

Generator Angel

General Gameplan

Extraplanar Lens is a risky card, you essentially sacrifice a turn's worth of mana, and sacrifice a land in order to ramp very quickly, if this artifact gets destroyed after it enters the battlefield, it might just lose you the game. However, has cards that can benefit from being down on lands. Gift of Estates, Knight of the White Orchid and Weathered Wayfarer (if only Land Tax was modern legal) are 3 cheap cards that can turn one downside of Extraplanar Lens into an upside. However, these 3 cards are not very good if you can't utilize that upside, but luckily, there are other good cards that as a downside let you ramp your opponent. Path to Exile & Ghost Quarter are such cards. Ideally, you get Extraplanar Lens onto the battlefield in turn 3, this would mean that you can get access to 6 mana on turn 4, and 8 on turn 5, and so on. Due to white having some big finishers, and because white functions around the downside of Extraplanar Lens well, I thought this might be a very good shell for it. The six mana cards that you get access to that have high value on that turn 4 are Austere Command, Walking Ballista, Quarantine Field, possibly Entreat the Angels, and it lets you use Resplendent Angels ability. As a backup for if the Extraplanar Lens tactic doesn't work either because you aren't drawing it or your opponent has a lot of artifact hate, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx can also produce the mana necessary to play those big cards. Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Extraplanar Lens both force you into mono-colored decks, so they add onto each other nicely. Getting some devotion to white onto the battlefield should not be a big problem, since Knight of the White Orchid, Runed Halo, Resplendent Angel, and Quarantine Field are examples of relatively cheap permanents that give a lot of devotion. Through the ramp that Extraplanar Lens and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx give, this deck tries to win in the mid to late game with some big finishers.

Walking Ballista

Standard staple ever since it was legal in that format, but has not seen much play in other formats. This card gives a lot of value for your mana, and is one of the most versatile cards in this deck. Walking Ballista can act as both an early game powerhouse as well as a late game game-winner. In the early game, you might need this card as a blocker with perhaps one or two counters placed on it, or as a removal card versus creatures with low toughness. In the late game, this card can easily enter the battlefield with five or more counters, making it a card that has to be answered by your opponent, and if your opponent does that, Walking Ballista becomes a 5+ damage burn spell. This card can also attract an artifact removal spell in the early game to make way for Extraplanar Lens. The only downside of this card in this deck is it lack of devotion. Because of the versatility of this card, I put three in the mainboard.

Weathered Wayfarer

A low mana cost creature that can be thrown in front of problematic early game creatures. However, its ability is what makes this creature worth running in this deck. If you have fewer lands on the battlefield than your opponent, you may search you deck for a land card, any land card. You will more often than not be able to use this ability since your opponent will have more lands than you because of Path to Exile, Ghost Quarter and Extraplanar Lens. In this deck that means you can search for Snow-Covered Plains, if you have an Extraplanar Lens in your hand or on the field, that's probably what you want to search for. If you have a lot of permanents on the battlefield so your devotion to white is about 4-5 or more, you probably want to search for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. Ghost Quarter can be searched for if your opponent has some problematic non-basic land on the field, or to set up a Gift of Estates or Knight of the White Orchid. And Scrying Sheets isnt really a card you want to fetch, but can be helpful in certain situations. Overall a very strong card, and absolutely worth running 4 of in this deck.

Knight of the White Orchid

This card fits so well in this deck, that you would start to think it was built around it. Not only does it have a good 2/2 first strike body for 2, it also puts a Snow-Covered Plains on the battlefield untapped, which makes it very valuable in the mid to late game as well. If that wasn't good enough, it also has 2 devotion for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. Can be played as a good creature both offensively as well as defensively in the early game, and as a Snow-Covered Plains fetcher in the late game. Very versatile, thins the deck nicely, good enough for four copies in the mainboard.

Resplendent Angel

The 3-drop slot in this deck was very difficult to fill. In previous iterations of this deck I tested Emancipation Angel and Brimaz, King of Oreskos, but both felt unsatisfactory. However, with M19 came Resplendent Angel which seems like the card this deck needed. A 3 mana (of which 2 devotion to white) 3/3 flyer, with the potential to buff herself and create 4/4 flyers with vigilance if she buffs herself. The buff can be activated multiple times, and the buff costs 6 mana, which is exactly the power spike of this deck. Not only has she all those amazing qualities, but she is also non-legendary which mean I can open up 4 slots for this 3-drop, and its an angel, which is a flavour win. This deck is all about early game value which can scale into the late game, and this card is a perfect example of that.

Iona, Shield of Emeria

One of the biggest bombs in white in the format. This card will straight up win the game versus most decks if she resolves. 3 devotion to white is nice, but at that stage of the game it doesn't really matter anymore. It is definitely possible to resolve Iona, Shield of Emeria on turn 5 through either Extraplanar Lens and/or Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. Having a "win" card on turn 5 in modern is definitely not bad, I would say its about on par for the format. Only one copy, since it is a dead card in hand if you do not have the mana to cast it, and having multiple in hand is also bad.

Path to Exile

As with almost every white deck, this deck runs 4 copies of Path to Exile, because one mana removal at instant speed is pretty good. It fits extra well in this deck, since this deck needs some early game protection. It also gives your opponent the land advantage, which means Knight of the White Orchids ability will trigger, and you will be able to use Weathered Wayfarers ability as well. Very rarely Path to Exile can be used on your own creature at the end of your opponents turn if you need the mana for that extra non-land permanent for Quarantine Field or an extra mana for Iona, Shield of Emeria.

Runed Halo

Modern is a format in which aggro or burn decks are relatively popular. Winning the game at turn 4 when left relatively unanswered is not strange in this format. The gameplan of this deck therefore takes a relatively long time to get working, with you starting to move things from turn 4 onwards, and winning from turn 5 or 6 onwards. However, winning the game early usually means for most decks that rely on just a handful of cards to win the game, make on of those win-cards do nothing, and you bought yourself a whole lot of time, and sometimes, even the game. Runed Halo is a card that buys time, saves games, and gives devotion. Naming "Grapeshot" versus storm, or "Pyrite Spellbomb" versus KCI can win you the game, while naming "Bedlam Reveler" versus mardu pyromancer, or "Hollow One" versus hollow one can buy you enough time to answer those decks in a different way.

