Woah! This deck can win games! Two wins was honestly better than what I was expecting so I was very happy with it.
Match 1 WIN!: RG Energy: Game 1 the deck did exactly what I wanted, surprised the crap out of him and he wasn't prepared for the massive life gain and I ran away with it.-- Game 2 he sideboarded some artifact removal and was able to destroy my Aetherflux Reservoir and I got another out but it was a little too late. -- Game 3 the deck did well and he hit me hard, but I was able to keep gaining until I combo-ed out for the win.
Match 2: WIN!: RB Madness: Game 1 same thing as before, blew him away with the deck concept and he didn't have an answer.-- Game 2 I can't believe it...he won with Triskaidekaphobia which was so much fun to see.-- Game 3 we fought back and forth and I was able to one turn storm into a win.
Match 3 Loss: BG Counters: Game 1 here is the deck to beat right now...and for good reason. It was a true test for this deck against great aggro and I was one turn away from going off (he went first). Game 2: mana screwed! LAAAAAME
Match 4 Loss: BR Madness Vampires: Game 1 he had exactly enough to kill me and next turn I would have gained a ridiculous amount of life and most likely won. Game 2 mana screwed completely. One land! LAAAAAMMME
I learned a lot about the meta and what this deck needs. It needs exactly what I thought it would...answers to aggro. I originally thought I could gain so much life that my opponent couldn't keep up, but it's just a turn too slow to life gain enough to survive. So I'm thinking of either trying to gain more life, use fog effects, or return creatures/permanents to their hand. Either way I now know this deck is totally viable and with the right tweaks, it can kick ass. Stay tuned for more!