Chandra, Pyromaster - I ran her for a long time. She was great for pinging away birds, getting a Titan past a chump blocker, and keeping me from flooding out. Cut her almost solely for space reasons, choosing Chandra, Torch of Defiance
over her.
Chandra, Flamecaller - I love my Chandras. Eventually figured out she was win-more and strictly worse than an Inferno Titan in this slot
Huntmaster of the Fells
- replaced this slot with Chandra, Pyromaster and later Chandra, Torch of Defiance
. Huntmaster was great against 8-whack and goblins, but I had better experience with the Chandras in other match-ups
Chameleon Colossus - Something for the grixis match-ups, and an rhonas enabler. Went from Sideboard, to Main, to out entirely as meta evolved.
Batterskull - one of the original pieces of the deck. Eventually replaced with another Obstinate Baloth. it came down a turn earlier and gives me the instant lifegain. If the game is grindy enough that I'm bouncing and recasting Batterskull I've done something wrong anyway.
Lightning Bolt - was very useful on occasion, but I felt it diluted the plan of the deck too much.
Thrun, the Last Troll - Control is less of a thing in my meta, so he lost his slot. If it makes a resurgence he may come back.
Crumble to Dust - There are enough match-ups where this has no targets I moved to the sideboard.
Scavenging Ooze - Was a real all star for a while, but replaced him with Courser of Kruphix once dredge lost popularity.
Acidic Slime - This card has moved in and out of the main. Sometimes it's just another piece of LD. Sometimes it's the perfect answer (looking at you, Ensnaring Bridge). Currently out as I'm running monster Ponza, but may put it back in if Rhonas doesn't pan out.
Garruk, Primal Hunter - provides a chump blocker a turn, or if you have a fattie out he can refill your hand. Was a maindeck all-star, but another victim to the sped up monster ponza paradigm.
Obstinate Baloth / Thragtusk - your roadblock for burn decks. Cut these for Finks after move to BBE build.
Sideboard Experiments:
Spreading Algae - added this in anticipation of Deaths Shadow decks. Found this was unneeded as they often only run 1 or 2 basic swamps. Maindeck LD handles those, Blood Moon the rest. Cute, but was unneeded.
Choke/Boil - Ran these mainly for the Merfolk matchup, still had a horrible time with it. Thankfully the fish have disappeared lately. For Merfolk, I'd side out the Bloodmoons for artifact hate and board wipe instead.
Dual Shot - Ran these when Twin was a thing and I needed a good answer for Noble Hierarch and Birds of Paradise. Added benefit of getting to say "pew pew" when I cast it. Eventually replaced with Sudden Shock
Electrickery - replacement for Dual Shot. Performed better, but didn't get to make the sound effect. eventually replaced when I went to 4 Anger of the Gods to deal with Dredge.
Sudden Shock - was important for dealing with combo pieces and mana dorks. Found I needed it less once I went up to four Blood Moons and gave up the sideboard slots to more Anger of the Gods.
Oxidize - replaced with Ancient Grudge which is strictly better, especially with lantern control being a thing now.
Torpor Orb - replaced with Grafdigger's Cage once twin was no longer a thing, as it still stops snapcasters without interfering with my board.
Destructive Revelry - The flashback on Ancient Grudge is far more valuable than the two damage.
Fracturing Gust - Had high hopes for this, but too often the decks I would side it in for, bogles & affinity, would kill me before I hit 5 mana. Ancient Grudge is better for Affinity, LD for bogles.