[FoilMTG] Geist Enchanted EDH

Commander / EDH USNVox


enpc says... #2

Have you considered Bastion Protector? Geist is pretty fragile on its own, but Protector serves not only as protection but as another creature source. Also, I would Highly recommend running Strip Mine as one of your lands.

June 20, 2016 12:54 a.m.

SomeDipshit says... #3

Mesa Enchantress is slow but valuable when running enchantments.

May consider adding Flickering Ward and Shimmering Wings for some decent card draw with an enchantress in play. Flickering Ward is pretty good protection on its own.

Heliod, God of the Sun -- never underestimate vigilance, and it makes Enchantment tokens.

June 20, 2016 2:30 p.m.

zmickelson says... #4

Serra's Sanctum. Just a suggestion. You've probably seen it before, but just in case you haven't.

June 22, 2016 12:42 a.m.

FLATSO99 says... #5

defintly Bastion Protector love the deck man! +1 from me!

June 23, 2016 9:23 p.m.

USNVox says... #6

Thanks to everyone for comments, votes, and suggestions :)

Bastion Protector is a definite maybe, I generally try to minimize the number of creatures in the deck but at the same mana cost as Shielded by Faith and as a static effect for whenever Geist is on the feel its a huge boon, especially knowing he'll always sit at that 4/4.

I truly like Serra's Sanctum and a lot of thought went into why it's not included in this deck. In the end the basis is very similar to my reasoning on why I took out Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx.

What I mean by that is that Serra's Sanctum is really kind of a 'win-more' card, in that by the time it actually starts providing me profitable mana (3+), it would mean Geist is already big enough that he's a lethal deathstick/serious threat. If I'm behind it's going to tap for 0-2 white, and its value drops dramatically following wipes, as the majority of my enchantments are Aura's that will fall off on death. On top of that, as an early land it won't be able to provide any mana until at least turn 4, (assuming Geist of Saint Traft turn 3 and enchantments turn 4).

June 23, 2016 9:34 p.m.

USNVox says... #7


The decklist previously did contain Mesa Enchantress, but was dropped as in this deck Kor Spiritdancer is strictly better, (lower mana cost, alternate body if Geist is hated out, Nevermore'd, Meddling Mage'd etc; and I ended up cutting the other as I found I didnt need multiples of the effect as often as compared to other options.

June 23, 2016 9:37 p.m.

USNVox says... #9

July 1, 2016 5:16 p.m.

aekrusty says... #10

Very nice +1. Could you review and upvote my St Traft Azorius Duel?

August 15, 2016 12:47 a.m.

darleen says... #11

Cloak of Mists and Invisibility are a couple of low CMC Auras that will give Geist of Saint Traft the evasion he needs to attack each turn.

August 15, 2016 12:28 p.m.

Noctem says... #12

So do you let other people shuffle your deck? ;p

On a serious note I'm starting to play commander and I've decided I wanted to make a deck using this commander. Thanks for the inspiration :)

August 28, 2016 8:20 p.m.

USNVox says... #13

@Noctem That's awesome :D

I've been playing this deck a long time now, and it obviously means a lot to me. Its a very fun deck to play, Geist is such a versatile commander with so many build options. I'm a huge fan of Blue/White, especially draw/counter cards, but my problem with design always came down to control's win-con almost universally having to result in a infinite-combo or 'solitaire-esque' playstyle, where you go off on a crazy combo and everyone else just has to watch until you win. It's unfriendly, and generally get's boring/repetitive as a playstyle as the pilot of the deck when you do the same thing everytime. This deck aimed to be different by running aggro in a Blue/White color scheme not normally seen. Obviously this deck is consistent and does tend to do the same basic thing every game (play Geist, make him big, swing at face), but it does so while allowing you to interact with each of your opponents throughout the game, working to respond to changes in the board state turn after turn. In larger games (4-6 players) it becomes significantly more diplomatic as you have to balance who you want to attack with how big of a target you become, and the overall tempo of the deck changes drastically as a result.

I made this deck with that goal in mind, a deck to let me play a fun blue white deck where I feel like I can always interact and respond or do something based on what's going on on the board, and always feel involved in the overall game, while still giving me an overall solid win condition that makes my opponents care more about just 'whether or not the blue player has a counterspell'.

TL;DR: Im really glad you like the deck and that I inspired you to look at Geist of Saint Traft as a commander. Good luck to you, and I hope to see the finished result :)

As for your other question, the deck is double sleeved and I play with a group who treats each others decks almost reverently, so I tend to let other people handle it however they want. At my LGS it's kind of a mocking point for me, I get made fun of a bit for being the guy who wasted that much money on foiling my deck, but it's still a point of pride for me and it's fun to see the occasional look of awe as someone looks through it. Biggest dissapoinment? Foil Cavern of Souls. Super overpriced for a generally lackluster foil. Just haaaaad to get that 100% though.

August 29, 2016 6:51 p.m.

Noctem says... #14

thanks for the well thought out reply :) And I'm happy to see that your version of the deck is capable of handling 4-6 player games. That was one of the concerns I had with this commander since in multiplayer games, he becomes much less valuable overall. 120 HP at the table in a 4 player game for example vs 30 in a 1v1. Anyway I look forward to playing!

August 29, 2016 7:03 p.m.

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