I'm looking to mix up my FnM (as I always do 8p). I was going to run my take on this, removing blue and making red a real part of the deck. Few question I'd have, would you miss Sphinx's Revelation , like you'd miss it or is it just nice to have? What's Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver doing, lighting rod or just more creature option?
December 4, 2013 11:43 p.m.
Sphinx's Revelation is nice as it replenishes my hand as well as bumps my life up a bit. One or both of these effects have saved my life multiple times, but I wouldn't say it's a core part of the deck.
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver is doing both those things, but she is also not something the deck needs.
December 5, 2013 10:48 p.m.
I've been pretty busy lately and haven't been able to analyze the deck like I would like to in order to throw in Thoughtseize and Silence .
If anyone has any suggestions on what to take out for them (I know there were a couple previous suggestions, I'm just looking for more) it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for all the comments guys!
And Beetall, I took a look at the deck. :)
December 5, 2013 11:10 p.m.
I ran through a few ideal I have but, I always feel its missing something. Feel free to take a look at my take of your deck. Oops.. Did I do that?.
As far as Thoughtseize goes, Your heavy on removal between Supreme Verdict , Far / Away and Volatile Rig . I would look into removing either Far / Away or Supreme Verdict for 2 Thoughtseize and then, maybe slide line the AEtherling for alt win in game 2-3 adding for a 3rd Thoughtseize mb.
Silence feels very awkward to me for this deck. I wouldn't run it.
December 8, 2013 11:35 p.m.
First off, I just want to say "It's GLORIOUS!!!" I have been messing around with the whip/rig idea, it hasn't been too good. Anyway, I took this deck to a SCG IQ today. I didn't top 8 of course, but it was hella fun. There were around 50-60 players so it was a nice crowd. I wasn't sold on High Priest of Penance , it's a decent card and I understand what it does, but it just didn't do it for me. I'd rather have Doom Blade in my hand than the Priest. I did get it to blow up something after the rig triggered, but that was just once. I went 3-3 after 6 rounds, even though I didn't get far it's was still fun.
Round 1 was against Mono Red aggro. the deck is weak against early rush, but if you could keep up and stabilize you shouldn't have much problem. Game 2 I had the Post/Bond combo, but I was beat to death by mutavaults and his creatures. I lost 0-2
Round 2 was against Barely Boros weenie, another rush deck. This one was tough as well. Game 1 just got steam rolled, plus I was drawing poorly. Game 2 I got him though, because he kept a 1 land hand and didn't draw another one for 3 turns. Game 3 it came down to the rig, he had 5 creatures, one was Precinct Captain . He swung with everything into me, I blocked with the rig and whip was in play... I won the flip and died... LOL. I lost 2-1
Round 3 was against Gruul Green Devotion. This wasn't easy due to the fact that Garruk kept coming out real early and I didn't have any way to deal with planeswalker. I sided in more Detention Sphere and Pithing Needle , but it just wasn't enough (I couldn't find the 3rd Blind Obedience so I put in 1 Pithing Needle . I managed to beat him on game 2, because I took my opponent by surprise when I played the rig. He had Domri Rade , Nylea, God of the Hunt and Burning-Tree Emissary in play, then he did his devotion thing and dropped Garruk. He then immediately minus Domri and had Nylea and the Rig fight. Forgetting to plus Garruk, I redirected the damage to it. Game 3 he just had the curve and slapped me hard and fast. I lost 2-1.
