Geth's Guide to the Eldrazi Apauperlypse
Digitalhawk96 says... #2
I would consider Duress since it allows you to both see what your opponent is doing and remove their important pieces. I myself like to run things like Faith's Fetters , Snakeform and Journey to Nowhere since, no-one really main-boards hate against those kind of cards... mainly enchantments - nothing quite like turning a bomb into a 1/1. Good deck, quick Eldrazi is always terrifying.
July 23, 2013 6:10 p.m.
This deck feels inherently bad because of its insanely demanding curve - 19 lands, 3 of which colorless and 4 CIPT have to power out such colossal spells. Not to mention, the eldrazi combo is comprised of three cards - a discard creature, Exhume and an Eldrazi - very hard to assemble in most cases with the 0 draw this deck has.
The deck just feels flimsy as hell - it is Mono Black + Reanimator - juggling the two things at once is an impossible task. Choose either UB reanimator or Mono Black Control. This brew just straight up loses whenever you cannot cast a t1 or t2 crusher.
July 1, 2014 7:15 a.m.
OcelotProblems says... #4
@Boza I appreciate the input and agree that the deck could use a bit of a land infusion as Bojuka Bog
could likely be sideboarded. However, the deck has held its own in play-testing vs other popular Pauper decks, and during its sole Pauper tournament appearance it ran 3-2, losing only to white weenie(both times) that used Pacifism
and similar enchantments to lock out large creatures while controlling the small ones. My mistake was side-boarding in more removal instead of discard, which ultimately could have changed the pace of those games. Overall I felt the deck played consistently, and through either discard or removal could stall out a game until it could set up an eldrazi drop.
I'm all for improving the deck -- what suggestions do you have? It is a Pauper deck comprised entirely of commons, it's not meant to stand up to Modern/Legacy or even Casual decks with access to rares.
UB Reanimator could be viable in Pauper with the inclusion of Dimir Guildgate but would it be more consistent? I feel it would trade removal/discard for counter/bounce which would be more versatile but again I question if that would be more consistent. Thanks again for the feedback, as it allows me to critique my selections from other points of view.
July 1, 2014 12:43 p.m.
Trust me, I am now in the midst of organizing a pauper tournament. I know what the format entails.
After 10 playtests here and after double mulliganning every time, I have never drawn all three combo pieces for turn 2 crusher, let alone the 4 pieces for a turn 1 crusher out of what amounts to thirty draws. Half the time I was lacking adequate mana also.
UB reanimator is the definitive reanimator style. You get a lot more draw, a bit more control and whole lot of ways to get cards into your hand. Here is a sample list off the top of my head:
7 swamp, 7 island, 4 terramorphic expanse, 4 evolving wilds - deck thinning is key. 38 cards to go.
4 Putrid Imp - still the king of discard.
4 Ulamog's Crusher - his Pauper brother, Hand of Emrakul is actually very bad.
3 Stinkweed Imp - protection from attacks and dredge is great combination
1 Twisted Abomination - the better version of
These twelve creatures will do us well. We have win conditions, enablers and protection amogst them. 26 cards to go.
4 Careful Study - the best discard spell we have
4 Exhume - duh.
4 Shred Memory - a tutor that can prevent them from ever reanimating a creature with Exhume .
2-3 Dragon Breath - one turn can make the difference for the crusher. Number depends on speed of the meta.Used in faster metas.
These will be the main engine of the deck that power the crusher out. 11 cards to go.
4 Agony Warp - takes care of one creature and blanks another for a turn. searchable in pinch with Shred Memory
2-3 Duress - a turn one discard can be all the difference. Number depends on speed of the meta. Used in slower metas.
3-4 Disfigure - works vs most pauper dudes. Number depends on speed of the meta.Used in faster metas.
1-2 Deep Analysis - a great thing to discard. Number depends on speed of the meta.Used in slower metas.
The crucial thing here is sideboarding. We want to boost both our matchups vs aggro and control via the SB:
4 Apostle's Blessing - protection vs Doom Blade or Journey to Nowhere .
3 Curfew - have you met the hexproof deck? You should, it is brutally faster than reanimator. Works wonders vs delver.
1 Stinkweed Imp - vs everything in general, but mostly delver.
2 Deep Analysis - vs slower decks. You want to make sure to hit the right number.
4 more discard spells
1 Diabolic Edict - works in a pinch vs pressure. Additional Curfew .
July 1, 2014 3:07 p.m.