Extraplanar Lens

The most important card in this deck. Extraplanar Lens is kind of a risky card since you are exiling one of your lands, and it does nothing the turn it gets into play. However, the pay-off is well worth it. If you get it down on turn three, you can cast the big spells in turn 4-5, exiling a couple of non-land permanents with Quarantine Field, and creating a token army with Entreat the Angels, or just winning the game on the spot if you can resolve Iona, Shield of Emeria.

Gift of Estates

Land Tax in modern, but a very, very bad version of it. Nevertheless, I still consider 1 copy of this card worth it. Fetching 3 plains for 2 mana is pretty great in this deck, you ensure you hit your mana drops, and thin your deck out nicely. However, this card is a bit narrow, and doesn't add anything else except for the two points named before, and it can only do that if you control less lands than your opponent.

Quarantine Field

One of the "mana sinks" in this deck. very powerful card that scales with how much mana you have. Don't be afraid to use it for just 4 mana, it is just a weaker version of Oblivion Ring at that point (other wording though), however, in the later portions of the game you can exile your opponents entire board. Two copies in this deck since you want to be able to use it most games, exiling one card early game, and 10 late game. The nice thing about this card is that it targets non-land permanents instead of just creatures as well.

Austere Command

Very versatile board wipe, even more so than the new Cleansing Nova. It costs 6 mana, which normally would be too much, but this decks powerspike is at turn 4 when it can make 4 mana. a turn 3 Extraplanar Lens or a Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx should put you on 6 mana the turn after. Great card versus almost every deck in the format, and doesnt hit yourself all too hard.

Entreat the Angels

One of the main win conditions. This card has a pretty insane mana cost, 5 mana for 1 4/4 isn't that great, also not that bad, but once you get more mana, it gets a lot better. If you can just get 3 maybe 4 angels, the game should pretty much be over in your favor. And on top of that, it has that miracle cost. If you have 4 or more mana, playing this card for it's miracle cost will win you the game most of the time. Another card that creates inevitability, sooner or later you will draw that card and your opponent better have an answer for it. You can also prepare yourself for its miracle ability the turn before you play it with Scrying Sheets.

Snow-Covered Plains

Normally, a modern deck would have lots of fetch lands or other types of lands, but since this deck uses Extraplanar Lens, you want as many basic lands as possible. Now the reason why this deck uses Snow-Covered Plains instead of regular Plains is because of the wording on Extraplanar Lens. If you run Plains, your opponent also gets double mana is he or she runs Plains. Almost no deck uses Snow-Covered Plains so you don't give an opponent any mana advantage.

Scrying Sheets

This deck runs a lot of Snow-Covered Plains, you need to run this many because you can't afford to miss land drops. However, there are scenario's where you just get too many lands in a row. In order to smooth out your draws, and give you some card advantage, Scrying Sheets got two copies in the mainboard, I would put in 4 if it wasn't for the fact that I need to maximize the amount of Snow-Covered Plains for Extraplanar Lens.

Ghost Quarter

Destroying your opponents lands might be great on its own, but this card also lets your opponent fetch a land, which is a good thing in this deck. It makes sure you can use Weathered Wayfarer, Knight of the White Orchid and Gift of Estates abilities to their maximum potential.

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx

This is one of the strongest lands for mass mana production out there. There are a lot of cards in this deck with a lot of devotion to white: Resplendent Angel, Runed Halo, Knight of the White Orchid and Quarantine Field are some examples of those. Makes getting mana very easy. Can be fetched by Weathered Wayfarer, you generally want to fetch it as your 5-6th land on the field, unless you don't have any cards with devotion to white on the field.

Divine Deflection

Versus storm or some kinds of eldrazi deck, or just decks that can deal damage in high bursts, or alpha strikes. This card can, with the mana you produce, turn a fatal attack from your opponent into a win for you.

Avacyn, Angel of Hope

If your creatures or important permanents like Extraplanar Lens and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx are getting destroyed. It also gives you an additional win condition, and can be played on turn 4-5.

Gideon of the Trials

A midgame powerhouse, nullifies any one source win condition. With the emblem you can survive any one-trick decks. Also gives you an additional win condition in its plus ability.

Leonin Relic-Warder

Great versus any deck with artifacts and enchantments. Also has 2 devotion to white as a 2 drop.


Versus decks for which you don't have any other sideboard cards, or if that one card has been giving you a lot of trouble. Nice devotion to white as well. Very versatile.

Secure the Wastes

Another mana sink card, but can be used at all stages of the game. Early game it can give you those 2 bodies to survive versus an aggro deck, and in the late game it functions as an additional win condition.

Rest in Peace

Versus graveyard-type decks, reanimator, etc.

Stony Silence

Versus affinity, KCI-combo, and other artifact based decks .

Settle the Wreckage

Versus go wide strategies. Not only does it exile your opponents creatures, it also ramps them, making your Knight of the White Orchid, Gift of Estates, and Weathered Wayfarer better.

Terra Eternal

This deck relies heavily on its lands, you cant afford to lose them. If you happen to play versus some kind of ponza deck, you better hope you draw this card.

Linvala, the Preserver

Due to the mediocre early game of this deck, there might be games were you fall behind while getting the mana ramp on. Linvala, the Preserver is one of the best cards when playing from behind, and it fits exactly on the 6-mana power spike of this deck.

If you like this deck, then check out my other decks!

Mono-White Lens

Modern Revedeka


Tetsuko & Doran's Assault Formation!

Modern Revedeka


Supreme Spirits - UW Spirits Primer

Modern Revedeka


What Do you guys think about this deck? Please leave a comment saying what you think about it, or maybe even how to improve it! Any comments and/or suggestions are greatly appriciated!


Defense of the Angels

1x Archangel Avacyn  
4x Archangel of Tithes
2x Brimaz, King of Oreskos
1x Emeria, The Sky Ruin
2x Entreat the Angels
4x Extraplanar Lens
2x Field of Ruin
4x Knight of the White Orchid
2x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
4x Path to Exile
3x Quarantine Field
19x Snow-Covered Plains
2x Staff of Domination
4x Wall of Omens
4x Weathered Wayfarer
2x White Sun's Zenith

