really like Lorwyn elves, but I've got so many of them at Origins prerelease that I had to make a deck based on them since I'm on a budget.

Cards choice:


Gnarlroot Trapper, Leaf Gilder and Beastcaller Savant: the mana dorks.

Dwynen's Elite: A great cost for two creatures. You also can sac or chump block with it and Gravepurge it if needed.

Elvish Visionary: Speed up a little bit with the draw.

Sylvan Messenger: Search for more elves. Also a good target for Gravepurge if you need it.

Shaman of the Pack: The star of the deck! Lots of damages with a full board. Attack and chump block with it if you need, then use Gravepurge to summon it again!

Other creatures:

Nantuko Husk: A second win condition and an enabler to sac creatures to Gravepurge them.

Duskwatch Recruiter  : Great card! Search for more elves or play them cheaper!

Other cards:

Gravepurge: Return your creatures to summon them and activate their abilities again. The main "combo" revolves around bringing back Shaman of the Pack.

Cryptolith Rite: Another great card! Lots of mana with a good board allows you to use Duskwatch Recruiter   several times.

Westvale Abbey  : Another win condition and sac enabler.

Vessel of Nascency: Find the necessary land, creature or enchantment. I'm not completely sure about this card yet.


Clip Wings : Useful against powerful flier creatures, like Archangel Avacyn   and Ormendahl, Profane Prince  .

Duress: Use it to avoid being Languished or discard powerful planeswalkers or other removals.

Fleshbag Marauder: Another way to deal with indestructible or powerful creatures. You can reuse it with Gravepurge.

Natural State: A good solution against Always Watching , Cryptolith Rite or Oaths.

Ultimate Price: Some removal!

Ulvenwald Mysteries: Against removal heavy decks. Even if you lose a creature, you still can draw a card and put a chump blocker on the field.

Thank you for spend your time looking at my deck! Hope you like it!

Please comment and share your suggestions or advices and +1 if you liked it!


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Mainboard -4x Vessel of Nascency +3 Tajuru Warcaller +1 Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip

Vessel wasn't playing at all. It's possible to play a better card (or multiple cards) every turn.

I know Tajuru Warcaller is out of the mana-curve, but it adds a new win condition and can help me when I need to deal the final damage. It also combos with Beastcaller Savant (I'm trying to get more two of them, so I can exchange the other two Leaf Gilder)

A friend of mine lent me a Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip! Her +1 can be very beneficial to give me extra fuel!

I'm also thinking about exchange Gravepurge for Pulse of Murasa. Maybe put some on the sideboard, but I don't know. What do you think about it?

Side -1Ultimate Price +1 Liliana's Indignation

I'll try Liliana's Indignation. Not sure about it yet, but I think it can help me dealing some final damage if I can't end the game with a Shaman of the Pack


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #32 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

10 - 0 Rares

21 - 7 Uncommons

12 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.63
Tokens Ashaya, the Awoken World, Clue, Elf Warrior 1/1 G, Human Cleric 1/1 BW, Human Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Standard, decks, interesting, X Found decks!, Deck Potential, Green/Black Decks, Brew
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