OcelotProblems says... #6
@Boza Wow, thank you for that as well as explanations for your choices. I agree Hand of Emrakul
is terrible, and should go. I would love to work Shred Memory
into the deck, I'm embarrassed to admit, I thought it tutored for casting cost 3. I actually picked up a playset originally for this deck and then cut them later. Dragon Breath
is sneaky - I like that as well. You have definitely given me a lot to think about - and a great reason to update this deck. There will definitely be major revisions to this deck based of some of your suggestions.
I'll have to look into what flashback cards are out there that I can make use of as well.
I'll have to refer to you on my other 2 pauper decks for some input as it sounds like you have a much more vibrant meta than I do. If you have the time & interest to share your thoughts. Thanks again for your thought provoking feedback!
Maybe it's Maybelline Playtest
SCORE: 9 | 9 COMMENTS | 2111 VIEWSand
Teeth Fairy Toll Playtest
SCORE: 5 | 1 COMMENTS | 1430 VIEWSJuly 1, 2014 3:49 p.m.
Based on your mana-base I'd recommend you use Bile Blight instead of Echoing Decay.
August 24, 2015 10:14 a.m.
OcelotProblems says... #8
@StopShot Bile Blight is an excellent card, however, as an uncommon, it is illegal in a pauper deck. I appreciate the suggestion though! Thanks.
August 24, 2015 10:57 a.m.
@OcelotProblems, oh, I'm sorry. I hadn't recognized at first this was pauper! Have you thought about using Death Rattle or Darkness? Both have had common printings.
August 24, 2015 1:09 p.m.
OcelotProblems says... #10
@StopShot I hadn't considered either of those suggestions. I think Death Rattle would be a possible alternative to Snuff Out, although I personally prefer Snuff Out - I often use it early to keep the board clear, or late game I'll just pay it's casting cost. Darkness is an interesting choice that would likely be a sideboard card, depending on the meta environment. It would be pretty nice against aggro, in that case, I'd replace the Sign in Bloods that are in the sideboard with it. Thanks again for the suggestions!
August 24, 2015 3:05 p.m.
Chittering Rats is really good in Pauper and Unearth does well with Chittering Rats and Rotting Rats
August 31, 2015 11:41 a.m.
OcelotProblems says... #12
@Disfigure I actually used both Unearth and Chittering Rats in my original deck (You can see the original deck under "Updates"). I ended up cutting the rats for Liliana's Specter because I had them on hand and they added some avoidance with flying. Unearth lasted until my most recent revamp, where I'm aiming more for the combination of Ulamog's Crusher and Dragon Breath. Thanks for the suggestions!
August 31, 2015 12:28 p.m.
notanothercthulhu says... #13
If you are looking for another discard engine that packs a big bite Vampire Hounds can get pretty big. Cool deck +1 from me.
September 23, 2015 1:18 p.m.
Tortured Existence seems like a awesome fit! A way to get rid of ur big guy to get back what ever then cheap him out. But with only 1 way to cheat him out don't seem good enough.
April 4, 2016 8:31 p.m.
Pinkie_Satanas says... #15
I love this deck, but i cannot avoid seeing a couple of problems. You lack filter cards like Faithless Looting, Tormenting Voice, and Cathartic Reunion that help find, and discard, your combo pieces. I feel like you lack power to be aggro, and control-y stuff to be control. However i like the discard package you have here, and i'm very curious about it, how did it perform? :D Nonetheless i love the idea of a pure mono-black reanimator deck. Maybe as a variation on the classic monoblack control? Have you consider it?
November 19, 2016 12:19 a.m.
OcelotProblems says... #16
@Pinkie_Satanas I piloted the original build of this deck at a pauper tournament, and it handled infect aggro well, beat faeries (but it was close), manhandled a few homebrews, and got shut down by white weenie control (once during the tournament, and again in the finals). The mistake I made was trying to run pure removal against the white deck, when I should have sideboarded into heavy discard. The decks strengths are its versatility, however, it can have some consistency issues. Thanks for the comment and let me know if you try it out and have any results that could make it better!
November 21, 2016 10:11 a.m.
Denox60pro says... #18
What do you think about Songs of the Damned? It could give you another way to cast crusher, it works well with Consume spirit and it can create a board wipe big enough to clear anything with the rats in the sb.
Replayced says... #1
I like the deck. I playtested it a bit. My luck is lousy though so I was either land screwed or flooded. Still though i always had enough to get an eldrazi out on the board fairly quick. +1 from me
July 5, 2013 7:41 p.m.