Standard StUrzasBeard


StUrzasBeard says... #1

this is my comment tutorial

October 6, 2015 8:08 a.m.

StUrzasBeard says... #2

Lol I'm dumb, disregard that last one.

October 6, 2015 8:14 a.m.

sidewinderucf says... #3

I replaced the Retainers with Ramrollers. They're reliably 4/3 with the number of other artifacts in the deck, and the lack of casting restriction gets them out faster without a Weaponsmith.

October 19, 2015 10:01 a.m.

sidewinderucf says... #4

I replaced the Retainers with Ramrollers. They're reliably 4/3 with the number of other artifacts in the deck, and the lack of casting restriction gets them out faster without a Weaponsmith. Plus throwing a Temur Battle Rage on it turn 4 gives your opponent a very nasty surprise. :)

October 19, 2015 10:05 a.m.

StUrzasBeard says... #5

That is an excellent suggestion sidewinderucf!

October 19, 2015 5:14 p.m.

SakuyaSama7 says... #6

How do you deal with Virulent Plague outside of just countering it? It's just outside Disdainful Stroke's range, while being low enough cost that people can circumvent Stubborn Denial's tax.

October 20, 2015 10:41 p.m.

StUrzasBeard says... #7

If virulent plague comes out too soon. The thopter population isn't that large quite yet and the spell gets wasted. Turn 3 will yield at most 1 thopter in this build. Beyond that there will likely be a retainer, bonded construct equipped with a ghostfire blade or some power 4 combination (ideally) on the board nullifying the sd tax, SakuyaSama7.

October 21, 2015 8:12 a.m.

StUrzasBeard says... #8

Updated:I removed 2 Fiery Conclusion from sideboard and added another Disdainful Stroke + Stubborn Denial I think those are better answers to more cards and hate than saccing a dude to kill a dude.

October 21, 2015 4:23 p.m.

thatguy21 says... #9

add creatures that will give youu thopters, 2 more hangeralkers, four thopter spynetwork, 4 gostfire blade, the point of playing thopters is to have a lot of fly ing weeneis and giving them +1 +1 and swing

October 22, 2015 5:56 p.m.

StUrzasBeard says... #10

I run 2 walkers for a couple reasons: 1) i only have 2 and cant justify buying 2 more at 15 bucks a pop. I purchased these 2 at 12.2) i have tried these at a 4-of using proxies, they slowed the deck down. Without an external source of +1 counters they will spend the greater part of a game just growning which is a poor investment. 2 is nice because i am not tripping over multilpes in a game just to have them get exiled and lose out on the tokens anyway.

Aside from that. I dont understand your other suggestions. I am running 7 creatures already that come with thopters. Plus 2 networks. If i were to toss out something for more thopter generators, what would it be? Toss the bondstructs? No turn 1 plays or speedbumps. Weaponsmith? No mana accell for artifact spells or turn 2 plays. If my cheapest spells are going to be 3 and 4 mana the game will be over by then. What you may be suggesting is an entirely new deck. If so i would love to see it and playtest against it.

October 22, 2015 9:16 p.m.

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