enter image description here

General Gameplan
This deck produces mass amounts of mana using Extraplanar Lens and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, which it then uses to play cards that scale with the amount of mana you can produce, like Quarantine Field and Entreat the Angels. The early game serves as a setup for the mid-late game win conditions. Path to Exile, Weathered Wayfarer, Wall of Omens, and Knight of the White Orchid secure some early game defence, aswell as adding to the gameplan of the deck, which means that they aren't dead draws in the mid to later stages of the game. For example, when playing both Extraplanar Lens and Path to Exile, your opponent will most likely have more lands than you on the battlefield. Weathered Wayfarer turns this into an advantage, as it allows you to fetch lands. The good part about that is that it not only thins your deck out, but it also lets you search for any land, including Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. Knight of the White Orchid also lets you fetch some Snow-Covered Plains, and the good part about that card is that it doesn't count as your land for the turn, which means you can play another one. The mid game is where this deck can win. Brimaz, King of Oreskos and Archangel of Tithes are very strong mid game creatures, both defensively and offensively. During this fase you might be able to play Entreat the Angels for its miracle cost, if you're lucky. Otherwise, White Sun's Zenith works well as a more mana friendly option. Retaining some board control should also be easy, as Quarantine Field is at worst a sligthly worse Oblivion Ring, and at best is exiles your opponents board. In the late game, the same cards should still give you control, with the addition of Staff of Domination. The main win conditions are White Sun's Zenith and Entreat the Angels. So, strong early game build up into a more controlling mid game with one card win conditions in the mid to late game.

Weathered Wayfarer

A low mana cost creature that can be thrown in front of problematic early game creatures. However its ability is what makes this creature amazing. If you have less lands than your opponent on the battlefield, you may search you deck for a land card. ANY land card. In this deck that means you can search for Snow-Covered Plains, if you have an Extraplanar Lens in your hand or on the field, that's probably what you want to search for. If you have a lot of permanents on the battlefield so your devotion to white is about 3-4 or more, you probably want to search for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. Field of Ruin can be searched for if your opponent has some problematic non-basic land on the field, and Emeria, The Sky Ruin isnt really a card you want to fetch, unless you already have 7 Snow-Covered Plains and all your creatures are dead. Overall very strong card, and absolutely worth running 4 of in this deck.

Combo's and Synergy
Extraplanar Lens & Path to Exile - Both of these cards have as a downside that it gives your opponent a land advantage, but with Weathered Wayfarer that downside becomes more of an upside.

Wall of Omens

White decks often struggle with card draw/advantage. The color does not have many options to choose from when it comes to card drawing cards. Luckily, Wall of Omens is a very good fit for this deck. This deck requires some time to come online, and a 0/4 wall help with that. The card draw when you cast it makes it very good early, and doesn't make it a dead draw late game. Also, as a side note, Wall of Omens survives the Archangel Avacyn   transformation.

Knight of the White Orchid

This card fits so well in this deck, that you would start to think it was build around it. Not only does it heavy a good 2/2 first strike body for 2, it also puts a Snow-Covered Plains on the battlefield untapped, which makes it very valuable in the mid to late game as well, and if that wasn't good enough, it has 2 devotion for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. Can be played as a good creature both offensively as well as defensively in the early game, and as a Snow-Covered Plains fetcher in the late game. Very versatile, thins the deck nicely, good enough for four copies in the mainboard.

Combo's and Synergy
Path to Exile, Extraplanar Lens & Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx - if the first two cards have been played, your opponent should have more card on the battlefield, which means you get to fetch a Snow-Covered Plains, which if you have an Extraplanar Lens on the battlefield, means Knight of the White Orchid paid for itself. And as for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, the two devotion makes it so you only have to get 2 more for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to be an added value.

Brimaz, King of Oreskos

The 3 CMC mid-game creature slot was open for a very long time, I was not sure of which creature to put there, but after trying numerous creatures in multiple variants of the deck, I decided Brimaz, King of Oreskos might be the best fit. It gives so much value for a 3 -drop. Not only does it have a 3/4 body for 3 (the 4 toughness is important versus removal like Lightning Bolt) it also has vigilance, and spawns tokens when attacking, and blocking. The token while blocking is also blocking the creature Brimaz, King of Oreskos is blocking, which essentially gives it one extra power, and gives your opponent a choice of who to kill if the creature has 4 power. As for attacking, it just an extra creature on the battlefield, which can ramp up to quite a few creatures. And on top of all that it also has a nice 2 devotion to white.

Combo's and Synergy
Archangel Avacyn   - Protects your tokens (can also kill them, that a bit of anti-synergy) in the case of a mass wipe spell like Supreme Verdict. Archangel of Tithes - If you attack your opponent with a lot of tokens, a lot of taxes have to be paid. White Sun's Zenith & Entreat the Angels - In the late game every creature that can possibly attack in an all-out alpha strike helps.

Archangel of Tithes

One of my favourite cards, and in my opinion, very powerful. The 4 CMC slot in white is generally easy to fill since there aren't that many good 4-drops, a lot of time you will see cards like Restoration Angel for this slot, sometimes a Hero of Bladehold, both of which I have considered as well. However, to me, Archangel of Tithes is a level above those cards, at least in this deck. The 3/5 body gives you a strong blocker, flying as well, offense is a bit lackluster, but in this deck this card isn't meant to kill your opponent, at least not solo. The ability she had is where it's at, shutting down token or mass creatures decks, as well as making those type of decks very strong with her. So for defensive ability this card is very strong, the offensive part requires a bit of set up, but with Knight of the White Orchid, Brimaz, King of Oreskos and the main win conditions of this deck White Sun's Zenith and Entreat the Angels, this deck ensures that you will get damage in every turn, and discourages combat tricks. And again, as if that wasn't good enough, the 3 devotion to white for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is what solidifies the position of this card in this deck.

Combo's and Synergy
Staff of Domination - If you attacked with Archangel of Tithes in your turn, and your opponent has a lot of creatures to attack you, you can untap Archangel of Tithes to make your opponent pay the taxes. Entreat the Angels, White Sun's Zenith & Brimaz, King of Oreskos - For if you don't quite have enough to alpha strike your opponent, or if your opponent used all his or her mana, this card can win you the game.

Archangel Avacyn  

Very situational, but powerful card. That's why I run only one copy of it in this deck, for if your opponent has that Supreme Verdict or day of judgement. The flash indestructibility can be game winning. However, the transform ability is 50/50 for this deck, it kills Weathered Wayfarer, Knight of the White Orchid and token from Brimaz, King of Oreskos and White Sun's Zenith. It killing the White Sun's Zenith isn't that big of a deal, since you will be able to cast it again, and for Knight of the White Orchid it isn't that big of a deal either since it's main purpose is either entering the battlefield, which it obviously did if it gets killed by Archangel Avacyn  , or helping you survive early, which if you have the mana for Archangel Avacyn   can be considered fulfilled. Situational but strong top end creature.

