This is my main standard constructed deck that I play every Friday night. It is actually quite competetive in my experience (of 6 friday night tournaments I've played with it so far, I've taken 3rd twice (3-1 and 3-0-1) and I came in 2nd in a store championship with it as well. Some of the other decks played at my local venue include W/B knights, U/W control, R mono 'Red Deck wins' and a 'very' good W/R/U superfriends creatureless - a fairly competetive environment...)
I'm hunting for my first gold with it, however... This will be the way that I 'was' running it prior to Sat and Guilds of Ravnica coming in. I will be trying to incorporate some golgari into it but don't want to cut into the sheer 'weight' that this deck accumulates in the current rendition.
This is a much faster, more creature - heavy rendition than any sap decks I've come across. Many people tend to play a lot more black and a lot of bigger non-fungus-type bomb creatures. In other words, they usually use the saps to ramp up into some other creature type or into some nasty bomb - I've seen demonlord benzenlok among others...
My version is fully tribal. It drops a handful of 1/1 chump blockers out the gate on turns 1 and 2, beefs those little weenies with an array of Lord cards - or else just devours the chumps to fuel massive offensive tanks and keep your opponent's board thin through 4 or 5 upkeeps and just about the time that opposing decks 'start' to get enough Mana to become dangerous, a stream of 4/4, 5/5 and 6/6 tokens begin to exponentially multiply and lay in with devastating offensives that'll leave most standard decks without any possible recourse. If the enemy does manage to put any dangerous meat into play, this deck can clear the path with about 10% removal and I do 'always' get a kick out of swinging a dozen 5/5 trample indestructable vigilant saps - over 5% of my cards can result in such attacks which is, needless to say, quite unsettling... And yet this deck doesn't 'survive' until you find that one deadly combo. There's no one card where "if I don't have 'X' in my opening hand I'm screwed" type of situations occur. Sure, if I drop a tendershoot on turns 3, 4, AND 5 - game over (turn 3 tendershoot is BRUTAL though, and prob the best turn 3 this deck can make). But I've won plenty of hands where I struck out on 'any' 4-5 drop creatures. This deck also prob gives you a better chance than 'any' other to actually build up and use Vivian's -8 which if you ever do I'd love to hear it lol.
I'd appreciate any feedback that anyone has and I'll discuss some of the changes I'm thinking of making in the comments after I post the deck.