Round 4 was against Mono Black. My opponent just had the worst luck of the day. Game 1 I kept a 2 land hand and something like Whip, Ashiok, Sphere, Verdict and Reckoner. He went first so he Thoughtseize and took the whip. He was stuck on 2 land, so on turn 3 I played Ashiok, plus'd 2 and got 2 lands off the bat. That game didn't last long. Game 2 took forever, we were back and forth for awhile, but he finally got me. Game 3 I was prepared and came out on top with Post/Bond combo. I won 2-1
Round 5 was against another Barely Boros weenie. Same deck as round 2, but I managed to actually control the game. The rig came through like a champ on this one, nothing spectacular I just Obzedat/Whip/Bond and Whip/Rig/Post. GG. I won 2-0
Round 6, Final round, was against another mono Red aggro. This one played Madcap Skills . Once again managed to control the game. I did lose game 1 though, he opened with Akroan Crusader followed by Madcap Skills into Titan's Strength and some Chandra's Phoenix . I was dead on 4. Game 3 was interesting. He turn 2 Emissary and Madcap skills. Turn 3, he swung and double titan's strength, I just went "Whoa Whoa Whoa that's scary, Azorius Charm and proceeded to beat him with Post/Bond. I won 2-1.
It was really fun and I enjoyed this deck a lot. I will mess with it some more since I didn't really have time today. I literally threw this deck together 40 minutes before the event started. I have found myself siding out the Priest a lot, because like I said I'd rather just have that doom blade in my hand.
The idea with Anger of the Gods seems nice, but I'm not sure if that works since the Rig will be RFG. And I agree with Darsul, Silence would be awkward.
Honestly, this deck has potential to go really far. It just need a few tweak here and there. If we can find answer to early game aggro and a way to shut down fast dropping planeswalkers then we are golden. Good Job!!!
December 9, 2013 2:51 a.m.
I feel like I need to make even more decks with seldom used cards. I already tried a heavily black Golgari deck using Nightmare . Worked ok, having actual Overgrown Tomb would have helped it a lot.
December 16, 2013 2:28 p.m.
Grimwolf79 says... #9
I like this +1.
You must make a few people mad with that rig lol. I approve.
December 20, 2013 12:36 a.m.
Another story I would like to share while playing the deck. I was helping my friend test his deck and it went like this. I have sanguine bond and rig in play. My friend just dumped his entire hand into play; burning tree emissary, 3 ash zealots, stormbreath dragon. He attacked with everything forgetting that zealots deal first strike dmg I blocked one with the rig. Right before dmg resolved I azorius charm for lifelink. First roll sac, I lost the roll. Second roll for when rig dies, I lost the roll and won the game!
December 27, 2013 2:27 p.m.
Grimwolf79 says... #11
That is hilarious. When those kind of things happen it makes magic worth playing. Rare, but amazing moments.
December 27, 2013 10:46 p.m.
Darksythe222 says... #12
Lol i loved it when people come up with wacky win cons like this total +1 material
December 28, 2013 11:55 p.m.
Looks fun, but whats to stop them from just taking the damage to their life or using a destroy spell instead of burn? His flip trigger only happens if your opponent deals damage to it, meaning its their choice whether or not its ability goes off, and even then its only 50/50 chance. That's why people dont use volatile rig, it's not consistent and the choice is in your opponents hand.
December 29, 2013 1:45 a.m.
Grimwolf79 says... #14
The trigger happen also when the creature dies, not only when it take damages. So destroy spell would set off the rig, the only thing that would is exile types. Also, there is a reason why he have Trading Post in this deck, if the opponent doesn't damage it or put a pacifism on it for example he can just sac it to remove the enchantment or set off the rig.
December 29, 2013 9:45 a.m.
Grimwolf79: Thanks! People don't really get mad against this deck, actually. Everyone that loses to it has told me they had a good time playing against it, which I love, because I have a great time playing it. And you're exactly right about Trading Post .
eddacris: Haha, that's awesome! I have a lot of wacky Rig stories myself, but I think my favorite is still the one I described in my update from FNM.
Darksythe222: Thanks, have you tried playtesting it? It's pretty fun.
Saljen: The thing about this deck is that people don't really have an answer to it. It's not the most competitive deck in general, but because it's so different than the average meta, nobody has ways to effectively stop it doing its thing, even with their sideboards.
With Trading Post I can both sac Volatile Rig and bring him back to my hand (not at the same time unfortunately, but still very nice). Whip of Erebos also brings it, and other things, back from the graveyard. And I have used Far / Away on my rig just as often as I do on my opponent. I can also bounce damage from Boros Reckoner or High Priest of Penance to the Rig if I'm really desperate. Yes, it's a 50/50 chance, but those who have played this deck can tell you that that's part of what makes it fun. But fun aside, when it does go off, it is extremely effective at what it does. And when it goes off with lifelink, you get a massive lead that usually leads to a win.