Combo's and Synergy
Entreat the Angels, White Sun's Zenith & Brimaz, King of Oreskos - Flash indestructibility for mass tokens in order to survive board wipes.

Path to Exile

As with almost every white deck, this deck runs 4 copies of Path to Exile, because one mana removal at instant speed is pretty good. It fits extra well in this deck, since this deck needs some early game protection, and it gives your opponent the land advantage, which means Knight of the White Orchids ability will trigger, and you will be able to use Weathered Wayfarers ability as well. Very rarely Path to Exile can be used on your own creature at the end of your opponents turn if you need the mana for that extra non-land permanent for Quarantine Field or for Entreat the Angels.

Combo's and Synergy
Weathered Wayfarer & Knight of the White Orchid - When using Path to Exile on a creature an opponent controls, the downside would be that they get to fetch a basic land. This gives your opponent more lands than you have, ensuring you can use Weathered Wayfarers and Knight of the White Orchids ability.

Extraplanar Lens

The most important card in this deck. Extraplanar Lens is kind of a risky card since you are exiling one of your lands, and it does nothing the turn it gets into play. However, the pay-off is well worth it. This deck doesn't run many 3 CMC cards, since you generally want to play Extraplanar Lens as soon as possible. If you get it down on turn three, you can cast the big spells in turn 4-5, exiling a couple of non-land permanents with Quarantine Field, and creating a token army with White Sun's Zenith and Entreat the Angels.

Staff of Domination

This deck has had a lot of trouble with card draw spells. I think it is necesarry to have an extra tool with which you can draw card for mana, of which you should have plenty in the late game. It means you aren't just a sitting duck in the late game. However, white doesn't have that kind of card draw, so the only place left to look is towards artifacts. The previous version of this deck used Tower of Fortunes, but the problem with that card is that it doesn't do anything other than let you draw cards. The same goes for artifacts like Mind's Eye. Eventually I got to Staff of Domination and after testing thought it was good enough to end up in the deck. It is a lot of mana to use it's abilities, but I think this deck can still make good use of them. It is an artifact that does more than just let me draw cards, versus affinity it is the only thing I can use to stop an Etched Champion, and tapping a Death's Shadow versus grixis death shadow isn't that bad either, same goes for untapping. And even the life gain ability can be useful versus burn. Very versatile, the casting cost is relatively cheap at 3, but you're not really meant to play this on turn 3, since it doesn't really do anything until later in the game, and for that reason, I put only 2 copies in this deck.

Combo's and Synergy
Archangel of Tithes - Untapping her after attacking so your opponent still has to pay mana to attack you.

Quarantine Field

One of the "mana sinks" in this deck. very powerful card that scales with how much mana you have. Don't be afraid to use it for just 4 mana, it is just a weaker version of Oblivion Ring at that point, however, in the later portions of the game you can exile your opponents entire board. three copies in this deck since you want to be able to use it often, exiling one card early game, and 10 late game. The nice thing about this card is that it targets non-land permanents instead of just creatures as well, so with the recent unbanning of Jace, the Mind Sculptor this deck already has some kind of an answer.

White Sun's Zenith

One of the two main finishers in this deck. This slot was a toss-up between White Sun's Zenith and Secure the Wastes, and after a lot of thinking, I gave it to the former. I still think Secure the Wastes is the better card for sure, but in this deck, the two extra mana in pretty insignificant, and you get a lot of power in return for it. Secure the Wastes could be used before turn 4-5 to just generate some blockers, which White Sun's Zenith can't, but thats just something we have to play around. I think this deck has enough early game as it is. White Sun's Zenith is an instant, which means you can use it at the end of your opponents turn for a surprise 10 cats, and then exiling all his blockers with Quarantine Field during your turn to alpha strike him or her. What makes this card extra good as well is that it gets shuffled into your library after using it, which means you can use it multiple times. So don't be afraid to use this on turn 4 for a relatively small amount of creatures.

Combo's and Synergy
Archangel of Tithes - Your opponent won't have enough mana to block all the creatures being thrown at him or her, if you see your opponent tapping all his or her mana, you can play White Sun's Zenith at the end of his or her turn to then alpha strike in combination with Archangel of Tithes.

Entreat the Angels

Alongside White Sun's Zenith the other main finisher. This card has a pretty insane mana cost, 5 mana for 1 4/4 isn't that great, also not that bad, but once you get more mana, it gets a lot better. If you can just get 3 maybe 4 angels, the game should pretty much be over in your favor. And on top of that, it has that miracle cost. If you have 4 or more mana, playing this card for it's miracle cost will win you the game most of the time. I have considered removing this card for more copies of White Sun's Zenith or for Secure the Wastes, but in the end always thought it was better to just have this kind of an extreme win condition.

Snow-Covered Plains

Normally, a modern deck would have lots of fetch lands or other perhaps other types of lands, but since this deck uses Extraplanar Lens, you want as many basic lands as possible. Now the reason why this deck uses Snow-Covered Plains instead of regular Plains is becuase of the wording on Extraplanar Lens. If you run Plains, your opponent also gets double mana is he or she runs Plains. Almost no deck uses Snow-Covered Plains so you don't give an opponent any mana advantage.

Emeria, The Sky Ruin

A late game land that let's you return creatures straight to the battlefield. In the early game, you usually don't want to draw this card since it doesn't work with Extraplanar Lens and it enters the battlefield tapped. However, the late game advantage it can give is very nice. Most cards in this deck still have some nice value in the late game, like Knight of the White Orchids enter the battlefield ability.

Field of Ruin

Non-basic land hate, necessary in the modern format. The good thing about Field of Ruin is that you can fetch a Snow-Covered Plains with it, which if you have an Extraplanar Lens gives you more of an advantage than your opponent who just gets a regular basic land.

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx

This is one of the strongest lands for mass mana production out there. There are a lot of cards in this deck with a lot of devotion to white: Archangel of Tithes, Brimaz, King of Oreskos, Knight of the White Orchid and Quarantine Field are some examples of those. Makes getting mana very easy. Can be fetched by Weathered Wayfarer, you generally want to fetch it as your 4-5th land on the field, unless you don't have any cards with devotion to white on the field.

Divine Deflection

Versus storm or some kinds of eldrazi deck, or just decks that can deal damage in high bursts, this card can, with the mana you produce, turn a fatal attack from your opponent into a win for you. Also works with Archangel Avacyn  ' transformation.

Ghostly Prison

Versus creature heavy decks, aggro decks, token decks. Together with Archangel of Tithes the taxes your opponent will have to pay to attack with even one creature just is too much.

