

Felt like revisiting Ygra, Eater of All, and I kinda like how it turned out.

Couldn't really settle on a Ygra list when it first came out. Never seemed to work right at the time. At some point I moved on.

But lately I've been checking out some other jank fun decks again, playing cards like Insidious Fungus and Fade from History that seems to me like it can play nice with Ygra, maybe it can work better.

The jank I kinda liked before with Ygra, in theory anyway, are The Goose Mother and Camellia, the Seedmiser and The Skullspore Nexus and Likeness Looter.

Goose with Heaped Harvest gives a nice curve into Ygra turn 4. Fungus can also push a bonus land drop for turn 4 curving, or cheap destroy a threat that Ygra turned into an artifact.

Camellia and Skullspore can turn foods into more foods with Ygra.

Artifact-based sweepers like Fade from History and Cease / Desist and Season of Gathering get a lot of extra value from Ygra. But I felt like doing the Invasion of Arcavios   thing of stashing the sweeper spells in the sideboard (with Doppelgang of course as the natural combo with Arcavios). I kept two Cease in the main since they bring some early card draw which could be useful.

With the Invasion, Glissa Sunslayer seemed even better. And then Gossip's Talent can punch Glissa through combats. And then Deeproot Wayfinder with Escape Tunnel can push steady Surveil and land fetch (and Fabled Passage, and even Volatile Fault for some extra utility). Once a creature is unblockable, you can Skullspore them for extra combat damage.

Likeness Looter can be a sneaky copy of any of the creatures that end up in the graveyard. Glissa and Elves usually are priority destroy targets. And you're also doing a lot of Surveil. All of the creatures are decent targets for copying onto the looter.

I'm not sure what else to put in the sideboard, but the Arcavios way is to just flesh out a bunch of situational utility cards. Usually some sort of counterspell (maybe a Three Steps Ahead), or mass bounce like an AEtherize or card draw Lunar Insight. Too many edge case possibilities. Hard to filter them all in a way that makes some sense.

In practice, this deck feels like it curves pretty sweet with plenty of ramp and deck digging. Struggles a bit with three colors but the land fetch package kicks in fairly often to smooth it out ok. Feels pretty good to me.


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95% Competitive

Date added 1 month
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 3 Mythic Rares

22 - 10 Rares

9 - 2 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.16
Tokens Bear 2/2 G, Copy Clone, Food, Fungus Dinosaur, Plot, Squirrel 1/1 G, Treasure
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