![enter image title here](http://i.imgur.com/rw9SKIw.png)
0 / 4 +3
This early game wall is exactly what this deck needs. It buys time till you get your mana generators running and for you to summon your angels. The only down side this card has is that its not flying like Angelic Wall, but the card draw is more than enough to make up for it.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Emancipation Angel - Neat little trick, bounce Wall of Omens back and play it again for an extra card.
This card buys time in the early to mid game, as well as stoping any kind of mass creature/token deck. I've chosen this card over other cards that can exile enemy creatures, like Declaration in Stone. The reason for this is that card is is a permanent, which is great for Emeria Shepherd and Sphere of Safety as well as Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. It also targets every enemy creature, which synergizes well with Archangel of Tithes. Having to pay 2 mana for a creature is no joke, makes your opponent attack with a low amount of creauters that may be blocked by Wall of Omens or other blockers. Makes getting counters on Luminarch Ascension easier.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Luminarch Ascension - Ghostly Prison makes it impossible for an opponent to attack with a lot of small creatures early, making you able to block whatever can still attack, and thus getting counters on Luminarch Ascension.
Archangel of Tithes - this together with Ghostly Prison makes it extremely hard for your opponent to attack you, and even if they can attack with one creature, Archangel of Tithes has 5 toughness, makes her a great blocker.
Avacyn, Guardian Angel - If your opponent is able to attack with one very strong creature (instead of 10 thanks to Ghostly Prison) this card makes any other creature able to block it without risk.
Sphere of Safety - These cards work well together, your opponent has to pay 2 for each Ghostly Prison, with this card you can kinda say that they now have to pay 3 for every Ghostly Prison, since Ghostly Prison is an enchantment.
Emeria Shepherd - Ghostly Prison is a permanent, and can thus be returned from the graveyard.
3 / 5 +4
This angel is very strong. Stops token and other mass creature decks, while also makes it very difficult to block. A 4 mana 3/5 flyer is already good, the devotion to white is something that is extra good in this deck since it runs Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. The effect amazing, angels are generally very high mana cost, so having an angel with a decent cost, that buys time, is great. This card really does buy time. And if you weren't convinced yet, this card isnt even legendary. You can have 4 Archangel of Tithes on the battlefield, forcing your opponent to pay 4 mana for each attacking/blocking creature.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Luminarch Ascension - Making it hard for your opponent to attack is what you want with this card, Your opponent has to make the choice between not being able to cast spells, since he has to pay mana to attack, which also means he wont be able to block the next turn. Or putting counters on Luminarch Ascension.
Ghostly Prison - this together with Archangel of Tithes makes it extremely hard for your opponent to attack you, and even if they can attack with one creature, Archangel of Tithes has 5 toughness, makes her a great blocker.
Sphere of Safety - this together with Archangel of Tithes makes it extremely hard for your opponent to attack you, and even if they can attack with one creature, Archangel of Tithes has 5 toughness, makes her a great blocker.
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx - I normally wouldnt list this card in the combo's/synergy part, but having a creature with 4 CMC have 3 devotion to white in a mana ramp deck is absolutely insane. This combo does so much in making sure you have the mana for your spells, you can't rely on 4 cards in you entire deck (4 x Extraplanar Lens) to carry you to victory, do being able to also have this combo just makes running this deck safe.
This deck has a decent amount of enchantments, (9: 2x Luminarch Ascension, 3x Ghostly Prison, 3x Quarantine Field and this card) which makes it worth it to run one. Fun fact, with all echantment in this deck on the field (including this card) and 4x Archangel of Tithes on the field, it costs to attack you with just one creature.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Luminarch Ascension - Ghostly Prison makes it impossible for an opponent to attack with a lot of small creatures early, making you able to block whatever can still attack, and thus getting counters on Luminarch Ascension.
Archangel of Tithes - this together with Ghostly Prison makes it extremely hard for your opponent to attack you, and even if they can attack with one creature, Archangel of Tithes has 5 toughness, makes her a great blocker.
Avacyn, Guardian Angel - If your opponent is able to attack with one very strong creature (instead of 10 thanks to Ghostly Prison) this card makes any other creature able to block it without risk.
Sphere of Safety - These cards work well together, your opponent has to pay 2 for each Ghostly Prison, with this card you can kinda say that they now have to pay 3 for every Ghostly Prison, since Ghostly Prison is an enchantment.
Emeria Shepherd - Ghostly Prison is a permanent, and can thus be returned from the graveyard.
6 / 6 +2
This card doesnt really use mana, but it benefits a lot from the land spam that should be happening with Weathered Wayfarer. If you have those cards, this card i basicly a 6/6 angel with flying and at the beginning of your first or second main phase, you may exile target non-land permanent. This is incredibly strong. And with Extraplanar Lens you can summon this with only 3 Plains on the battlefield, that could be as early as turn 4. And what is often frogotten is that this angel is 6/6. 6/6 is incredebly powerful! Very strong card, 3 copies in the deck.
Combo's/Synergizes With:
Weathered Wayfarer - Ensures you trigger the landfall ability every turn.
Path to Exile - Can in some niche scenario help you remove a non-land permanent (which isnt a creature, otherwise just target that in the first place), cast it on your own creature and get a land, and exile a non-land permanent.
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx - Again, 3 devotion to white.