Iona, Shield of Emeria

Versus mono coloured decks, spell heavy decks. Can shut down a complete deck, your opponent would have to play with what is left on the battlefield. Often times this means you've won the game. Can be played in turn 5 with Extraplanar Lens and/or Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx.

Leyline of Sanctity

Versus burn, storm or any other spell heavy deck. Can shuts entire decks down.


Versus decks for which you don't have any other sideboard cards, or if that one card has been giving you a lot of trouble. Nice devotion to white as well. Very versatile.

Rebuff the Wicked

This deck relies on Extraplanar Lens and then uses cards like Quarantine Field to stay in control, so protecting those card can be very important.

Rest in Peace

Versus graveyard-type decks, reanimator, etc.

Stony Silence

Versus affinity and other artifact based decks.

Angel Tribal


2x Admonition Angel
4x Archangel of Tithes
1x Avacyn, Angel of Hope
2x Avacyn, Guardian Angel
2x Emancipation Angel
1x Emeria Shepherd
3x Wall of Omens
4x Weathered Wayfarer


3x Ghostly Prison
2x Luminarch Ascension
3x Quarantine Field
1x Sphere of Safety


2x Entreat the Angels


4x Extraplanar Lens
2x Tower of Fortunes


4x Path to Exile


1x Emeria, The Sky Ruin
1x Rogue's Passage
2x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
16x Plains

Defence of the Angels

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General Gameplan

Generator Angel 7.00, the newest version of this 6 year old ever evolving angel deck. This deck can be summarized in a couple of keywords: Mana Ramp, Exile & Angels. The main target is to get as much mana as possible. This deck features many cards with one or more in its mana cost, which means its scales with how much mana you have. To get that mana, this deck uses Weathered Wayfarer to fetch Plains and get them exiled with Extraplanar Lens. This together with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx will generate a very high amount of mana, so much that im very glad mana burn isnt a thing anymore. To get to this point, this deck needs a little bit of time. After turn 4 this deck will generally snowball to succes, but those first 4 turns were very difficult to get right. To buy time, this deck uses Wall of Omens, Path to Exile and Ghostly Prison among other cards. After the early game, you can play cards like Archangel of Tithes and Admonition Angel which secure the early-mid game. Also, the combination of Archangel of Tithes together with Ghostly Prison and Sphere of Safety makes it near impossible to be attacked at the mid-late game. Any one strong creature that does go through can easily be blocked with the help of Avacyn, Guardian Angel. During the mid game, you will have enough mana to wreak havok with Quarantine Field and Entreat the Angels. One thing I try to do in this deck is keep the "skill ceiling" high, meaning that a lot of cards in this deck can be used in multiple ways, and the deck has multiple ways to win the game. An example: Path to Exile can be used to kill one of your own creatures to generate mana, which might be very valuable together with Extraplanar Lens. All combo's and plays possible are listed in the description below. You can also find all cards with individual explanation of their possibilites and reasons for being in the deck, a simulation of a typical game and some strong combo's that this deck can offer.


Weathered Wayfarer

(Mana Cost) 1(Power) / 1(Toughness) +4 (how many copies there are in this deck)
A low mana cost creature that can be thrown in front of problematic early game creatures. However its ability is what makes this creature amazing. If you have less lands than your opponent on the battlefield, you may search you deck for a land card. ANY land card. In this deck that means you can search for Plains, if you have an Extraplanar Lens in your hand or on the field, thats probably what you want to search for. If you have a lot of permanents on the battlefiels so your devotion to white is about 3-4 or more, you probably want to search for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. Rogue's Passage can be searched for if you really need the unblockable effect, and Emeria, The Sky Ruin isnt really a card you want to fetch, unless you already have 7 Plains and all your creatures are dead. Overall very strong card, makes it possible to run less than the normal amount of lands.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Path to Exile - When using Path to Exile on a creature an opponent controls, the downside would be that they get to fetch a basic land. This gives your opponent more lands than you have, ensuring you can use Weathered Wayfarers ability.

Extraplanar Lens - This artifact makes all your Plains produce extra mana, so having a creature be able to ensure you get Plains to take advantage of this effect is great. And because Extraplanar Lens exiles one of your Plains, you will be able to use Weathered Wayfarers effect. Assuming your opponenet is mana screwed.

Admonition Angel & Emeria Shepherd - Creatures with landfall work well with a card that ensures the landfall effect will trigger each turn.

Path to Exile

This card is only a very situational mana generator, only use it if you absolutely have to. Most of the time use it on enemy creatures whom you cant deal with otherwise. You can use it late game on Weathered Wayfarer if you think the mana is more important than having a blocker. However only use it on Weathered Wayfarer or very situationally Wall of Omens.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Weathered Wayfarer - When using Path to Exile on a creature an opponent controls, the downside would be that they get to fetch a basic land. This gives your opponent more lands than you have, ensuring you can use Weathered Wayfarers ability.

Extraplanar Lens - The possibility to use this card on your own creatures to get a Plains that can produce 2-5 mana is very good.

Luminarch Ascension - Killing creatures so they can't attack you, thus taking no damage.

Extraplanar Lens

The most important card in this deck. This card is what gives you all the mana you want for the mana users. Of course if you play vs another white deck they also get extra mana, but chances are your opponent doesnt have cards that can take as much advantage of this as you can. So you should still be in the advantage. Always exile a Plains with this card. You generally want to play this card as soon as possible. If you can play it in turn 3, you should, unless your opponent can inflict significant damage to you, then a Wall of Omens, Path to Exile, Declaration in Stone or Weathered Wayfarer are better choices. If you can get it at turn 3, it would mean that your snowball is going to start very early. If youre able to play a Plains in turn 4, it means that you would be able to play Admonition Angel, or exile 2 non-land permanents with Quarantine Field, which is a lot this early into the game. If you can play another Plains in turn 5, it would mean avacyn,angel of hope or 3 non-land permanents with Quarantine Field, or 2 to 4 angels with Entreat the Angels. This keeps on ramping up, if you have at least 3 devotion to white (only 1 Archangel of Tithes is already enough for this, playing Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is worth it over a Plains most of the time.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Weathered Wayfarer - This artifact makes all your Plains produce extra mana, so having a creature be able to ensure you get Plains to take advantage of this effect is great. And because Extraplanar Lens exiles one of your Plains, you will be able to use Weathered Wayfarers effect. Assuming your opponenet is mana screwed.

Path to Exile - The possibility to use this card on your own creatures to get a Plains that can produce 2-5 mana is very good.

