
Enchantment (4)

Instant (4)


Planeswalker (1)

For the most part, this deck should be pretty straight forward to play.

HOWEVER, here are some notable things to keep in mind:

-First and foremost, always keep Chandra's Phoenix's ability in mind.

-Any number of Satyr Firedancers will enable you to begin burning your opponent down directly and then do the same amount of damage to creatures; an amazing defensive drop especially in combination with Chandra's Outrage and Searing Blood . More Satyr Firedancers will allow you to take down larger/multiple monsters.

-Guttersnipe. If you have one or two down and you have some burns in your hand that you can play (highly likely, lol) it's GG in 4-5 turns given that you can keep Guttersnipe on the battlefield. Target burns directly at opponent. >:)

-Side in Ash Zealot when your opponent is wielding a reanimate deck; in place of Young Pyromancer or Chandra's Phoenix (this one is recommended) for an overall faster win speed.

-Side in Act of Treason and Anger of the Gods at your discretion when having problems with your opponent's creature speed/size.

-Side in Burning Earth at your discretion; I've noticed these are especially good in current meta since everyone uses a ridiculous amount of gates. Although this deck is semi-casual, it can still compete with lower tier competitive decks with Burning Earth .

-Chandra's Phoenix and Ash Zealot are interchangeable.

-Young Pyromancer and Ash Zealot are interchangeable.


My usual win consists of a Satyr Firedancer and a Guttersnipe on the battlefield.


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This is a home brew, a casual deck; no need to conform to Tier 1 meta.. lol. This doesn't win tournaments. It is just a fun deck that I personally like to play with friends. It wins consistently in that setting where there are theme strategies; rather than in tournament settings where everyone is running 3-5 color decks to defend against everything. It seems like the general strategy in tournaments is to build a deck to make your opponent absolutely loathe living (control/destroy everything), and that's all fine and dandy... but to me it's anti-fun. I get much greater satisfaction playing with people I like than a bunch of tryhards who spend $300-500 to stay relevant in standard rotations. I'm not saying it's bad to try hard, I'm saying I am not ready to compete at that level, probably not until M15. I actually have a lot of fun at FNM also, but there are many that ruin the entire experience for me, i.e. FNM grinders who are only there to win.

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(11 years ago)

Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 8 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.10
Tokens Elemental 1/1 R
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