More Description will be coming:Sideboard+ actual sideboard/How to play the deck/More on Eldrazi invasion/Deck will have updates/Strategy(Aggro)
The Eldrazi invasion, caused when the Eldrazi escaped their hedron prison is wrecking havoc on Zendikar. After destroying Sea Gate and Oran Rief they are plowing across Zendikar leaving only blood and dust in their wake.

But something is standing in their way, the planeswalkers. Among these heroes are Gideon Jura, Nissa Revane, Kiora, Chandra Nalaar, and Jace Beleren. The fate of Zendikar rests in the outcome of this battle.

Reaver Drone: This guy is the only one dreop creature in the deck and though he may make you lose some life, he is one mana for a colorless 2/1 which means he benefits from other cards in the deck.
Forerunner of Slaughter: He is two mana for a great body and he has a little perk which can give creatures haste for 1 colorless. Like if you have him out and can't decide which three drop to play, just play one and next turn give the other one haste.

Sky Scourer: Being the only flyer in the deck, Sky Scourer is immensely helpful. He is pumped by other colorless spells enter the battlefield and being hard to block, he is an okay game finisher.
Ruination Guide: He gives all of my colorless/all my creatures +1+0 giving my deck a big boost. I can get it out on third turn and my deck would be a lot worse without him.
Herald of Kozilek: He is a guy who lets me cast almost all the cards in my deck for one less mana. He can be used for attacking if you want, and he letsthe deck curve out.
Flayer Drone: This card's first strike status gives him a formidable upside because of his low toughness, making him a card that people don't want to block. He can make them lose a life when you cast spells giving him a nice edge.
Dust Stalker:This 5/3 with haste's disadvantage can be turned into an advantage. If I have no other creatures on the board they are probably playing control so his dash ability makes him harder to kill. A fourth turn five damage is also a strong asset in battle.

Reality Smasher: He is five mana for a 5/5 trample haste. He is hard to kill because they discard if he is targeted by a spell, or you counter it. In this deck, he is my ultimate wincon.
Clutch of Currents: This sorcery is just a one drop to slow down there board state giving you more time to do what you need to do in order to win the game. Also it's awaken ability can help in late game if you draw it. (Assuming there is a late game.)
Rush of Ice: Rush of Ice can also stall but instead it taps their creature for two turns. It to has the awaken ability to help in late game.
Brutal Expulsion: This instant is a great surprise for unwary enemies and can kill one creature and return the other to it's owner's hand. It can pave you a path to victory.