Quarantine Field & Entreat the Angels - This 2 cards would be almost useless if it wasn't for Extraplanar Lens, you would have a very hard time getting enough mana fast enough to make those cards worth it.

Luminarch Ascension

This card does so many things at once. Firstly, if you get it early, it gives you a lot of confidence. Secondly, it makes your opponent panic. Your opponent wants to attack you so badly that they will probably make mistakes. And when you get 4 counters on this card you can summon more angels than your opponent could ever defend. Very strong card, but since if you have more than 1 of these its kinda useless, only 2 of these in the deck, this should give you a big enough chance to get it in your games. While protecting yourself so you won't lose life, and as a result get counters, is important, you shouldnt sacrafice important creatures for it. If you have a Weathered Wayfarer and are a bit mana screwed, and an opponent attacks you, just let it hit you for once or twice and get more mana. This card isn't the main game ender for this deck, only second win possibility.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Extraplanar Lens - Only if you can get the 4 counters. You can easily get 10 4/4 angels by turn 6 if you can get the counters.

Wall of Omens - A wall that stops any enemy creatures, assuring you get your counters. This card and Luminarch Ascension also have the same mana cost, meaning that you can have both on the field around the same time.

Archangel of Tithes - If you can get this card out in turn 4, it would do wonders. Giving your opponent the choice of either giving you counters or paying lots of mana to attack is a win-win scenario for you. Especially when you get multiple copies out on the deck.

Quarantine Field

Now this card is probably the card thats best with all the mana that you will be getting. There are 4 copies in the deck, so just use them whenever you can. Early game you can just exile one permanent for 4 mana, which is just a little bit worse than other enchantment exilers like Oblivion Ring. Later in the game when you maybe draw more of this card or send one with only 1-2 counter back to your hand with Emancipation Angel you can exile almost all enemy non-land permanents in one go. Target those strong early game creatures or that annoying enchantment early game, and just clear the enemy side of the board late game. Very strong spell for this deck.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Extraplanar Lens - As already told before, this card scales with how much mana you can produce. So being able to produce ridiculous amounts of mana will result into ridiculous numbers of non-land permanents.

Emancipation Angel - This card allows you to play Quarantine Fields for 4 mana in the early game. Picture a scenario, where you have 1 Quarantine Field on the battlefield, but are having trouble drawing more. if it is turn 10 you should be able to produce at least 35 mana, so play Emancipation Angel for 3, bounce back your Quarantine Field and immedeatly play it again for 32 mana, exiling 15 non-land permanents.

Entreat the Angels

The number 2 card in mana usage. This card can summon an unbelievable amount of angels that can crush you enemy in one turn if you also have something like Akroma's Memorial on the battlefield. If you can cast it for its miracle cost its actually ridiculous, but with all the card draw in this deck that chance is limited. But even without it you will have so much mana that you can still summon a ridiculous amount of angels. But since its just a situational way to win from my perspective, only 2 copies in this deck.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Extraplanar Lens - As already told before, this card scales with how much mana you can produce. So being able to produce ridiculous amounts of mana will result into ridiculous numbers of Angelsm Especially when you can play for its miracle cost.

Archangel of Tithes - The angels you produce with Entreat the Angels count towards Archangel of Tithes'effect, so your opponent must tap all his mana to block, and it probably won't be enough to stop them all.

Avacyn, Angel of Hope - Having a lot of 4/4 flying angels is very strong, but having a lot of 4.4 flying angels with indestructible is even stronger.

Tower of Fortunes

This is a very weird card. You might look at it and say "what a shitty card" and i would normally agree with you. Even with a lot of mana i was still sceptical of this card, however after testing i liked it so much that i put 2 in this deck. The problem with this deck is that you will have too much mana, in the late game you draw a card -> play it easily with 15 mana left -> no cards in hand, just have to wait till next turn. In the mid-late game you will have enough mana for this card' effect, and 2-4 more cards that you draw with it. It is actually amazing in this deck, and solves one of the biggest problems. The only bad thing is that this card is kind of a dead draw in the early game, but with Wall of Omens extra card draw, i dont think thats that big of a problem.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
This card doens't combo with any other card in particular, however it ensures that this deck will stay up to speed. As you can imagine, having loads of mana means you will be able to play every card in your hand, so being able to draw 5 cards each turn makes sure the game will end faster.

Wall of Omens

0 / 4 +3
This early game wall is exactly what this deck needs. It buys time till you get your mana generators running and for you to summon your angels. The only down side this card has is that its not flying like Angelic Wall, but the card draw is more than enough to make up for it.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Emancipation Angel - Neat little trick, bounce Wall of Omens back and play it again for an extra card.

Ghostly Prison

This card buys time in the early to mid game, as well as stoping any kind of mass creature/token deck. I've chosen this card over other cards that can exile enemy creatures, like Declaration in Stone. The reason for this is that card is is a permanent, which is great for Emeria Shepherd and Sphere of Safety as well as Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. It also targets every enemy creature, which synergizes well with Archangel of Tithes. Having to pay 2 mana for a creature is no joke, makes your opponent attack with a low amount of creauters that may be blocked by Wall of Omens or other blockers. Makes getting counters on Luminarch Ascension easier.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Luminarch Ascension - Ghostly Prison makes it impossible for an opponent to attack with a lot of small creatures early, making you able to block whatever can still attack, and thus getting counters on Luminarch Ascension.

Archangel of Tithes - this together with Ghostly Prison makes it extremely hard for your opponent to attack you, and even if they can attack with one creature, Archangel of Tithes has 5 toughness, makes her a great blocker.

Avacyn, Guardian Angel - If your opponent is able to attack with one very strong creature (instead of 10 thanks to Ghostly Prison) this card makes any other creature able to block it without risk.

Sphere of Safety - These cards work well together, your opponent has to pay 2 for each Ghostly Prison, with this card you can kinda say that they now have to pay 3 for every Ghostly Prison, since Ghostly Prison is an enchantment.

Emeria Shepherd - Ghostly Prison is a permanent, and can thus be returned from the graveyard.

Archangel of Tithes

3 / 5 +4
This angel is very strong. Stops token and other mass creature decks, while also makes it very difficult to block. A 4 mana 3/5 flyer is already good, the devotion to white is something that is extra good in this deck since it runs Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. The effect amazing, angels are generally very high mana cost, so having an angel with a decent cost, that buys time, is great. This card really does buy time. And if you weren't convinced yet, this card isnt even legendary. You can have 4 Archangel of Tithes on the battlefield, forcing your opponent to pay 4 mana for each attacking/blocking creature.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Luminarch Ascension - Making it hard for your opponent to attack is what you want with this card, Your opponent has to make the choice between not being able to cast spells, since he has to pay mana to attack, which also means he wont be able to block the next turn. Or putting counters on Luminarch Ascension.