The smartest move for the opponent is to just let the Rig hit them, which is still 4 damage straight to the face, which adds up very quickly. People do that for a couple turns, realize they're below 10 life, Rig blows up, they're at 5 or less life and I'm back up to 20+. Now, that's not every game, but it happens far more often than you'd think. I know the deck looks gimmicky, but until you actually try playing it against other people, you won't realize its potential. :) It also functions very well on its own without the Rig. If I make a deck focusing on one card, I make sure that the deck functions just as well without that card so that it doesn't flounder in its absence. Just about everything in here interacts with Volatile Rig , but they interact with each other a great deal as well. I've won numerous games off of Trading Post + Sanguine Bond .
It does struggle vs aggro decks, so some suggestions to deal with those would be appreciated. Haven't had much time to work on this recently.
December 29, 2013 11:27 a.m.
You mean no one runs Hero's Downfall in Standard? Or Supreme Verdict ? Or the myriad other destroy target creature spells / counter spells? Don't get me wrong, the deck looks fun but there are more than enough answers for that specific card that will render it useless that are commonplace in Standard decks.
December 29, 2013 12:16 p.m.
They're not as effective as you might think, and with Trading Post and Whip of Erebos there's a good amount of graveyard recursion. I've got a friend who wins FNM every week with an Esper deck full of kill spells and very threatening creatures, such as Obzedat, Ghost Council and AEtherling , that don't die to the Rig's explosion, as well as some other things mixed in like Soldier of the Pantheon and Blood Baron of Vizkopa that can be difficult to deal with, with my deck. And yet my deck still wins almost every time. It doesn't seem like it should work, but it does. It's very hard to see how well a deck works without actually playing it, which I would suggest you do, as you are going over things that have been touched upon numerous times in previous comments. There are a good amount of Control decks in my meta, and those are my deck's strongest match-ups. The problems you just listed are the most common I run into and they fail to keep the deck from functioning.
I try to build my decks around synergy. I don't like the idea of someone destroying one of my cards and my whole game plan falling apart. Countering or destroying a specific card in this deck doesn't do a whole lot to the overall function of the deck. And if a Control deck tries to stall out and win with something like Elspeth, Sun's Champion or AEtherling , my deck stalls right along with it. As mentioned in the previous comment, Aggro is actually the most difficult match-up. The weakest point of the deck is my early game. I'm having trouble editing it to deal with Aggro without hurting the overall synergy.
December 29, 2013 12:59 p.m.
It dies to verdict and downfall, yes but when it dies, it still goes off. You want the rig to go off, so it really isn't an answer
December 29, 2013 1:44 p.m.
Darksythe222 says... #19
Hell the only proper anwser to volatile is exiling it with Chained to the Rocks but you already stated that aggro is your weakness
December 29, 2013 6:36 p.m.
Reading_is_cool says... #22
This looks insanely fun. Im wondering how well it would perform just as a straight up black / white deck though. Underworld Connections , Vizkopa Guildmage seem to fit well here..... and god forbid... can you imagine Gift of Immortality on that rig?!
March 10, 2014 5:19 a.m.
Demyx Brought it to a modern Tourney with a small edit (-1 Far / Away -2 High Priest of Penance +3 Hero's Downfall ) and it went 2-2 and never got shut out, all in all great deck really fun compared to the Esper deck i usually run
April 12, 2014 11:10 p.m.
I have a very Similar Deck, also Esper. I suggest using one or two Bubbling Cauldron
Demyx says... #1
Go for it. :) I'm not sure if I'd take it to that level of a competitive environment, but by all means. Just make sure to tweak it for your meta. I was also going to possibly mainboard/sideboard Silence and Thoughtseize but just haven't gotten around to editing it yet.
December 4, 2013 11:22 a.m.