Ghostly Prison - this together with Archangel of Tithes makes it extremely hard for your opponent to attack you, and even if they can attack with one creature, Archangel of Tithes has 5 toughness, makes her a great blocker.

Sphere of Safety - this together with Archangel of Tithes makes it extremely hard for your opponent to attack you, and even if they can attack with one creature, Archangel of Tithes has 5 toughness, makes her a great blocker.

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx - I normally wouldnt list this card in the combo's/synergy part, but having a creature with 4 CMC have 3 devotion to white in a mana ramp deck is absolutely insane. This combo does so much in making sure you have the mana for your spells, you can't rely on 4 cards in you entire deck (4 x Extraplanar Lens) to carry you to victory, do being able to also have this combo just makes running this deck safe.

Sphere of Safety

This deck has a decent amount of enchantments, (9: 2x Luminarch Ascension, 3x Ghostly Prison, 3x Quarantine Field and this card) which makes it worth it to run one. Fun fact, with all echantment in this deck on the field (including this card) and 4x Archangel of Tithes on the field, it costs to attack you with just one creature.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Luminarch Ascension - Ghostly Prison makes it impossible for an opponent to attack with a lot of small creatures early, making you able to block whatever can still attack, and thus getting counters on Luminarch Ascension.

Archangel of Tithes - this together with Ghostly Prison makes it extremely hard for your opponent to attack you, and even if they can attack with one creature, Archangel of Tithes has 5 toughness, makes her a great blocker.

Avacyn, Guardian Angel - If your opponent is able to attack with one very strong creature (instead of 10 thanks to Ghostly Prison) this card makes any other creature able to block it without risk.

Sphere of Safety - These cards work well together, your opponent has to pay 2 for each Ghostly Prison, with this card you can kinda say that they now have to pay 3 for every Ghostly Prison, since Ghostly Prison is an enchantment.

Emeria Shepherd - Ghostly Prison is a permanent, and can thus be returned from the graveyard.

Admonition Angel

6 / 6 +2
This card doesnt really use mana, but it benefits a lot from the land spam that should be happening with Weathered Wayfarer. If you have those cards, this card i basicly a 6/6 angel with flying and at the beginning of your first or second main phase, you may exile target non-land permanent. This is incredibly strong. And with Extraplanar Lens you can summon this with only 3 Plains on the battlefield, that could be as early as turn 4. And what is often frogotten is that this angel is 6/6. 6/6 is incredebly powerful! Very strong card, 3 copies in the deck.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Weathered Wayfarer - Ensures you trigger the landfall ability every turn.

Path to Exile - Can in some niche scenario help you remove a non-land permanent (which isnt a creature, otherwise just target that in the first place), cast it on your own creature and get a land, and exile a non-land permanent.

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx - Again, 3 devotion to white.

Emancipation Angel

3 / 3 +2
An absolute must have in this deck. It works well with some cards. You can use it on Wall of Omens for an extra card draw, But it works best with Quarantine Field. This cards allows you to cast Quarantine Field early game for 1-2 counters and later return it for a lor more. 2 is enough, since it isnt that great on its own. Also you can bounce back a creature with an enchantment on it to protect it. You generally want to wait playing this card, since it can save you in multiple ways. However, if you have a rough early game, you should play it asap.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Wall of Omens - Bounce Wall of Omens back to your hand for some extra card draw.

Quarantine Field - Play it in the early game for 4 mana, exiling 1 non-land permanent. Then, when you have a lot of mana and want the extra exiles, bounce it back and play it again.

Avacyn, Angel of Hope

8 / 8 +1
Maybe the strongest angel printed to date. Makes all your permanents indestructible. Its definetly worth it to run 1 in most mono-white angel decks. Works well with all creatures and other non-land permanents.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Quarantine Field - One of the downsides of this card is that it can be destroyed, returning the exiled cards. With Avacyn, Angel of Hope however, that becomes imposible.

Entreat the Angels - these two card together create an unstoppable indestructible 4/4 angel army.

Avacyn, Guardian Angel

5 / 4 +2
For 5 mana you have a 5/4 flyer with vigilance is already great. But this angel fits well with the defensive nature of the deck, making all you creatures incredible blockers and making them immune to any burn spells. If your opponent is able to attack you with one creature by paying the costs for Ghostly Prison, Archangel of Tithes and Sphere of Safety and has not yet been exiled by either Path to Exile, Quarantine Field or Admonition Angel you just use Avacyn, Guardian Angels first ability on a card like Weathered Wayfarer it is still easily blocked. If you yourself are targeted by burn spells or any unblockable creatures, her second ability makes you immune to that. This work well vs some deck that like to run that style, and makes it easy to get counters on Luminarch Ascension. In the late game, you will be able to target up to 50+ creatures with her first ability. Also, 3 devotion to white for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Luminarch Ascension - Her second ability makes getting counters on Luminarch Ascension very easy.

Ghostly prisonl - If your opponent is able to attack with one very strong creature (instead of 10 thanks to Ghostly Prison and other cards) this card makes any other creature able to block it without risk.

Sphere of Safety - If your opponent is able to attack with one very strong creature (instead of 10 thanks to Ghostly Prison and other cards) this card makes any other creature able to block it without risk.

Emeria Shepherd

4 / 4 +1
Situationally very strong card. For 7 mana 4.4 flying isnt very good, but again this creature can benefit greatly from the land spam. However it can also be pretty bad if you dont need it, so only one in the deck. Even if you play a Plains you can still return the card to your hand, otherwise it would be really bad with things like Quarantine Field.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
its landfall can get any non-land permanent back from the graveyard. So if your Quarantine Field gets destroyed early game, you can get it back in the late game.

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx

This is one of the strongest lands for mass mana production out there. There are a lot of cards in this deck with a lot of devotion to white: Archangel of Tithes, Admonition Angel and Quarantine Field are some examples of those. Makes getting mana very easy. Can be fetched by Weathered Wayfarer, you generally want to fetch it as your 5-6th land on the field, unless you dont have any cards with devotion to white on the field.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Weathered Wayfarer - Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is a legendary land, so you can only have one out on the field at the same time, however, you really do want to get 1 of these at turn 4-5. So having 4 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyxses in you deck would be a waste. Sure the chance you draw one is pretty high, but draw two and you just drew a useless card. So being able to just run 2 and fetch them with Weathered Wayfarer is perfect.

Archangel of Tithes, Admonition Angel, Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Celestial Mantle - All cards with very high devotion to white.


Very important card in this deck, even more important than normal decks thanks to Extraplanar Lens. 16 should be enough to make good use of it.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Every card in this deck of course, but especially with Extraplanar Lens, and Emeria Shepherd.

Rogue's Passage

Angels are generally hard-hitters, so making them unblockable can instantly take 25% or more from your opponents life. Can be fetched by Weathered Wayfarer. You want to fetch it only if you can make good use of it the turn it enters the battlefield.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Every hard hitter, so cards like Admonition Angel, and Avacyn, Angel of Hope. And of course Celestial Mantle.

Emeria, The Sky Ruin

Not a great card, but since you will have a lot of Plains on the battlefield you might be able to make good use of its effect. But since it enters the battlefield tapped, only 1 copy. If you really need it, fetch it with Weathered Wayfarer. But this wont happen often.


Here you the game simulation, or how an avarage game should go from the perspective of someone who plays with this deck. I know you can already playtest, but with this I can show you guys how certain things work. For this simulation I've chosen an not optimal, but just a regular decent game. I have made the simulation to the point of where I think the game would be over. I've put a counter in the top-right corner displaying our maximum mana that could be produced were all lands untapped. In the bottom-right I've put the new cards section, this could be newly drawn card from the draw phase, or by effects like Wall of Omens and Tower of Fortunes. In the top-left you will find the current turn. This game simulation focusses more on the mana generation side of the deck, rather than the taxes side.

enter image description here In this image you can see our opening hand. I would be happy with this hand for the following reasons: 1) we have 2 lands, I would consider that the minimum of how much lands I would like to have in my opening hand in this deck. 2) We have a Weathered Wayfarer, which will help get lands. I already know that we can use it's ability becuase of both Extraplanar Lens and Path to Exile. 3) Path to Exile, some early game defence alongside Wall of Omens. A certain tactic with this deck is choosing to start second, so you will be able to use Weathered Wayfarers effect on turn 2, because if your opponent starts, he/she will play a land before you do, making you have less lands, and being able to use Weathered Wayfarers effect to fetch a land you need and play it.
enter image description here Our first turn, we drew a Plains, which is fairly nice becuase you save a mana now that you dont have to fetch one with Weathered Wayfarer. I dont expect an opponent to come with such a huge threat in the early game that we need to save mana for Path to Exile. So I chose to play a Plains and tap it for Weathered Wayfarer. Nothing more to do this turn.
enter image description here Turn 2, we drew a second Weathered Wayfarer which isnt great, but can be used as a scapegoat to block a creature. Also it is one devotion to white for if we want to fetch Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. If your opponent would've summoned a scary creature, which wouldnt be stopped by Wall of Omens I wouldve used Path to Exile for one mana here, and then use the second mana to fetch a land. I assume Wall of Omens will be able to stop any creature summoned in turn 2 for now, and play it (alongside the second Plains of course), drawing an extra card: Quarantine Field. This is not a great draw early, but still ok. We can keep it in our hand until we get a lot of mana, or just play it for 4, exiling one. Nothing more to do this turn.
Turn 3, we drew another Plains which after drawing 2 non-Plains was welcome. This turn is important, if your opponent is very annoying with small creatures and 1 Weathered Wayfarer together with Wall of Omens isnt enough, you can play either Path to Exile or Weathered Wayfarer or both, and use any remaining mana to fetch a land. We decide however, that we have enough defence for now and play a third Plains, followed by Extraplanar Lens, exiling one of the tapped Plains.
enter image description here Turn 4, we drew another Extraplanar Lens. We currently have 6 mana to our disposal after playing another Plains, so I decided to speed things up, summoing both Archangel of Tithes and a second Weathered Wayfarer, and using one Path to Exile on my own Weathered Wayfarer for an extra Plains. Nothing more to do this turn.
enter image description here Turn 5, We draw another Path to Exile, nice. I tap one Plains for two mana, and fetch Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx with Weathered Wayfarer and play it. Then I tap a second Plains to active Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx' effect, generating 5 mana, this together with 1 we had left over and 4 from tapping our third and fourth Plains, ramps up to 10 mana. I've decided to play Quarantine Field, for 10, removing 4 non-land permanents. Which should be most of your opponents board at that point. If possible I attack with Archangel of Tithes. Nothing more to do this turn.
enter image description here Turn 6, we drew antoher Tower of Fortunes. I fetch a Plains and immedeatly play it and also play a second Extraplanar Lens. We play a total of 4 mana for that, exiling one of the 2 tapped Plains for that. We still have 3 Plains and 1 mana left, the three Plains now make a total of 9 mana, 9 + 1 = 10 mana left. I activate Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx' ability for 2, generating 7 mana, which now totals 15 mana. I play tower of fortune and use it for 8, costing 12 mana. I draw Admonition Angel, Emancipation Angel, Ghostly Prison and Quarantine Field. I play Emancipation Angel, bouncing back the tapped Tower of Fortunes optimizing my devotion to white. I attack if possible.
enter image description here Turn 7, I draw Entreat the Angels. I tap all my mana, 4 x 3 = 12 mana, use 2 for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx devotion to white = 9, 10 + 9 = 19 mana. For Entreat the Angels miracle cost I can play 17 4/4 white angels. The game should be over now.


Updates Add

After almost half a year this deck got an almost complete overhaul once again. With this update, I hope to make the deck more reliable, while also making it more meta focussed. I believe this deck can do some nice things in modern. The reason for this overhaul is that with M19 came Resplendent Angel. This card is exactly what this deck needed, and what makes this deck. The 3-drop slot was always tricky, and before this update filled with mediocre cards that didn't advance this games gameplan. The changes are so big that I saved the previous version of this deck, including description, in the description.

The changes this update are:


A lot of cards in the sideboard


A lot of cards in the sideboard.

What do you guys think about this update? let me know!

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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #23 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 4 Mythic Rares

20 - 7 Rares

9 - 4 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.32
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Angel 4/4 W w/ Vigilance, Emblem Gideon of the Trials, Soldier 1/1 W, Warrior 1/1 W
Folders Angel deck, Blanco, Serious Decks, Decks, Build this, Decks, Modern Competition, decks, Angels (for jess), White decks
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